Chapter two

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Cry's POV

I walk into class and the teacher stops me.

"And who are you young man?" He asked.

"I'm Cry, do I have to introduce myself again?" I nervously ask.

"Yeah cause there are different students then your last. " he explained

"Fine, im Cry you repeatedly ask a question I dont was to answer you better watch yourself. right PewDie?" I say sarcastically. "can I sit by Russ he's the only one I know. " I ask him.

"Yep" he responded.

I sit behind Russ again and PewDie sits next to me. I start drawing again not paying attention. I figured I can study later may be with Russ.

PewDie starts staring at my mask. I lay my head on top of all my stuff and act like im taking notes but draw again.

Class after class I introduce myself and sit next to Russ.

At the class before lunch I was sitting drawing and the bell rang. I walked with Russ to the cafeteria but get tripped by Stephano.

"Great this outta be good as long as he doesn't question me." I mumble.

"So you think you can punch one of us and get away with it?" Pigged asked.

They started beating on me but I've had worse so I just say there until....

PewDie grabs my mask. Reflexes kick in and next thing I know, I'm on top of him getting ready to punch him.

Before I do all I get off and join Russ.

"Wow okay you weren't kidding when you said you dont fight unless they ask or touch your mask. " he laughs.

"Yeah, uh do you mind if I sit with you at lunch?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure but you do have to meet my other friends too. " I follow him to the cafeteria and after we got our food he shows me to a table where we sit down.

"This is Cry, might want to be afraid of him he punched PewDie already." Russ introduced me.

"Yeah me be afraid I'd like to see that happen." A ruf deep voice said. I jumped back a little surprised on how a kid could sound like that.

"That is Snake-" he points to a man with a green bandana "- this is Red-" he pointed to a red head. "- and Jund, " he points to a kid with dark brown hair.

"Hi there, Friends?" I say more of a question.

"Come on don't be nervous, you can trust us." Red said.

" can I ask what's with the facial expression on the Mask " Jund asks.

" so people can't figure out my emotions. " I answer

"I though you didn't want anyone to ask or know?" Russ shoved my shoulder.

"he didn't ask why I wear it he asked why it's facial expression is like it is." I say as if he was stupid.

After we, well they cause I cant eat with a mask on, finished eating the bell rang and I followed Russ again, but everyone I ment earlier was too. What do you think happened?

Yep. I got tripped again.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked PewDie.

"No you can't just back out of a fight like that. You pinned me down and the left you wimp. " he explained.

"Cause you touched my mask, sorry I dont want to get suspended on my first day of school. and if you want a fight you gotta earn one." I bitterly say.

"What did you get in a fight at your old school then came home and your daddy beat you?" He acts like im a puppy.

I set my stuff down and stare at him. "Would you like to repeat that?" I whispered

"did. Your. daddy. Beat. You.?" He mocks my tone of voice.

That's it.

A grabbed his shirt and push him into a wall. He hits his head on a metal ball and falls to the ground.

I grab my stuff and follow behind Snake. "Nice job, but im pretty sure he had a concussion now. " Snake compliments me.

"I couldn't Care two shits if he has a concussion right now, he Pissed me off and I dont get Pissed off that easy " I lied.

I did care if he had a concussion, I cared if he was okay. Cause im nothing like my father.

Or at least that's what I thought, I felt really bad. From now on no fights at all

The rest of the day went as the beginning except Red Jund and Snake were in my classes too. And so was PewDie, Russ told me but I didn't know because he didn't show up. I felt bad to be honest I thought it was my fault.

At the last class Russ came up to me and asked my where I lived and if he could wall with me.

"Sure uh about a 20 minute walk through. " he nods and we start walking to my place. So to arive I take out my keys and find the right key out of the two.

"How come you have two Keys?" Russ asked.

"One's to my motorcycle but I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I walked. " I explained.

His eye's lit up.

"Awesome, you have got to take me on a ride sometime. " he asked. I turn and unlock my home door.

"Why not now?" I ask smiling.

He dropped his bag and hugged me but quickly pulled away realizing that I was tense and that it was awkward. "That 'd be amazing. "

"Follow, friend "

I put my bag next to his and grabbed my two helmets headding for my little garage.

I start up the bike and pullout of the garage closing the door. I tossed him a helmet and after he put it on he climbed on.

I drive around the town and I can feel him holding on for dear life, but after awhile he loosened up. "Hey would you teach Snake how to ride?" He asked.

"Sure why not, friend."

" you should turn down this rode and pull up at a Green house. " he yelled all could hear. And I do as told and turn off the bike letting him get off.

I put down the kickstand and get off taking out the Key i pull off my helmet and fix my beanie and hair. "who's house are we at? " I ask.

"Snake's come on." He grabs my wrist running to the front door not caring to take off his helmet.

"Snake, you said you wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle right?" He asked the Tall man.

"Yeah, why?"

"Cry has a motorcycle, and is willing to teach you."

Snake smiles at me and asked if I will.

It took about three hours but I showed him how to drive my bike bit he did get it. So now he knows how to.

"Come on i think we should get going its late. " Russ nudged my shoulder getting up and putting on the helmet.

"okay see you later Snake."

"Bye. "

I drive into my garage and get off the motorcycle after Russ. I went and sat on my porch Russ following after shortly. He looks at my nabors car and freezes. "Inside." He said walking in. I followed him and asked him what was wrong.

"That... PewDie is your Neighbor and always visits his new Nabors to see if they have any kids that go to his school."

"Shit...." I yell

"Hey, it is getting dark could I spend the night?" Russ asked.

"You silly, to think I'd say no. sure you can borrow some of my clothes they should fit." I tell him

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