Chapter Ten

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Cry's POV

I screamed as I flew up and fell of the bed really hurting my foot.

A few seconds later Felix runs in and tries to get close to me.

"Stay back!" I yell.

He comes a little closer.

"I said stay back. Don't hurt me please." I begged.

"Cry it was just a bad dream I won't hurt you I promise. " He said walking closer.

I started crying in my knees recalling what happened.

He came over and sat next to me rubbing my back.

"Cry, tell me what happened." He said.

I calmed down a little and cried in his chest.

After an hour of sitting there he was still rubbing my back and holding on to me as I finally stopped crying.

"M-my father escaped prison and then killed my mother... and I came home and fell asleep. I woke up to the spins of a gun cocking and.... and.... I looked up and you had a gun to my forehead. Then pulled the trigger." I cried some more.

"You know I would never do anything to hurt you. Now that im with you. And when I wasn't with you and I hurt you, it killed me." He whispered in my ear.

"I...I know, thank you. But I want to go see my mom can we?" I asked moving so I can look at him.

"Baby, it's four in the morning, she's probably sleeping." He told me.

"O-oh okay." I say in a saddened tone.

"I'm sorry, but you must've been really tired because you missed school today. I couldn't get you to wake up. " He joked.

"Let's just go back to sleep please, I.. my foot hurts." I say. he gets up and picks me up brittle style, setting me on the bed.

"Goodnight Cry, I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Pewds, I love you too." I hugged him, taking in his smell.

You call it weird I call it.... I don't even know but he smells good.


I wake up to feeling someone's lips against mine. I quickly kiss him back.

"Good morning, beautiful " he whispered.

"Good Morning, silly." I mocked.

"Come on we have school today, take a shower you stink." He smiles.

"I think you're smelling yourself. " I say while sitting up and standing up.

"Pewds I'm gonna need your help taking this off and taking a shower. " I shyly say.

"Come on don't be shy. it's okay, sit back down and I'll take it off then help you shower." He says.

I sit down and he slowly takes of the cast. I look down at my foot.

It's all purple, swollen, and misshapen.

He takes off my shirts and then my jeans leaving me in my boxers.

"It's okay I won't do anything." He whispers while picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom. He sets me down on one foot and takes off my boxers. After he turns the water on and joins in without any clothes.

I felt so embarrassed.

He washed my hair, my whole body, and then washed out the soap. Then he let me help him the best I could.

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