Final Chapter

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Cry's POV


Their was a sound of a gun cocking.

There my father was with a gun pointed at PewDie.

He pulled the trigger. and Felix fell to the ground. I cradle his body holding on for dear life not wanting him to leave me.

I hear another bullet and look up yo see my father who had just shot himself.

"I love you I love you . "I continually repeat chocking on my own sobs.

I fell the couch as I shot up. I see PewDie next to me. I quickly get up and hug him. Not caring if I woke him up.

"Wha... baby what's wrong?" He noticed I was crying.

"I had a dream where you died... my father shot you. I couldn't take it." I cry in his chest.

"Don't worry baby I'm not going anywhere. I will always love you and always be by your side. " He kissed my forehead.


Yeah yeah I know it sucked at least I changed my old ending. I used to have it kill Felix off.

Thanks for reading and I hoped you all enjoyed.

So until next time.


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