Chapter three

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pewDie 's Pov

I got signed out after I hit my head of the pole. So I went home and put some ice on my head lucky that I didn't have a concussion.

I laid down on my couch watching Adventure Time with the ice, thinking about that Cry kid.

When he got all up in my face I felt his breath against mine and it felt good

I liked it.

This guy has got some guts to punch me and push me into a wall.

Whenever he talked I got butterflys when I first saw him he looked beautiful. I wanted to know what was behind the mask. I wanted to know him. I wanted him.

Fuck what am I gonna tell the Bros?

They don't know im gay.

That had anyways been my secret.

My thoughts had been cut off by the sound of a motorcycle coming back to the house next to mine.

Shit I wanna see of they have any kids that might go to my school give me someone to pick on.

After a while I here they're front door close so hopefully they won't leave again so I can sleep


I woke up yo yelling of two males. But a playful yell. Must be playing video games like me most of my life.

I walk over and knock on their door.

I kid in a mask answers it.


My neighbor is Cry

"Fuck, what did you do follow me home?" He asked rudely.

"No I'm Fucking trying to get rid of my headache you gave me so could you keep it down?" I asked in a yell tone.

"Fuck off." He closed the door in my face.

Great now I have to blast my music to block out the noise.

I woke up on my couch and get up to take a shower.

I change into some dark blue skinny jeans, a black long sleeved under shirt, blue 'BroFist' shirt, black converse and did my hair its normal way.

After I did that I ate a bowl of cereal and started walking out the door until I heard my neighbor's door shut and seen Cry walking out with Russ.

Cry's hair flowed perfectly over his mask, his beanie being the final touch to his hair dew.

I loved the color of his hair. It was mostly red but every so often it had black in it.

He was wear a black under shirt, A Pierce The Veill over shirt, dark blue tour skinny jeans.

Except on these jeans they had a red stain looking like blood. And they didn't look pre-tour. They look like they were caught on something at the right knee.


Cry's Pov

Me and Russ walk to school together and I swear PewDie was checking me out. But he was probably just looking at me in disgust.

I mean I couldn't even get my blood out of these. The blood was caused from him... Same with the tear he was dragging me down the stairs

Today was the same as yesterday except PewDie didn't bother me that was until the class before lunch was finished.

I promised myself no fighting.

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