Chapter Nine

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Cry's POV

I used to have a trampoline so know how to do a backflip and I want to try to do one.

"PewDie!!! I want to do a backflip!!" I yell. He stops jumping and tells me to do one.

I get enough height and do one but when I go to land I land on the front of my foot and fly off the trampoline.

My foot hurts really bad.

"Fuck Cry are you okay?" PewDie jumps off the trampoline and gets next to me.

"No my foot. I think its broken Felix." I tell him.

"They dont have a car so ill carry you to the hospital. " he picks me up and sets me on his shoulders again.

"PewDie can I wear my mask?" I ask.

He hands me my mask and slides on his shoes and started walking to the front of the house and knocks on the door.

"Hey, just thought I'd tell you were leaving now because I think Cry broke his foot. " PewDie tells stephano.

"Okay." Stephano said.

PewDie carried me to the hospital at a slow pace. I didn't want to rush him because he's carried me everywhere today but my foot hurt miserably.

A few minutes later and we're there. He explains what happened, While I laugh at my own stupidity.

The doctors do an X-Ray and told me that yes, it was broken and I'll have to wear a cast for awhile.

They cast it up and give me crutches telling me im good to go home.

I walk with my crutches with Pewds by my side.

"We'll have to go back to Stephano's tomorrow. I left my shoes there." I say as we enter my house.

"Yeah, but it's later we should go to bed." He said while yet again picking me up and carrying to my bed.

He sets me down then, lays down himself.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes and got up but when I put pressure on my foot it hurt like hell. Then I remembered I broke my foot yesterday.
I grabbed my crutches and walked out to the kitchen and seen Pewds setting plates.

"Mama Pewds is in the house. " I sat and I must have startled him because he almost dropped a plate.

"just sit down and eat, silly. " he laughed.

Me and him eat in silence and then I checked the time.

"We have to leave in 5 minutes." I tell him after I finished eating.

"you have to get changed, then we can leave." He says.

I go back into my room and get my loosest skinny jeans because I need room for the cast.

I change into black skinny jeans with a hole at the knee, black long sleeved under shirt, a loose SayWeCanFly shirt, and my traditional beanie. With one black conver.

I grab my crutches and walk into the living room to see Pewds with. Both of our book bags his on his back and mine in his extended hand.

We walk to school and see my friends at the door, waiting. Their faces go confused when the see me.

"What happened?" Red asked.

"I thought that after seven years I could still land a perfect back flip on a trampoline. " I laugh.

"Idiot." Jund smirks.

"Hey I used to me able to stick a perfect landing." I hit him with one of my crutches.

We do our usual and separate into our groups and go to the class.


At lunch we all were talking and I stayed quiet thinking about what Mr.Ross

"When's. First ment you, Mr.Ross said he knew who you were really what did he mean by that?" Russ asked.

"He was my old neighbor. I forgot about that. When my dad was at work him and I would always play. Then when They left it started and I tried to play catch but I was always sore and one day be found a bruise and found out the whole story then moved the next week. " I look down at my arm and pull up a sleeve and trace a scar.

We all started talking again then the speaker came on and Mr.Ross started talking.

"Uh I'm sorry for this interruption but Cry I need to speak with you." it said.

"Alright I'll be back." I pick up my tray with one hand , throw it away, and walk to the office.

"Ryan, son take a seat." he said nervously but I did as told and leaned my crutches against his desk.

"First off I would like you to takeoff the mask sense I know everything and that you found your mother and Nathan again. " he asks.

I take it off and he looks in horror.

"Uh, well let me start with this, your father escaped prison. " he looks down at his desk.

"What? No. No. No" i repeatedly said.

"And second we know who the murderer is just not where he is..... Your mother has been killed by your father." I fall off the chair and raise my good knee and lay my head against, crying.

"I talked to Nathan he's gonna spend a week with me for you to recover. " he kneels down to me and patted my back.

"Okay thank you you Ja... Mr.Ross " I corrected myself.

"Son who are your two closest friends?" He asked.

"R-Russ, a-and P-PewDie " I stutter.

"I'm gonna call them down here and have them take you home okay?" He asks.

I nod slightly.

"I also need to see PewDie and Russ in my office. Please it's important." The speaker went off again


I walked in my home with the help of PewDiee and sat on the couch.

I fell asleep and woke up to a sound of a gun cocking.

I open my eyes and see PewDie with a gun to my forehead.

He pulls the trigger

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