|my glitchy lover boy 💕| error sans x hard to feel male reader

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what I meant by "hard to feel" was that he or you in this case have a hard time feeling emotions but can still feel them actually that's the thing I have but anyways I hope you enjoys lovely's

It was peaceful in the anti void, you were playing with some of the dolls that error made since there was nothing really to do also playing with them is fun, error finally comes back to the anti void you look over to him, he had something in his hand, you couldn't tell what though.

"What cha got there glitchy?" You say with a hint of Curiosity in your voice

"Nothing- nothing- nothing that s-s-should be of your concern-n-n-n" he says with his glitchy repeating voice while looking at you disinterested.

"Alright then cutie" you say while looking back down at the dolls in the corner of your eye you could see his cute glitchy face turning blue, most likely from embarrassment or such, honestly you flirted a lot around and around others, it was a hobby it was kinda surprising at this point to get flustered from it.

He walked up beside you because of errors phobia it was hard to touch him with him crashing but there was one thing you could which is hold his hand and if he can handle it a quick hug depends on the day though.
Although there were times when you would kiss him just to get him flustered or to get a reaction out of him most of the time he crashed so you didn't do it that much.

"You never told me you had a new friend, how are they love?"you say not looking away from the dolls smirking you could tell not needing to look that the colour from his face if he had it, faded away
"W-w-what d-d-do you-you-you m-mean nEw Friend-d-d?"error says slightly concerned his voice was more glitchy then normal so that meant he was worried in way.
"the new friend you have they introduce them self to me saying they were your best friend saying they were gonna help me or something "you say now looking at error, he looks at you trying to wrap his head around what you said.
"I-I don't-t-t haveeEe a New-new-new friend?" He says you frown slightly trying to figure out if he's lying.
"Then I don't know who they are then." You say looking down
"D-did they s-say there name?" he says lightly putting a hand on your shoulder
"Yep they did" you say looking at him
"What is it?" He says looking at you dead in the eyes
"If I remember correctly it was.... Ink?"you saying your taping your chin for a couple of seconds

He looks at you annoyed then says "if he ever comes back again say you don't need help"he says with out even a single glitch in his voice his grip on your shoulder tightens until it hurts, he looks mad
"Error love. Please let go your hurting me, I understand what you said."you say slightly distressed , you didn't really know why he was so pressed about it.
He freezes "s-sorry" he stutters more then anything "its okay love"you say calmly

He stands there for second he seems guilty he then sits down beside you and forces you into his lap you flinch at the sudden movement but is more then happy that your in his lap he then hugs you, you rarely get a hug from him and getting this much from him is like heaven and more you loved it, it made you feel fuzzy inside, you smiled for once, it wasn't forced most of the time you would have to force a smile to show that you were happy because you couldn't feel enough of the emotion to do the action to show it.

You did not dare to say a thing just in case this heaven ended because of it, your choice probably made him happy because you heard him purr quietly, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Please don't ever leave me.." his voice calm, soft, sweet, loving all at once.

"I love promise my glitchy lover boy" you whisper back.

729 words
I enjoyed making that, I might another one but angsty cause why not? Anyways hope you guys enjoyed lovely's

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