|i'm sorry master| yandere nightmare x reader

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Idk why but I have been getting into the more yandere things lately also trigger warning this has mentions of r@pe and abuse.... hope you enjoy lovely's

His grip on you was tight and Secure, he had you on his lap with his face nuzzled into the back of your neck
"You won't ever try to leave me again understand?"he says seemly annoyed but certain.
You had tried to escape but got caught and had both of your legs broken as punishment, you were still kinda teary as it had happened a few hours ago.

"Mhm"you hum in response, he rubs your hips.
"I'm sorry for trying to escape I just wanted to go outside..."you lie
"Don't lie to me, don't want to have another punishment now do you?"he says as he puts your hand on his cheek bone
You don't answer. Afraid of the out come..

"Good boy~ now"he says, he picks you up and holds you bridal style, he walks over to bed and puts you in and hugs you.

You had your back to him with his arms around your waist and his head in the crook of your neck.
"I love you darling"he says softly
"I- I love you too..."you Sutter out
He grabs your arm and squeezes it softly
And let's go
"I wonder how you would look under me"he says while putting his hand up your shirt. You flinch

A few hours later

You felt so dirty.... So unclean he sits with you on his lap while kissing and biting your neck.
"W-why did you d- do that?"you say while putting your arms around yourself.
"I did it because I love you~ and your mine. no one else can have you"he purrs.
"But why did it hurt? Why did it make me feel dirty?"you say now shaking
"You ask too many questions, maybe I should shut that pretty mouth of yours"he says while putting his finger on your lips.

"I'm sorry nightmare"you say quietly
"That's not right say it again say my name"he says

"I'm sorry master..."

359 words

It didn't feel right to make that... but here we are.....

Sans au x male reader  one shots | requests are open |Where stories live. Discover now