|a poor Attempt| nightmare x sh suicidal reader

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Just a trigger warning as their will be a part in this that has the reader or you attempting to take your own or their own life and mentioning of sh (self harm) but to make sure if your comfortable or not I will point out when they are going to do it :) I hope you have a good day or night lovely's  ^^

*tap* *tap* *tap*

Your finger lightly taps the desk as you stared at your note book, filled with horrible words and names you have been called by yourself or others.

Your door creeks open slightly, but you didn't take notice of it, you had zoned out.
A bright cyan coloured round shaped light looks through the crack of the door after a moment the door opens up enough for a person to walk through with ease.

It was nightmare.

His grip on the handle tightens as he stares emotionlessly at you, having a sense of Dread that something bad was going to happen, but he wasn't to sure yet but he chose to be careful and keep an eye socket on you.(reminds me that Part of a song that goes "I've got my eye on you" lol)

His grip loosens and walks over to you, to place a hand on your shoulder make you snap out of it.
You blink then look at him, he wasn't looking at you though he was looking at your desk, then he looked at you, seeming sad?... why was he sad? Why was the king of negativity sad?

You look down at the desk now realising you had zoned out and had left your book open
You close it, not daring to look at him though..

".are....are you alright my love?.." he said, confusion and concern was in his voice but he did a good job at hiding the majority of it.

You place a hand on his hand that was on your shoulder.
"I'm fine......... I promise" you hesitated before finishing the sentence.
He took notice of it but said nothing about it, as it was the least of his concern at the moment.

"Don't stress dear, do what you need to do I will be fine I promise." You say, smiling a soft reassuring smile as you looked at him with kind eyes.


"...alright" he whispers, he then moves his hand from your shoulder to the side of your head to pull you closer and give you a soft kiss on the head.

He walks out the room and closes the door behind him.

You stare at a certain drawer that needs a key, you open up another drawer and pull the key out and unlock the drawer then pull the drawer open to reveal a pencil sharpener blade and some bottles of random pills💊.

~sh (self harm) time~

You pick up the sharpener blade and pull down your sleeve, it was covered in scars of the past and other stuff. You start cutting your skin, your skin acted like a piece of paper, thin and easy to slice.
With each cut blood slowly dropped from it after a few minutes you stoped, your arm was covered in new fresh cuts, some were deep some were light.

~ end of sh time ~

you put away everything back in its place and wipe away the blood with a disinfectant wipe.
You pull your sleeves back up and stand up..

~ about to mention suicide ~

You stare at the palms of your hands, you weren't exactly proud of what you did.
You were thinking of just finishing the job and ending yourself, it would make everyone else's lives way easier, I mean all you did was get in the way, you were a road block honestly, so everyone else was better off with you being dead... no one would care anyways...

You thought of ways you could do it.. hanging... overdosing...jumping.. huh jumping maybe that could work, but where? What time what would make it perfect, and where would you jump from?
Then it hit you.
There was an Cliff not too far from the castle..... perfect
You decided you would do it to night.

~ hours later ~

Finally, nightfall.
You quietly exit your room then leave the castle, you were praying no one would notice,
You walk into the Direction of the cliff, knowing this forest was a maze it was good to know where the place actually was..
After an hour of walking your standing at the cliff, tall very tall.
you weren't always a fan of heights but it won't matter now because, you won't be here for much longer.
You had left a note Prior to leaving the castle, so they know..

You take a couple of steps back, welp if your gonna be dead might aswell make your last jump just a little bit fun..
You run at the edge knowing what will happen if you fall, and you wanted that.
But just as you were about to jump...you stop.... Why did you...stop?...
You felt that someone was standing behind you, they also seemed distressed, but how could you tell you weren't even looking at them?....

You felt it coming closer to you, until it stood by your side...
"Y/n..." a deep voice says.. it was nightmare, was he.. crying? Why was he crying, no he shouldn't be crying why does he care? Why is he crying he shouldn't be...

He places a hand on your shoulder you flinch,
he then hugs you?... why was he hugging you? You don't understand...
"why are you crying" you ask as you hug him back, confusion was filled in your voice..
Why does he care, he shouldn't care... why?

"I won't let you do it.."he says, with hurt in his voice... you fucked it up this time...
"Why? It's not like I matter anyways..."you place a hand on the back on his skull and comfort him..  you don't know if he is really being affected by it or it's just an act

Was... was he scared? Why.. why is he scared? No. No no he shouldn't be!
So why was he?
Confusion was all that filled your brain

"I can't lose you, not yet!.... Please..."he sounded like a child begging for something... why does he care.. he shouldn't! He really shouldn't!

"Why do you care?"you look at him softly... he looks at you, he was more goopy then normal and his eyes were waterworks.
"Please don't leave me.."it hurt your heart to hear that... such simple words but with such strong meaning.


It was so unnatural for him to be like this... he was acting like a child..


He repeated those words over and over again as more tears fell from his eyes.... Why does he care? He shouldn't be acting like this...
He's the king of negativity why does he care...
The way he was acting was so unneeded, it's not like you matter that much...

Yet he seemed so hurt and scared....

"....f-fine...I won't do it..."it hurt to say that, but it kinda felt nice aswell...
He just hugged you tighter not wanting to let you go...

maybe you did... matter..after all...

What a shitty attempt


I hope you enjoyed ^^

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