|why?| classic sans x sh reader 🧸 dark fluff 🧸

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I made this because I have done sh my self and I wanted to make a chapter about it also y/n has emotional problems like me meaning that the sh does not bother them that they did it and they won't cry but will feel at least something  I guess you could say this is a comfort thing but I am not ver sure because I can't feel anything anyway enjoy this dark fluff your about to read..

The blade of the knife is clean no blood although your skin says otherwise..
You grab The Band-Aids and wrap up your arm and put on your normal glove.
You put your stuff away.
You walk out into the kitchen and make yourself a cup of coffee still thinking about what you just did, though you don't regret it not one single bit, you would think it did good for you, but it didn't it was only a scar you were putting on your body for you to remember in the future..
A reminder of the past..

sans hugs you from behind, out of no where he grabs your arm sharply you shake from the sudden movement.
He bends your arm back slightly

"Oh I fucked up." You thought You look at your arm to see what have caused him to do that.. you didn't put on the glove properly the Bandages and some cuts were showing. You yank your arm away from him.
"Y/n give me your arm." He looked at you dead serious.

You don't answer but just stare at him, you hold your arm with your hand
"Y/n give me your arm now"he says, you refuse.
He ends up managing to grab your arm
"Let go"you say struggling to get out of his grasp.
He pulls off your glove to reveal all the bandages and Band-Aids And scars
He looks at you hurt.

He pulls the Bandages and Band-Aids off to reveal new cuts on your skin.
Tears well up in his eyes (eye sockets?)
"Why.?"he says while looking at you.
You don't answer.
"I told you to let go now look what you did"you say while yanking your arm away from him
He hugs you, you slowly hug him back, to be honest it would be a lot to take in.
"I'm sorry?" You say not knowing what to say, all you could feel was nothing it was not relevant for you to feel something at the moment.

"Please tell me why you did it"his hug was tight tears were sure to be streaming down his face.
But nothing you felt nothing.
"I had no reason, I just did it, some times people do horrible things to their self or others for no reason.. and I am one of those people.."you stare at the ground then him, it hurt him and you knew it but it was not bother to you."please never do it again, please, please, PLEASE never do it again"

"it hurts me to see you like this"

Those words got to you. You felt a tug at your heart, it hurt like no other pain. You look at him with no emotions in your eyes.

"I wish I could tell you how much it hurt me to hear you say that"you whisper
"I will try, I will try for you but no promises okay?"you say, you hug him tightly
"We need to clean up your cuts they might get infected"he says
"I'll be fine I've had worse then infection"you say, you look at your wrist, blood drips onto the floor.
"Ya know kinda wish this were real"
"I am gonna wake up soon aren't I?"you say while looking at him
His face becomes blurry he just nods and hugs you
"I miss you love"
"I wish I could come back to you."

You wake up and sit up...
You look to the other side of the bed, it was empty as usual,
You get up and get dressed and go to the flower store, you get some roses and go to the cemetery

You stare at the rock with marks engraved in it.

You place down the roses on the dirt bed and put your hand on the rock with the other hand in your pocket.
You chuckle softly
"Been awhile huh? Welp it's our anniversary, told you I wouldn't forget it :)" you crouch down
"Gosh do I miss you"
You take a seat by the rock and place your head on it.
"Papyrus is doing well, frisk has been adopted by both asgore and tori"
You went on to tell the rock how the others are doing

You get up to leave and finish the visit by saying

"Don't I will come back on your birthday aswell love"

812 words

HA! I bet I made you sad huh? Welp that was the whole point of it but I hope you at least enjoyed it.
I like making angst. Love you lovely's and to those who have done or are still doing sh I want you to know your not alone in this, I have done it myself although I am not proud of it. That doesn't mean I am invalid just like you, you are valid, there are people who love and care for you, and even if there isn't let me be that person who's there for you :) have a nice day or night lovely's.

Sans au x male reader  one shots | requests are open |Where stories live. Discover now