Chapter 8- Nightmares

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This is a little bit of a filler chapter, due to the fact that I'm still waiting to be able to post the first death(s) chapter. Since the death chapter is mostly written by Mystro, I am still waiting for it to be sent to me, so that I will be able to write my part of it, if need be /lh

For now, have a short filler chapter :)


Scott's POV

"Shelby!?" I yell, looking around every area of where the cabins are for my lost friend, "Shelby, please, this isn't funny!".

Nothing. Nothing to show where she could have gone. I take in a shaky breath. I promised to protect her! I have to find her... but where is she!?

I swear, if I find out that one of this forsaken group hurt her... or worse... killed her... I will rain down the pain of a billion lightning bolts on them... they'll wish they never crossed paths with me on that day. They'll WISH that this wasn't real. They'll beg for the pain to end... but the pain NEVER ends.

"SHELBY!?" I yell as I continue running around.

"Scott! I found her!" I hear the voice of Meghan yell. I snap my head around to look at the pink haired female and begin following her, running along side my first victim until I see the brunette laying in the snow, bleeding.

"SHELBY!?" I yell, rushing to her side and feeling for a pulse or a heartbeat. There was one of both, but it was slow.

"W-What happened to her!?" I snarl at Meghan.

"I don't know! I just found her like this! There is a group of wolves nearby, maybe they attacked her..." she takes a guess, walking over and kneel down beside me.

I look back at Shelby was angry, sad, anxious and confused eyes. "S-Snowflake...?" I whisper gently, placing a hand on her cheek.

Her eyes lightly flinch open against the sun that blinded her. "S-Shelby?" I ask, hopeful as she lightly leans into my hand, but very weakly.

"S-Scott...?" she whimpers, pain filling that one word.

"W-What happened!? Who did this to you!?" I ask, scared out of my mind.

She sheds one tear of pain, before trying to answer me, but her voice would just not cooperate at all. All she could do was whimper. I take in a shaky breath and blink a few times, "D-Don't worry Shelby... you'll be okay! You have to be..." I say softly, yet strongly at the same time.

"Scott?" I hear a voice behind me, but it wasn't Meghan. I look back to see H looking at me, confused. I could see pain in his eyes.

"H?" I ask. "Who were you talking to?" he questions.

"W-What do you mean!? Shelby is right-" I'm cut off as I look back to Shelby, or rather... the snow beneath me. "W-What?" I mumble.

"S-Scott... Shelby was buried 2 hours ago, remember...? We couldn't save her... she had already lost so much blood" H says with a quiet tone.


My eyes shoot open and I gasp, breathing heavily as I stare at the ceiling of Shelby's cabin. I feel a weight against me, I look to my right to see Shelby sleeping peacefully beside me, her steady breaths letting me know that she was okay.

Wait... was that a nightmare? I sigh in relief, thank the whispering gods...

I put my arms around her and gently pull her against me, refusing to let go. For those few moments, I felt my entire world crashing down around me. Hearing the words 'Shelby was buried 2 hours ago'... I felt every inch of my body go numb.

But waking up, seeing Shelby safe in my arms... I'm so glad she's alright...

I swear to you Shelby, I'll protect you, forever and always. Nobody will ever hurt you... and if they do, they're gonna be in for a world of pain, not like they won't be already when i'm done with them.

The sun is rising... it'll be time to go set up the scene soon. But I can't leave without knowing Shelby is safe... when she wakes up, if she's happy, I'm happy.

If she's safe, that's all I need to know.

If she's sad, I'll cheer her up.

If she wants to cuddle all day after Meghan and Jimmy are dead, then I will happily cuddle her.

Tonight, I'll get to see how she'll look under my strings. Under my whispers. I need to use my whispering abilities on her tonight, after I murder Meghan and Jimmy.

Her eyes... I wonder how they'll look... looking directly into mine... glowing with obedience...

I have no way of knowing just how many times I'll need to whisper her before she becomes converted, but I will enjoy every moment of each time... I will be the only one she trusts... the one she comes to for safety...

I take a deep breath, but that will begin later tonight. For now, she needs to sleep... because later on, things are about to change, and she needs to be prepared for the news that Meghan and Jimmy are, or rather, will be dead later.

I take another deep breath and grin darkly. I'm going to enjoy every moment of tonight...


Art time! This time of ESMP S2 Shelby! :)

Art time! This time of ESMP S2 Shelby! :)

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