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The upcoming episode Destruction drove me crazy that a theory might be Cat Blanc returning. Maybe Cat Noir might feel angry that his lady kept secrets from him and never told him anything. It's a guess but it also made me feel sorry for our kitty being in the dark.

Characters belong to (c) Zagtoon.


Just like last time, Ladybug and the team have defeated akumas 5 times this past week and Cat Noir was a no-show. Cat Noir is starting to feel left out that Ladybug is forgetting her kitty and the fact that she lied to him and that she's irreplaceable. For the past few months, his lady has been irresponsible with her duty as guardian, and she has forgotten about the partnership.

He saw Ladybug, Vesperia, Pegasus, Viperion, and Carapace already defeated an akumatized villain and he was simply behind the chimney in anger. He smashed the chimney with his baton to get his anger out and jumped from roof to roof to head home.

"If she wants me left out then so be it," He thought while running. He jumped through the open window and said his detransformation words in a green flash and handed Camembert cheese to Plagg.

"I'm really starting to think Ladybug doesn't need me anymore," Adrien said bitterly.

"She's the guardian, kid" Plagg swallowed his cheese.

"That's still no excuse, Plagg" Adrien slumped on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"For being one she's irresponsible and careless," Adrien said.

"C'mon Adrien! She still trying to keep it all up" Plagg said.

"She's not the same as before" Adrien replied.

"And what are your facts?" Plagg asked.

"She's very distant with me now. Sure I leap into action without a plan but she's doing no good either" Adrien said, getting up and going into his bathroom to go take a shower to cool off.

"Poor Adrien" Plagg sat outside.


As another week went by, Ladybug still summons the team again without Cat Noir, making it like Cat Noir never existed and the news thinks the feline is either nocturnal or chasing mice.

"Why bother to join them? They don't need me" Cat Noir scratched the metal plate on a rooftop in anger.

He then spots movement camouflaged in the blue sky in the distance. He soon noticed it was none other than Rena Furtive who was being called.

"Rena Rouge?" Cat Noir said and follows her quietly without being noticed. He was curious about the new color scheme of hers.

Cat Noir stayed quiet while hiding and saw Ladybug coming her way to meet Rena Furtive, "Any news of Shadow Moth lurking around?" Ladybug asked.

"No, nothing. Ladybug, that monster hasn't shown his face in 2 months. And where's Cat Noir?" Rena Furtive asked.

"That kitty is fine. He just needs a break, that's all" Ladybug lied.

But hearing this, Cat Noir got fed up and felt ready to show up.

"Aren't you ignoring him enough?" Rena Furtive asked again.

"I can't tell him why. As guardian, I cannot reveal secrets to him" Ladybug said.

"And what secret would that be?!" Cat Noir showed himself, scowling.

"Cat Noir?!" The girls said.

"You know I hate secrets, miladies. Don't even bother lying to me. I can't believe I trusted you, milady!" Cat Noir was getting really angry.

"Kitty I.....I didn't mean to but I had...." Ladybug didn't finish when Cat Noir interrupted her.

"Lately it seems like you don't even need me and I never said I needed vacation. You're worse than Volpina at lying! I thought you were a responsible guardian but I was wrong. I'm not even your favorite, am I?! You told me I'm irreplaceable but you lied to me!" Cat Noir cornered Ladybug.

"Cat Noir, calm down!" Rena Furtive said.

"Not until I've made my point! For too long I've been kept in the shadows since she got guardianship. No one keeps secrets from each other!" Cat Noir said.

"Kitty, I'm just trying to protect you from getting akumatized!" Ladybug yelled.

"I don't need your protection! We never, not even once, will we ever get akumatized!" Cat Noir yelled.

"We never know when it happens," Ladybug said.

"For being guardian, you are irresponsible! Because I quit being your partner!" Cat Noir clenched his fists and does a wall jump to the roof and leaves the girls behind.

"He is right, I'm one terrible guardian!" Ladybug drops to her knees.

"Ladybug, you gotta talk to him," Rena Furtive said.

"Yeah, you're right. Once he cools down" Ladybug said.

Cat Noir was now far away, still mad at Ladybug, "Who am I kidding? I can fight on my own"


The next day, Adrien brought Nino to the boiler room to talk about something. The same way Nino told him about his superhero secret.

"What is it you wanna talk about, dude?" Nino asked Adrien.

Adrien sits at the desk with his feet on the desk, "Remember a couple of months ago you told me your Carapace secret?"

"Yeah, I do remember" Nino replied.

"Well, I have a superhero secret too," Adrien said.

"You do?" Nino looks up.

"I used to be the snake hero Aspik but it didn't last for long. But there's more. Plagg claws out!" Adrien transformed into Cat Noir.

"Oh......my......lord! You're the night whiskers the entire time?!" Nino was in shock.

"Yes, the whole time," Cat Noir said.

"So that means..." Nino tried to say.

"You nearly tried to kill me as Rocketear? Yes," Cat Noir said.

"I don't blame you, Nino. You were akumatized" Cat Noir said.

"But you should know that secret identities have to be protected at all costs," Nino said.

"Yes, this is between you and me only" Cat Noir said.

"Is there something wrong with your nine lives, dude?" Nino asked.

"Yes, a lot. From my father neglecting me, framing my friends, calling them bad influences and now Ladybug not calling me in for the team and keeping secrets away" Cat Noir held up each claw finger.

"I thought so too but apparently I was wrong. Her new guardian duty changed her and she claims she wants to protect me from being akumatized" Cat Noir crossed his arms.

"What? You and her have never gotten akumatized" Nino said.

"Exactly," Cat Noir said.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Nino asked.

"I'm gonna work alone," Cat Noir said.

"As in like a lone wolf?" Nino asked.

"Of course. I'm done with Ladybug, with her secrets and her being distant" Cat Noir nodded.

"Dude, being a hero is not about getting her attention, is about taking responsibility," Nino said.

"She and I were supposed to be partners but no more. I can prove it I can work on my own" Cat Noir said.

"Dude, there could be serious consequences that can affect your reputation," Nino said.

"On second thought, I may need time to think. Plagg, claws in" Cat Noir said and detransformed.

"What a cute little kitten you got," Nino said.

"Greetings, I'm Plagg" Plagg greets him.

"Hi, Plagg" Nino replied.

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