Fun Fair

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A week went by and Adrien remained sane and ignored his dark side Cat Blanc from annoying him. Is this what the akumatized victims feel when they suffer the trauma of their akumatized selves? As long as he has his magical charm, Shadow Moth can't akumatize him again.

"What's the matter, brother? Is the insanity kicking in?" Cat Blanc licked his arm like a cat.

"You've done more than enough! I'm nothing like you!" Adrien glared at Blanc.

"But you will be. We know our father likes to pull your strings. Shall I claw him for you, brother? He should know the meaning of fear and respect!" Cat Blanc hissed.

"I'm not a murderer," Adrien said.

"Are you gonna let him pull your strings all your life and miss out on everything?" Blanc growled in his face.

"No, I'm not gonna let him get into my mind!" Adrien clenched his fists.

"You're so naive and oblivious as usual. A lost kitten like you is very lonely" Cat Blanc jumps to the bed and licked his paw.

"Not at school I'm not alone plus I got Plagg" Adrien replied, making Plagg smile.

"Whatever. Next time, ignore all commands" Blanc said.

"Oh, I will. Without violence" Adrien said.

"And you better ignore your father bossing your ass around! I don't see him being a real father to us!" Blanc extends his claws.

"I know. He misses out on me growing up" Adrien said.

"Then he deserves to miss it. Plus, he shouldn't be using you" Cat Blanc growled.

"Yeah, I must have my freedom not just as Cat Noir but also as a regular guy," Adrien said.

"That's the spirit" Cat Blanc smirked.

"Plagg, claws out" He transformed and went into his closet to wear a black hoodie with the green word 'Cataclysm' and a green paw print.

"Wow, I look dashing in a hoodie" He looks in the mirror.

"Whatever. Just go meet up with our lady at the fun fair" Blanc scoffed.

"I will" Cat Noir jumps out the window.


At the fun fair in Paris, Cat Noir was having a great time with his lady. Especially wearing his hoodie above his suit.

"This is fun, Kitty" Ladybug said while having cotton candy.

"I told ya that hanging out gives fun," Cat Noir said.

"Yeah, to bring us closer and know each other better" Ladybug replied.

"And I won a cute little hamster stuffed animal for you" Cat Noir held a stuffed animal hamster.

"Aw, thank you, Kitty" Ladybug took it and hugs the stuffed hamster.

"This is why we need a break from patrolling, bugaboo" Cat Noir said and walked to snacks.

"After all this trouble, yes, we need it" Ladybug followed him.

"Last time you were going crazy with patrolling to think Shadow Moth is lurking around" Cat Noir rolled his eyes.

"Guess I was getting paranoid. By the way, the hoodie looks good on you" Ladybug said.

"Merci." Cat Noir said.

They got American hot dogs and a soda. And they went to a bench to eat and drink their snacks together.

"Well, I gotta hand it to you, Kitty. The fun fair was a great idea to spend our date or fun time together" Ladybug said.

"And to celebrate me as the co-guardian" Cat Noir said.

"Yup. And my miracle box became this" She showed the picture from her bug phone.

"It looks purrfect like that" Cat Noir said.

"Mmmhmm.....for a kitty that has paws," Ladybug said and ate her snack.

Cat Noir ate his too and drank after that, "It's been a week since Shadow Moth hasn't sent an akuma" Cat Noir said.

"Yeah, I guess he's too afraid to release another destructive akuma that turns on him," Ladybug said.

"I may not remember but I guess my dark side doesn't like being commanded" Cat Noir ate his snack.

"Yeah, I guess" Ladybug finished her snack.

"I've always been a wild cat" Cat Noir finished his.

"Only I can tame you" Ladybug teased.

"And you have" Cat Noir purred.

"Oh, come here Cat Noir" Ladybug hugs him.

While hugging, Cat Noir purred cutely. He nuzzled her hair, happy to have his lady in his paws. He hopes that she won't distance him again because partnership is very important when it comes to being responsible as a superhero. At the same time, he has to deal with Cat Blanc haunting him in his mind. He has to find a way to tame him, even if he's not real. Ladybug also still doesn't know that Cat Noir revealed his identity to Nino. Someday she'll get a taste of her own medicine for telling her secret to Alya.

"So, what do you wanna do now Kitty?" Ladybug then asked.

"Actually, I got some things to do. Thank you for hanging out with me, bugaboo" Cat Noir said.

"You're welcome, Kitty. Good luck" Ladybug kissed his cheek.

He did a blow kiss and pole vaulted out of here, heading to where Nino lives, "Well time to see how he's doing" He lands near his rooftop.

He goes to his window and knocks on it, "Nino, it's me Adrien" Cat Noir called.

"Dude, where have you been?" Nino opens the window to let the feline in.

"Me and Ladybug were out on a date at the fun fair" Cat Noir said as he got in.

"Seems she is expressing her feelings for you, Dude" Nino said.

"A little but we have a big responsibility of defeating that monster. If he ever shows his ugly face again. It's always the bad way or the death way" Cat Noir said.

"Yeah, these attacks have to stop. He has akumatized people for too long" Nino said.

"And that's what worries me. Those I care for; he might use them against me" Cat Noir said.

"It's every villain's motive, to use those close to luring out the hero," Nino said.

"Shadow Moth has no friends because he's a coward. least you and I worked out on sharing secrets. I'm sorry I got akumatized that day. I have no memory of being Cat Blanc" Cat Noir said.

"Well, we did everything to keep you from destroying Paris and we succeeded in bringing you back to normal. I don't blame you" Nino said.

"So I heard that rumors been going around that I broke Shadow Moth's control?" Cat Noir asked.

"Well that's one guess since videos showed Cat Blanc fighting him," Nino said.

"It seems I had some strong willpower," Cat Noir said.

"That's possible," Nino said.

"Well for now Paris won't have to worry about me getting reakumatized" Cat Noir said.

"By the way, Blanc left this white cat" Nino gestures to the white cat that was underneath his bed.

"Meow" The cat came out of hiding.

"Like what you see?" Blanc appeared in front of Cat Noir, as he was in his head he couldn't be seen by Nino.

"I never realized he likes white cats," Cat Noir said and picks up the cat.

"It's quite the opposite that black cats bring bad luck while white ones do not," Nino said.

"Yeah, considering my powers are destructive" Cat Noir pets the cat.

"So what are you gonna do with him?" Nino asked.

"I might as well keep him," Cat Noir said.

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