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I awoke to the sound of howling. I sat up and checked the time. It was almost 2 am. I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Sammy" Chris whispered.


"Come with me, please" I got up and followed my brother towards the door. I noticed that he had a duffle bag with him.

"What's going on?" A soft voice asked from the top of the stairs. I looked up to see Allison, then looked at Chris to explain.

"Your aunt Kate just texted, we're heading out to pick her up"

"It's 2 in the morning, is everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah, she's just having a little car trouble."

"Its not serious is it?"

"No, just a flat tire, go back to bed sweetie" I heard his heart beat pick up then go back to normal. He was lying. Allison went back to her room and we were off.

"Just a flat?" I asked as he drove us to Kate, "you know we don't get along."

"She's changed Sammy"

"People don't change Chris." Silence lingered in the air as we drove.

Chris slowed to a stop. I saw my beloved sister with a shotgun slung across her shoulder. "Great" I thought aloud.

"Be nice." Chris said to me as he got out. I sighed and slouched in the seat, waiting for them. I listened in on their conversation.

"Get in" Chris demanded.

"Not even a hello? Nice to see you?" she mocked. Ugh, hate my sister.

"All I've got right now is please put the assault rifle away before someone notices"

"That's the brother I love" she said. I scoffed at her sarcasm.

"There were definitely two of them"

"The alpha?"

"I dont know but one of them tried to kill me" I wish it would've.

"One of them is gonna lead us to the other, he can't do that if he's dead." Chris responded.

"Well I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first."

"How long will it take?"

"I give him 48 hours, if that" They walked back to the car. I saw someone in the shadows. I focused my sight and saw Scott. Hopefully she wasn't talking about him.

"Sammy!" Kate's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey" I forced a smile.

"See Chris, that's how you greet someone" She said as she climbed into the backseat. I rolled my eyes. Chris drove me to my house and dropped me off. He walked me to the door, leaving Kate in the car.



"Try not to fight with Kate"

"I'll try but you know how she likes to push my buttons"

"Yes, but for my sake"

"Okay" I hugged my brother goodbye and watched as he drove off. I went up to my room and fell sound asleep.


"Sammy! Sammy!" There was a huge pain in my head. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the lovely Stiles.

"Oh thank god" I blinked away the blurriness as I tried sitting up. I used the tree to help me get up.

"Sammy" I looked at Stiles who looked very concerned, "oh my god"

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