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I sat at a table waiting. I took a sip of my coffee which was now getting cold, but the temperature didn't really matter to me. I just needed the caffeine. My leg shook vigorously as the caffeine from my last four cups ran through my blood. I checked the time every five minutes, and every time I checked, I swear the seconds went slower. The cafe was mostly empty, considering it was about four in the morning. I stared at the half eaten bagel on the table.

"You really should cut down on the coffee honey" Her familiar voice filled my ears and soothed my heart. I turned around and smiled at the one person who could make anything better.

"Mom" I got up and hugged her. I smiled at her as we pulled away. She sat in the chair across from mine.

"So, why'd you insist on me coming back" she asked. I stared at my cup for a few seconds before clearing my throat.

"Um, so, last week I was with Scott and Stiles-"

"The spazzy kid and his friend, correct?"

"Yes, anyway, we were at the high school and um, the alpha was there"

"You mean Laura?"

"No mom, um, Laura's dead." I looked at her, sadness flashed through her eyes but soon disappeared.

"So you want me to help you find the alpha"

"Yeah, basically"

"Samantha, you know I left for a reas-"

"Stop running from this mom. Help me." She stared at me, I thought she was gonna turn me down, like she always does.

"Okay" I smiled at her words.

"Thank you"

"So what's the real reason you called"


"Finding the alpha, main reason, but not the only reason. What happened at the high school"

"I was attacked, but I didn't feel it. I don't even know how it happened"

"Is that what you're hiding on your neck" I instinctively reached up to feel the wounds.

"Yeah" My mother always knew what was wrong, sometimes even before I did. That's a skill she inherited, her and my father, they knew about danger before it happened, they knew things about people that they didn't know themselves. They were special.

"If it was from the alpha, it's gonna take more time to heal. Just make sure it heals before the alpha dies. From the looks of it, it's pretty deep. You're linked with the alpha, if it dies, you die too." I nodded my head.

"Listen, I'll help you find the alpha, but after that I'm leaving. There are things I need to do, but like always, you, Sammy, are more important." I smiled at my mother's words. She had other children, but I was the only one she didn't keep. She used to tell me it was because she wasn't ready, but I think she didn't want me to live like her and my father.

Constantly running away. Constantly put in hiding.

"C'mon, let's go" My mother's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I got up and followed her outside.

"Uh, how'd you get here?" I asked, looking around the parking lot

"Same way you did. I ran" She smirked at me before taking off into the woods.

"Great." I took in a sharp breath as I ran after her. We ran all over Beacon Hills for hours straight. I slowed down to a stop near the river. My mother and I stood there for a while, catching our breaths and enjoying the scenery. We were gonna go at it again but I realized the time.

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