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I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. I went to check on Stiles, but he left so there was no one to bug. I drove to the only video shop in Beacon Hills to rent a movie. This place was usually vacant most of the time. I scanned the aisles looking for something interesting.

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" a voice bellowed. I stood on my tippy toes and looked above my shelf to find Jackson on the other side of the store. I debated with myself on whether I should help him or not. Unfortunately the good side won so I walked over to him.

"Hey, romance movies are over there" I said to him while pointing to the sign that said 'Romance' He mumbled a thanks before walking away. After a few steps he came back

"Come with me" he grabbed my arm and dragged me with him

"What ar-"

"Be quiet!" I gave up fighting with him and followed orders. We walked slowly across the store. I finally saw why Jackson wanted me to be quiet. We turned a corner and found a body, a dead body.

"Jackson you're killing my arm!" He let go and stumbled into the ladder that was across the aisle, which knocked out the lights. I followed Jackson as he started walking away. Then I heard something, and I'm pretty sure Jackson heard it too. Growling. We turned around slowly. There in the dark, two red eyes stared at us. Jackson grabbed my arm again and pulled me as he hid behind one of the movie shelves. Jackson peeked over the edge but shot back. I heard the sound of crashing and movies hitting the ground.

"Sammy!" Jackson pulled me out of the aisle but I still got stuck under them. The alpha stalked over us, mainly Jackson. I don't know what happened but it went crashing out the window. I shimmied my way out from under the shelf and lifted the shelf high enough so Jackson could get out.

"Are you okay?" He asked me

"Yeah, thanks by the way. Are you okay?" I was a little confused by this because 1. he knew my name and 2. he's cares if I'm okay

"Fine." And like that, he was back to his jackass self. He walked out as the ambulance and police came. I was taken to the back of an ambulance and examined. They asked me a bunch of questions but I was fine so I pushed them away.

"Sammy you okay?" I looked up to see the sheriff. I smiled and nodded my head,

"Yeah, I'm okay"

Jackson started yelling at the Sheriff about wanting to leave. I rolled my eyes at him. He's such an ass.

"Whoa! Is that a dead body!?" Stiles questioned while pointing to the body being rolled out. The sheriff looked at his son. I remembered that I parked my car in front of the window that the 'mountain lion' jumped out of. I looked at my car and it was wrecked.

"Oh man" I said while rubbing my face

"Wow that sucks" Stiles said

"Thanks Stiles"

The Sheriff walked over to us "Ouch, that's bad. Your insurance should cover it. C'mon, we'll take you home"


I woke up early and dressed semi-nice because it's Allison's birthday. I wanted to surprise her at school, but since I didn't have a car, I walked. When I got there I didn't see Allison's car in the parking lot so I went inside. I went to the locker room to find Scott, because I'm damn sure he'd know where she is.

"I'm not here for Scott" I heard Derek say.

"Well I am" I thought to myself

"I'm here for you"

White Wolf // Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now