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It's been a few days since Kate's death and Derek's newfound power. I've been thinking about a lot these last few days. Every plan, proposition, idea, they all lead to the same outcome. I need to leave Beacon Hills.

The funeral was today. It was about four in the afternoon so I decided on getting ready. I curled my hair, put on makeup, then slipped on my dress. I left my house at 4:30 and drove to the cemetery. There were police blocking off the section that was being used for the burial. Paparazzi and news people filled the area.

"They'll never leave us alone" I said to myself as I got out of my car. As I got closer to the setting I got bombarded by paparazzi.

"Ms. Argent, can we get a few words? Just a few words! A few words, Ms. Argent!" I pushed through the crowd of people, not saying a word. Once I got through an officer held them from coming after me. I was the first one here, I came early hoping I'd get here before the press but I didn't. Ten minutes later Chris, Victoria and Allison showed up. The paparazzi did the same thing to them. I walked over to them giving Allison a hug. Victoria and Allison went to sit as Chris and I waited for Gerard.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Chris said to me

"Well, it wasn't my idea." I replied.

"I tried telling him. But he insisted on making a point of it."

"He always does. He can deal with this when he gets here." I looked around the cemetery. I spotted Scott and Stiles hiding behind a huge gravestone. I shook my head at them. Scott was probably here for Allison. They have to keep things secretive for the time being because Chris isn't okay with them being together. Chris nudged me with his elbow.

"Christopher. Samantha." Our father's voice was rough. He hugged the both of us.

"Gerard" I smiled after he pulled away.

"Do you remember me?" He asked Allison. She nodded her head softly.

"Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa. So if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." He smiled then sat next to her. Chris sat on the other side of Victoria and I sat next to him. The service felt like hours. Allison said a few words about Kate, then Gerad, then we watched as she was lowered six feet into the ground. Most of the press had cleared by now. I hugged Allison again before leaving.

"Samantha" I turned around to face my father.


"I want you to come with your brother and I"


"We're going out tonight" I smiled and nodded my head. They were going hunting tonight. I drove home to change. I put on black leggings, a black shirt and a jacket. I put on some boots then left my house. I drove to Chris'. They had the whole team ready to go. We set off to the preserve. Some of Chris' friends set up a trip wire. We all waited. After an hour or so someone got caught.

"What are you doing here?" Chris asked him

"Nothing. Nothing, I swear."

"You're not from here, are you? Are you?!"

"No. No, I came- I came looking for the Alpha. I heard he was here. That's all. Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't, I swear." his heartbeat was racing but not because he was lying. He was afraid they were going to kill him. But if he didn't do anything wrong, they won't. Chris follows the code.

"Gentlemen! Take a look at a rare sight. You wanna tell them what we've caught?" Gerard looked at me.

"An Omega." I said aloud.

"The lone wolf! Possibly kicked out of his own pack. Or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down. Maybe even murdered. And possibly alone by his own choice. Certainly not a wise choice." Gerard walked over to one of the guys. He pulled out a sword.

"Because, as I am about to demonstrate an Omega rarely survives on his own." I looked at Chris confused. Before I could object, Gerard cut the werewolf in half. Chris and I walked to Gerard.

"We have a code." I said to him

"Not when they murder my daughter." Gerard replied. Chris stood in front of me.

"No code. Not anymore. From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening? Because I don't care if they're wounded and weak. Or seemingly harmless begging for their life with the promise that they will never, ever hurt anyone. Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they're getting into. We find them. We kill them. We kill them all." Everybody started to leave except for me. I stood there staring at the half of the body that was hanging.

"He taught Kate to go against the code. He tried teaching me too. Chris, things are gonna get chaotic." I said to Chris who stayed behind.

"They always are in Beacon Hills." He slightly pushed me in the direction of the cars. We walked back and drove to his house. I couldn't leave. Not now. There's too much that could go wrong. I have to stay. At least until it's safe enough for me to leave. But until then, I'm gonna fight. There's no way I'm gonna help murder innocent people. There's no way I'm gonna let Gerard murder innocent people.

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