Chapter 1

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It was five in the morning, the day barely started, and you already regretted waking up. Hatsume Mei, one of you best friends and classmate had woken everyone at what seems to be the crack of dawn, with another invention she never seemed to be able to put down. A set of gloves from the looks of it, but you knew that she was building it for some student in 1-A. Midokiya or something like that.
Going down the elevator, you find Mei in the dining room and stride toward her, slamming the table. She looks up at you happily.

"Morning Y/N! Check out the babies!" she says, holding up some small spherical invention.

You're fucking loud. Power Loader is gonna keep us out of the workshop if you continue this behaviour, you sign, frowning. Although Power Loader could never keep Mei out of the shop for longer than a few days. She had great ideas, unafraid of failure, determined, the perfect support student. You admired her greatly, despite her..unhinged curiousity.

"He won't. Besides, the festival should be coming up! We're all gonna be in the shop for days building! And he knows I've got some upcoming heroes already lining up for some costume upgrades!"

Confident as always. You smile sheepishly and shrug. If you say so, Mei.

Your peers slowly trickle out of their rooms, starting the day. Many come to complain or strike conversation with Mei, and then go to their friends tables. Most just nod at you.

A lot of people assume that since you can't speak, you also can't hear, which is frustrating, but it's difficult to tell someone off when they don't understand sign and you can't yell at them.
Your classmates know better now, obviously, but it's still hard for them to communicate with you. School doesn't leave too much time for them to learn sign, and writing everything down to talk is lengthy. You let Mei do the talking for you. It's easier.

Your morning is spent sketching out ideas for the upcoming festival, even if it's a month and a half away, and reprimanding Mei for getting soot all over the table. You walk with her to your cousin Maiko's dormitory, joining him as you all walk to class.

"I hear that Neijire is going to face up against Bibimi for the pageant again," says Maiko, walking to your right as you three enter the school building.

"Really? Bibimi is a two time winner, so that'll be some feat to defeat her," comments Mei, still tinkering with small spheres from earlier.

There's a first time for everything, you sign, making sure that Mei sees your hands.

"More like a 50/50 chance," Mei replies. She squeals happily, lifting up the sphere. "It's a beautiful little baby, isn't it?"

"Ah...What is it..exactly?" Maiko asks, although he has the look of immediate regret.

"This cute baby is a tracking drone, made to fly super quietly, and have 360 vision and high-quality recording for both video and sound! Or at least that's what will happen when I test it out."

Please don't kill anyone while you're at it.  Mei's inventions had the tendency to malfunction. Last time she built a sphere everyone had to clear the floor since it nearly became a bomb. Luckily for you and everyone else, a 2nd year had a water-based quirk and put it out. Yeah..Power Loader made sure she stayed out of the studio for a few days.

"Oh no no, Y/N, this baby is harmless!" reassured Mei.

You say that now.

"Really, when is anything of yours harmless?" teased Maiko.

You stop in front the door to class 1-H, waving good bye to Maiko, and heading inside the classroom.

"Honestly, I don't understand why you guys get so wary with my babies! I mean, cmon they don't do that much damage." She poked and shook it around for effect. "See?"

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