Chapter 5

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Are you alright?

Your breathing stills as you watch his fingers move in a familliar motion. A light fist, with the pinky tapping the chin in an asking motion. The sign asking "Alright?" 

You nod a little, signing I'm fine. A hand brought across your chest, your thumb touching the opposite shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you," he says, signing at the same time. You take a shaky breath and give him a faint smile.

You don't have to sign at the same time. I can hear you.

He smiles and nods, putting his hands down.

"Is everyone calm now?" Aizawa asks behind you. You almost forgot him being there.

Shinsou stands, giving the teacher a curt nod. "I'll look over this draft with them for now. We're all good."

Aizawa glances down at you as you wipe the tears away, before nodding slightly. "If you say so. I'm going to find Power-Loader to discuss getting your costume done." The tired teacher walks out of the room, leaving the orange-casted workshop another body empty.

"So..the vocal chords. What are they for? You didn't show them earlier."

You pick up the paper and look it over. Someone will give it a better use than me. That's what you told Mei that morning. You supposed that maybe he could be that person. You place the paper into the pile of drafts from before. It wasn't really ever going to actually be made. That's why I didn't place it as an option. I never intended to make it real.

"But it's amazingly detailed. How could you just..keep it on paper?"

I designed it with me in mind.  You look at him with a sad smile as the realization comes across his face. He sets the paper down softly.

"I see..." His expression is one of faint longing. It would be incredibly useful in his case.

You can have it. It's not like I'll ever put it to use. I'll make it for you, if you want it that badly.

His face lights up a little, before going back into that stoic expression from before. "Are you sure? I'd hate to have to make you do that."

You shake your head. I'd be happy to make it for you. I think it'd be good for your quirk.

He nods, folding the paper and pocketing it. "I.." he sighs, taking a breath. "I'm really sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have and that was so not fair to you-"

You shake your head again, tapping his arm to get him to stop. It's alright, it's alright. I understand why. I'm not mad.

"But I made you cry."

I was a little overwhelmed.

"That still was way uncalled for. It was super shitty of me to even yell at you like that. You didn't deserve it, and honestly I need to stop assuming that people assume the worst in me and-"

It's fine. We're fine. I'm not mad.

He takes another breath before nodding. "So you don't think I'm some...villain or whatever."

You give him a big grin with that. You couldn't be a villain if you tried. You're way too nice for that.

He looks somewhat offended, his hand clutching his chest dramatically. "I am not that nice."

Yes you are. You've been very nice to me.

"I- you know what? I'm leaving. I'll see you later uh- uhm.."

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