Chapter 2

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"Wow I can't believe you're making something for a pro-hero Y/N," Maiko says the next day, sitting on your bed while you work away. "That's super amazing, you know?"

You look up from the fabric you're slowly weaving together with the metal, watching as he looks through the drafts you've sketched out. It's not that amazing. I'm just copying his scarf.

"Yeah but Eraserhead's signature scarf! He's probably saved a bunch of people with this scarf, you know?" He falls back on your bed, careful not to crumple the pages beside him. "Although..I wonder why he's asking you to copy it.."

You shrug and go back to working. It's not much of your business, anyways. Being a support student means you make and create items to aid the hero course students perform their best. If making this scarf means you get to do that, then you don't mind the side project.

"You're seriously not curious? At all? I mean it's EraserHead we're talking about. He's so pratical and rational and stuff."

His use for this scarf is none of my business, Maiko. He'll do something good with it, I'm sure.

Maiko sighs, obviously dissatisfied. He's always been nosy like that. You never thought it was out of malice though, Maiko is just naturally curious. He wants to know how and why. In a way you've picked up a similar trait, always drawing your sketches like layers, taking things apart to put it back together, knowing how it worked. It must have come from living with your uncles and their Support Agency, growing up around the items they made to help pro heroes.

"Whatever you say, Y/N"

The night passes by quietly, and you're still working by the time Maiko leaves. You lay down the metal slowly, incorporating it with the fibers as you feel your eyes close. You force yourself a few more minutes to stay awake before you push the scarf away, and surrender to sleep.


You wake up in your bed, a blanket tossed over you. Mei must have come in later with you passed out over your desk. She often comes in to check on you, which many find is out of character for her, but you know how caring she is, despite her intensity. 

She had devoted herself to learn sign when she met you, wanting to be able to understand you. Despite not picking up social clues right away, she had also learned when she needed to intervene and speak for you, and when to drag you away from other people. She really was a great friend.

Checking the time, you rise to continue the scarf. The sooner it's done, the better. By 5:30 you're just under a quarter done the scarf, which may seem like little progress to some, but given how delicate you've been with making it, it's been coming along quick. Most of it is due to repetition, which makes the project loads easier. The only thing giving you a hard time is the metal.

It had to bend and straighten at will, acting like something of a sturdier, more trustworthy lasso. The metal was delicate work, and required the utmost focus from you. You soon lose yourself in the work, losing track of time as you weave the scarf together.

The trance is soon broken with a loud, painful grumble from your stomach and rapid knocking at your door. You knock on your desk loudly, slightly annoyed to be interrupted. The door bursts open with Mei's face covered in soot.

"Y/N! Where have you been? I've made an adorable new baby and I need you to see it and I need you to come downstairs and-" she looks down at the scarf. "What's that? A new support item?"

Mei comes over and almost plops onto one of the poufs you have in your room, although thinks better of it with the narrowed stare you give.

Not exactly a new one. I got asked to replicate the one Mr. Aizawa always wears. You purse your lips together, your hands hesitating.  No, not asked..more so I took up the offer.

Comfortable Silence (Shinsou Hitoshi x Mute! Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now