Chapter 10

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The clouds darken as you wait quietly by road, cars swiftly driving by as you check your phone again. 15 minutes since Maiko texted you last, promising he'd get there soon. Clearly, you both had a very different definition of soon.

You brushed off the faint anger simmering in your stomach, knowing that, despite the fact he spent a solid majority of his time around you, Maiko was still relatively popular. Someone must have been holding him up, and you didn't want to get angry for someone testing Maiko's kindness.

It still irked you, though. After all, you were his cousin, his family. He shouldn't be standing you up like this, especially after being the one who planned to go out to a cafe with you.

Your phone buzzes in your pocket, and you swiftly take it out, only to be disappointed.

Sorry, Y/N, rain check?
Got swept up by classmates
I'll make it up to u
Cafe equivalent?

You could only sigh, reluctantly texting him back "sure" before shutting off your phone. You take another peak at the sky, the clouds promising rain if you don't find shelter soon. You had left the dorms without an umbrella today, hoping that you and Maiko would be inside before it started pouring.

I better start walking back, then. You think to yourself, hopefully walking fast enough that you could escape being too soaked when you reached the dorms. But it seems the universe hates you today more than it does other days because the second you're 20 minutes away from school, it starts pouring.

You flinch as you pass under a tree as a large rain droplet falls onto your head, unexpected and wet. You only dressed lightly for the weather, and despite how much you hate being cold, you suck it up and drape your coat over your head, hoping to at least keep some of you dry.

5 minutes into walking back, however, has you cold, pissed, and miserable. It's overwhelming, and the shitty feeling from before keeps crawling back, anger flowing through your nerves in waves. You really, really wanted to curse Maiko out once you got back. It's his fault you're stuck in this situation, anyway.

You get lost in your thoughts when a voice snaps you back to reality.

"Suzukaze? The hell are you doing out here?" Shinsou asks, running up beside you, his voice a low hum vibrating in your chest. The onslaught of rain stops as his umbrella covers over your head.

You raise your hands to sign, faltering a little. You were pissed at Maiko, but not in a way that you wanted other people involved, least of all Shinsou. Your cousin already thought poorly of the guy beside you, best not to give him a reason to keep him at bay. If Maiko ever found out... Let's just say you liked Shinsou's company and didn't want it to be interfered with.

You smile softly as you sign, Went out to grab coffee with a friend, got rain checked. Didn't think to bring my umbrella.

Shinsou tilts his head, suspicious but shrugs it off. "Alright then. Well, let's head back. I don't mind the rain, but you seem like you might die if you spend another second out here."

He's not wrong, so you nod your head and slip your coat back on properly. Comforting warmth engulfs your skin for a moment, only for the subtle cold to slip through your jacket. You curse yourself for not wearing something warmer.

"You alright?" Shinsou asks, notice your face grimace against the wind and the rain.

Just a little cold, you sign, shoving your hands in your pockets afterward.

Comfortable Silence (Shinsou Hitoshi x Mute! Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now