Chapter 3

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At the end of the week, you find yourself in front of one of the gyms. The scarf is securely in a box, along with it's original, and you hope that it's to the teacher's satisfaction. 

Pushing open the large door, you knock on the wall, the sound echoing through the empty room. You hear foot steps from afar as Mr. Aizawa appears from behind a far column, and you notice a silhouette a few paces away from where the teacher had come from. He approaches you with a notepad in hand.

"You're here early. I hope that this wasn't too much of a hassle for you."

You shake your head, sliding the pencil out of the spiral binding, taking the notebook in hand. It was very repetitive, so there wasn't too much difficulty.

He nods, pleased. "The scarfs are in the boxes then, I assume?"

Yes. The one on the right is yours, the left is the copy.

 He takes the box out of your hands with a very small smile, opening it up a tad to look at them. "I appreciate your hard work, Suzukaze. I believe that puts me indebted to you."

Your eyes widen and you shake your head quickly. It's fine. I don't expect any favours from you.

"No, I don't mind. You took some valuable time out of your day to make this scarf. The replica is very important for me, so I'll be around if you need anything."

Sure that you're unable to refuse you give him a curt nod. He turns and wishes you a good day, and leaves you at the door.
As you walk out, you overhear a small bit of conversation between Aizawa and whoever was in the room with him.

"Shinsou, it's going to be painful, but this is part of the program."

"Whatever it takes to make me a hero."

Someone's trying to be apart of the hero course..? I wonder who...


A week before the festival, you're walking out of the classroom for lunch with Mei when you overhear gossip from what you presume are some business and general course students. Not speaking, despite it's many frustrations, gives you the tendency to blend in and listen. No one pays attention to someone who makes no noise.

"Did you hear what the hero students wanna do?" mutters one student.

"Tch yeah, they think they're so great, holding a fucking concert."

"How bout they buzz off and quit having villains attack the damn school? They cause enough trouble being around."

"The next generation of heroes? Yeah right."

You ball your fists, wishing you could say anything. It's not their fault. It's never been their fault. It comes with the program sure, but the league of villains could have existed at any year. It's not their fault for being the main target.

"Y/N? Everything alright?" Mei asks, looking at you with concern. She must have seen your hands ball up.

You smile at her and relax your fingers. Yeah, I'm alright.
Another pro with being unable to speak. It's so easy to lie. Too easy.

She smiles unevenly, not super sure about your response, but decides to drop it. "If you say so, then." She takes your hand and pulls you through the crowds to get the cafeteria. Everyone's in a rush, however, to get there as well, and you lose her grip in the flood of students.

It seems that despite the snarky comments you heard earlier, everyone is excited for the festival and are in a rush to eat then prepare whatever their class has planned. You know thats why Mei dragged you out of class the second the lesson ended.

Comfortable Silence (Shinsou Hitoshi x Mute! Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now