Chapter 7

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You walk through the halls quiet as ever, listening to everyone's exciting chatter as the upcoming festival draws nearer. Just three more days and the gadgets you've been creating for the past few weeks will be finalized and ready for a new home. It was kind of nerve-wracking, knowing that everyone would come over to see if any of your stuff was useful.

You reach the workshop happily, knowing full well that all of your inventions were nearly done. Weeks spent in the shop for hours on end were soon to be over.

Sliding open the door, you barely have the time to duck as Mei yells "Heya Y/N!", a disc sailing over your head and slamming into a plant on the other side of the hall.

You rise unsteadily, glancing at the disc behind you for a moment before glaring at Mei. ...Hi. What the hell is that?

"That's my newest little baby! A disc that can slice through brick! That's the goal, anyways."

The goal feels like you want my head cut off.

"Oh don't be silly, Y/N! I need your smart brain around, I couldn't possibly decapitate you!"

That's very reassuring Mei

Mei smiles brightly as she slides past you. "Oh there's a guest waiting for you as well."

You look at her with your head tilted as she attempts to pull the disc out of the trunk of the plant. A guest? No one told me that they were gonna need me in the workshop..

You walk inside the shop and search for another person as you head to your own desk, crashing into a figure, who makes a faint "oomph" as you full force walk into them.

You stagger back and look up, familiar tired eyes staring back. "Hi. Are you always this unaware?" Shinsou asks, tilting his head in amusement.

Smiling sheepishly, you shrug your shoulders, signing "sorry". Not unaware just...inattentive to my surroundings.

"Unaware. You just used a synonym for that."

Shut it. Why are you here?

"My hero-suit. Mr. Aizawa said I should come to you to help me figure out the design and what not." His hand goes up to his neck absent-mindedly, a ghost of a smile on his face. "I don't know what I want, honestly. Something cool, I guess."

You smile and lead him to your desk, grabbing your sketchbook and flipping through until you find an empty page. What is your definition of 'something cool' then?

"Ah well, I guess I'd want-"

"What'cha two doing?" Mei interrupts, slinging her arm around your shoulder. "Making a hero suit I heard?"

"Uh yeah, something like that," Shinsou answers, glancing at Mei's arm around your shoulder.

"What do you need? I got so many new babies that need testing, maybe I can help you out!"

You wince at the thought of Mei forcing poor Shinsou through all her inventions. Mei, just how safe are your..uhh...babies?

"Totes super safe!" Mei says, pouting a little. "Don't doubt the great intellect of Mei Hatsume!"

You look at Shinsou to check if he's okay with this. Oh the poor boy doesn't know what he's in for... "Sure," he says after a moment. "Can't be that bad."

Oh no.. You tap Mei on the shoulder and give her a harsh "Don't kill him" stare. She returns it with a bright smile, and you're sure it's meant to be reassuring, but you don't really take it that way.

Comfortable Silence (Shinsou Hitoshi x Mute! Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now