Chapter 11

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You've been ignoring your phone, ignoring the texts and the calls with Maiko's name at the top. You know deep down that you definitely need to confront him and that you're safer doing it over the phone, but you just didn't want to hear it.

You already knew what was in store, what he'd end up talking about. It'd be something along the lines of "I know you're a smart kid Y/N, but I just want to make sure that you're making relationships with good people."

Maiko, despite his other wonderful qualities and the very sibling-esque relationship you had, was very judgemental. He's stubborn and head strong, all of which came in handy for being a hero, but also made a lot of his thinking black and white. To him, if there was enough gossip about it, it was bound to be true.

And while he wouldn't outwardly say it, you knew that he'd be talking about Shinsou, who was the pinnacle of misinformation. The lavender boy made quips about it before, joking that he was mean, dark and gloomy, and overall not a bright persona like most heroes are. In your eyes, however, he was a straight up gentleman, quiet and reserved and snarky if you got close enough.

Which you have. It's been around 2 and a half weeks since the festival, and all that time he'd sat by your side while you design and plan out his hero costume. If Maiko found out about how you were helping the guy who everyone claimed to be the villain...

You pick up the phone. 19+ messages are underneath the digital clock, all from your cousin. You reluctantly unlock it and read through it all. You're right, it is all about Maiko's concern over the people you hang out with and him wanting the absolute best for you and a whole paragraph asking if you're ignoring him because he stood you up, promising he'd make it up to you.

You can only sigh, texting back a single message:

Mute Button
If this is about Shinsou, I don't want to hear about it. He's a lot nicer than everyone says he is.

Three dots appear at the base of your screen, blinking for a while, disappearing, then reappearing. This repeats for three whole minutes before Maiko replies.

Sure. Wtvr you say Y/N. I trust your judgment.

You don't reply to that. You're too tired to deal with it, anyways. Instead, you go to your calendar, marking the date for Shinsou's fight against the hero course. You write it down in both the calendar on your phone, as well as the small paper calendar on your desk. You make a reminder to let Power Loader know that you won't be in class that day.

A small notif appears before you shut your phone off and head to bed, short and simple. It makes you smile instantly without you realizing.

Good night (-.-)Zzz・・・・

Cute... you think to yourself, sending a smiley face in return before shutting off your phone. The previous annoyance from before is a distant memory as Shinsou's text fills your heart up with warmth.


The next morning meets you with sunlight streaming through the window, dust particles dancing in the glow while the sunrays hit you in the face.

You exhale a silent groan, roll over to the other side of the bed, and close your eyes, praying to have a few extra minutes in bed. You'd even take a few more seconds if you could have it.

But of course, you rarely get what you want as a loud succession of knocking echoes into the morning silence of your room, and Mei bursts in, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. You're certain she showered, since her hair is fluffier than normal, her curls flouncing around happily in her bun. Clean as she is, there's still soot stains in her face and on her hands. They might as well be flush with her skin, given that those marks never fade no matter how many times Mei showers.

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