Chapter 9

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The voice startled you, making you jump and knocking heads with a figure who was hanging from the ceiling, upside down like a bat.

"Aw fuck, ow. I swear, every time I see you, you bump into me"

Hold on, I know that voice. You look up to sleep-deprived shinsou, covered in blood this time, rubbing his forehead, where you bumped it with your own head. A thud sounds from behind you, and when you turn around, another general student, also covered in blood, staring at you confused.

"That was so good, and they didn't even scream." He tilts his head, pursed lips, staring at something above your head. "Aren't you scared?"

You nod, glancing above you to see what he was looking at, although there's nothing there.

"You won't be able see it. It's a me thing. Sorry." He stares at you a little more. "Not a big talker or something?"

You shrug. Hard to speak without  functioning vocal chords.

"Oh fuck you're like deaf or something? Wait no you heard me uhm," he stares at some form above your head, tilting his head. "It's like a zipped up mouth but I have no idea what that means." he gives you a strained smile. "I don't really do the whole..hand sign thing."

"They're mute, Genya," Shinsou mutters, grunting as he pulls himself up on the bar he's hanging from, replacing his legs with his hands and dropping down beside you. "And it's sign language."

Shinsou stretches, and the efforts of his training with Aizawa being very prominent. You catch yourself staring and don't look away fast enough for Shinsou to not catch you as well.

He smirks a little, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "See something interesting?"

You're covered in too much blood. Feels excessive.

"Mhm. Sure thing, Suzukaze. I'll be sure to let Chizuryu know about her poor blood applying skills." It's clear he doesn't really believe your statement, and you see it in the way he stares at his classmate, who looks above your head and nods a little at him. His classmates mouths something and you secretly wish you had learned to read lips.

"So...Mute. What's that like?" his classmate, Genya you believe, asks.

Why ask if you don't understand me?

"I'll just guess what you're saying with my quirk."

Are you a mind reader?

"...Why'd you think of Shinsou?"

"Mind reader. They're asking if you're a mind reader," Shinsou clairfies, finishing his stretching. "Suzukaze, face me a little more. I'll translate"

You turn for him to see your hands, but not enough to look like you're facing away from Genya completely.

"Ah I see. Shinsou isn't a mind reader, though."

What do you mean I thought of Shinsou?

He points vaguely to above his head. "Quirk. I can see thoughts like...forms above your head. That's the best I can explain it, anyways."

 You nod, before looking off to the far exit of the haunted house. I should get going. Maiko and Mei kinda rushed through without me. I don't know where they are or if they know that I'm still in here.

"They were with you? Is that all the screaming and laughter I heard earlier?"

You nod, displeasure on your face. They planned to scare the actors before you guys could scare them. I guess it worked if there was laughter and screaming.

Comfortable Silence (Shinsou Hitoshi x Mute! Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now