Why did I tell Castiel all of that? I guess I didn't want him to ever hurt himself, not the way that Sam and I have hurt ourselves. Looking into those blue eyes gave me hope. Maybe Castiel was an angel, telling me to look on the bright side, making sure I know that I'm doing the right thing. Saving people and hunting things that is. No, angels would be more like girly and wear robes or something.
I grew tense as I saw Castiel tighten his jaw and lick his pale lips. "Let me in."I stared at him with a surprised look upon my face. "What?"
"Let me in on your secret. Your world." He got up and started pointing at everything. "What do you and Sam always talk about at Rocket's? Why are you telling me all this meaningful substance?" He rested his hands on his waist like a Mom did when she was mad."I don't get what you want me to tell you!"
"Stop it, please. Where do you work?"
"Come on!"
"Family business."
"'Family business' my assbutt!"
"Where. Do. You. Work? I need to know if I'm ever going to help you!"
"Im not leaving until you tell me. and,That's another thing, why do you always call me by my full name?"I let out a big sigh. "It's cute,that's why."
He grinned at me. "Really?"
"Yeah. And, here, sit down."
"We'll okay..."
I shrugged. I let out a bigger sigh than I had ever done before,and I ran my shaky fingers through my hair. "Come on Dean!""Me and Sam are hunters, but not animal hunters."
Castiel cocked his head quickly.
"Then what do you hunt?"
"Monsters. Things that go BUMP! In the night. Witches, vamps, werewolves, that shit. It's all real. " he chuckled.
"I knew you wouldn't believe me!" I threw my arms in the air. "And now I'm going to loose one of my few friends, all because you're gonna try and shove me into a nut house."He shot up. "No! That isn't it at all!" He looked at me with the same puppy dog eyes Sam has. "I know you're telling the truth. And I'll always be here to help." He ran over to the table with the note I left for Sammy. He scribbled something down. After he finished, he walked back over to me.
Suddenly, we heard the door handle jiggle. We both looked at the door. Then, out of nowhere, I felt a warm hand on my chin. It was Castiel's. He used his hand to force me to look into his crystal blue eyes. He mouthed the words "thank you" and placed his one hand on my cheek. Then, Castiel brushed my hair aside, and kissed my forehead. Then, he darted to the door.
A soft whimper escaped my lips. "Cas"
He held a finger to his mouth. Sam opened the door, and they both ran into each other. Cas apologized, and fled. "Woah, who was that?" Sam rubbed his head.
"Castiel." Was all that I could say.

Help Me, Help You.
FanfictionThis is my first try at a fanfic, so bear with me!! (Please give me your opinion And your ideas!) This was titled "My Little Troublemaker" but I changed it. Sort of AU :3