𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟷

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Eternity is the only way

That was the mindset engraved into by Ei, the Electro Archon, and your creator. You were the puppet, and she was the puppeteer. Ei would constantly tell you there were no need for human emotions, that they were only a nuisance, an obstacle in your way to stop you from achieving your eternity.

Your mentality was set in stone. Eternity. Your entire existence was based off eternity, so you must achieve it by any means necessary. Because if eternity was no longer required, you were no longer required, and that was your biggest fear, not having a purpose. You would be cast away just like Kunikuzushi, a prototype, or as your creator would say "A failure."

 You spent many years obeying the Electro Archon's every command without question, but sometimes you wondered what it would feel like having no orders to obey, to have emotion, to have freedom. But then again, all of those things were useless, or that was what Ei would tell you.

Everything changed when The Traveller came along. The vision hunt decree was abolished, and the 'Eternity' Ei sought after had long lost its meaning. Ei would continuously leave the Plane of Euthymia to spend some time in the outside world. You were stuck inside her room for hours on end just waiting for her to come back, like a doll slowly but surely losing its use to their owner.

One day, you were once again stood inside of The Electro Archon's bedroom, you barely left that place nowadays. Ei had gotten too used to the outside world, she had forgotten her pursuit for eternity, the one thing you lived for.

You were snapped out of your train of thought when you heard the window creak open, you stared at it waiting for it to uncover the intruder. An indigo haired boy with an unusually large hat entered the room.

"Only the Electro Archon and myself are allowed to enter this room, please exit through the door or I will have to use brute force." You threatened.

"You talk just like a robot." He rolled his eyes. "Aren't you tired of being locked in here all day?" The strange man walked over to you.

"It is my duty to stay here while The Electro Archon attends to personal matters." You retorted.

"By 'personal matters' you mean you stay here as that witch enjoys her life outside? You're stuck in a room all day. Answer me this: when was the last time you actually left this place?"

"Do not refer to our creator as 'witch' Kunikuzushi, I have no reason to answer to you, you're a failure." You phrased harshly.

"A failure, so that's what she thinks of me." The puppet crossed his arms, assuming that was what Ei told you. "As much as I hate you for thinking your better than me, believe it or not but I'm trying to save you. It may be for my own satisfaction, but i promise you, my actions will benefit you too."

"I will not betray my master for your own selfish benefit, my desires are not important. I only live for eternity."

"But the Shogunate is no longer pursuing eternity, to put it in the kindest words possible. You are no longer of use to The Electro Archon." Kunikuzushi scoffed. "And it's all The Travellers fault. So come with me, and we can get rid of him together."

"I'm not going to follow you Kunikuzushi-"

You were rudely interrupted by the sound of loud footsteps.

"That's my queue to leave, think about my offer will you?" The puppet waved goodbye and jumped out of the window just as Ei entered into the room.

The Archon didn't even glance at you, she sat at her desk and did some paper work whilst you stood in the corner silently.

You are no longer of use to The Electro Archon

Kunikuzushi's words continuously repeated in your head.

"Master." You finally brought up the courage to ask her.

"What is it?" She sighed, annoyed by the fact you even spoke.

"Am I still of use to you?"

Ei thought about it for a second before answering you honestly. "No. I was thinking of whether I should throw you out or not." She answered, not bothering to sweeten her words, after all you had no emotion, or so she thought.

"But what about eternity?"

"What about eternity?" The Archon snapped. "It was a childish dream of mine, I regret going as far as making a puppet to preserve myself."

She had the audacity to call your meaning in life childish, even though you had no emotion those words still stung you. "Whatever do you mean by that Master?"

"I mean I regret making you, now you're just a life form with no use existing in my room. I think it's about time I got rid of you." Ei got up and walked towards you, she put a hand on your face caressing your cheek, she whispered sweet words into your eat that would wound you deeply.

"You're a monster."

then knocked you unconscious. You had no idea what that implied. Wasn't she just as bad by abandoning you? Or did it mean something else?

You woke up next to a river covered in mud. It was raining extremely heavily after a few second lightning struck, you could tell it was a thunder storm. Your whole body ached like hell. You got on your knees to wash the mud off of your face when you saw your reflection in the river.

You no longer resembled The Electro Archon, instead you held a completely different appearance. You had h/c and e/c instead of Ei's purple hair and stormy indigo eyes, you wore an inazuman travellers outfit similar to Kunikuzushi's.

You were dressed in a black shirt, and a f/c kimono with black outlines that resembled a rose, along with the electro symbol engraved on the back of the kimono. You had a black skirt a slit on one side, but you had a thin f/c layer of fabric underneath which covered any part of your upper thigh showing, the skirt was just above your knees. You wore black socks and black getas (traditional Japanese footwear resembling flip-flopswith f/c straps.

(Or you could just wear what you want.)

You stood up and limped over to lean on a tree, moving was extremely painful for you so you couldn't travel too far. You continued waking for who knows how long until you slipped and fell onto the floor, you hit your head on a tree branch causing your vision to go blurry.

You couldn't find the strength to get up and continue waking, every time you tried move you would slip back down from how wet the floor was. Soon after, you saw someone walking towards you, but could barely make up who it was. You felt your consciousness fade away as you fell into a deep slumber.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now