𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟷𝟹

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You woke up back in your tent except it was put up again. Not soon after, you remembered all the events that took place in the forest and sat up, checking your body for any injuries.

At first you thought you were dead, but then you found bandages tightly wrapped around your waist, and plasters placed on any small cuts you had, on top of that your clothes were now clean.

"It's about time you woke up." Scaramouche was sitting at his desk doing paperwork.

You're eyes wandered aimlessly catching sight of a box placed next to you before turning to him and asking, "How long have I been asleep."

"A day since I found you, it's morning." He answered. "What were you doing?"

"I got lost searching for you..." You looked away from him but you could tell he was waiting for you to continue. "So I climbed a tree to look at my surroundings, but I fell and that's how I got my injuries." You didn't include the part where you saw the traveller for obvious reasons.

"Goodness." The indigo haired boy sighed. "You could've just waited back at the camp."

You thought you heard him say something else so you turned your head back to face him, then you caught him holding a hand to his mouth, laughing slightly but then playing it off as a cough

"It's not funny." You narrowed your eyes at him.

"To be completely honest with you, it kinda is. But don't do that again, if I hadn't found you who knows who would've. In case you've forgotten, you have a large bounty on your head thanks to the Yashiro commissioner."

"I was bored okay, and you were taking too long."

"You think I'm entertaining?" He raised an eyebrow. "I think you need to work on your definition of fun."

"Well I don't know anyone else, you were literally my only option."

"Ouch, but now what am I gonna do with you?" Scaramouche shook his head. "You're in no shape to train, we may need to continue our plan in the meantime."

"Which is?" You questioned.

"To continue building your relationship with the traveller of course."

"Again? We're already friends." You pointed out.

"Yeah but there's nothing else you can help me with since your injured." He rolled his eyes. "Get up and get out, the traveller should be in Inazuma city, today is the last day he's staying there so be quick."

"But my wound-"

"If you're only walking around you'll live, plus if you get into any sort of danger the traveller will help you."

You sighed, getting up from your mat, dreading the thought of meeting Aether after what you did.

"Also, I bought you a cloak to wear when leaving our camp." He pointed at the box placed next to you.

"Oh, thanks I guess." You picked up the box and slipped on the layer of clothing.

Waving farewell to Scaramouche, you slipped outside the tent and began your long journey to Inazuma city.

Once you arrived, you saw a girl with blonde hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a red colour schemed kimono running around speaking to people so you tapped her on the shoulder to gain her attention. "What's going on?"

She stared at you in confusion for a few seconds before speaking. "I'm preparing for this year's Naganohara Fireworks Show, a lot of people are making requests last second." Then she remembered something. "Oh no! The traveller is still waiting for me, sorry I gotta go."

"Wait!" You held your hand out before she could move much. "Did you the traveller? As in the traveller?"

"As in the traveller who abolished the vision hunt decree and saved Mondstadt and Liyue from a crisis?" The girl spoke incredibly quickly, you could barely keep up.

"Uh... yes. Anyways I was looking for him."

"For what?" She asked.

"Well, I need to apologise for something." You put your head down, you felt some sort of guilt build up inside you. The more time you spent with the traveller, the more human you were becoming.

"I can tell it's something you feel very guilty about, I won't push you any further." She smiled apologetically. "Come on! I'll show you were the traveller is."

As you were walking along side the girl she just wouldn't stop talking. Honestly, during the many years you've lived you never thought it was humanly possible to come up with that many topics to carry on a conversation, she practically told you her whole life story, her name was Yoimiya.

After she was finished you arrived at what looked like an outdoor restaurant, the building said Kiminami restaurant. You spotted the traveller and Paimon sitting at one of the stools.

Once you approached him, the two of you made eye contact as Paimon sat next to him nervously.

"Look I'm sorry about what happened, I was upset by something and I took my anger out on you." You apologised

"I forgive you." He smiled.

"Wait really?" Both you and Paimon spoke in union then glanced at each other.

"I was being really pushy, I should've respected your decision even if I didn't agree." He scratched his head.

"You aren't to blame, I was really stubborn." You left out the part where you were paranoid he was gonna take you to The Yashiro commissioner in your weak condition.

"Are you two done yet?" Paimon nagged.

"I think so." You replied, getting ready to leave.

"You should spent tonight with us and enjoy the Naganohara Fireworks Show." Aether suggested.

You thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing. "I never seen fireworks before."

"Never?!" Paimon gasped. "Like ever ever?!"

"Like never ever ever?!" Yoimiya stood next to you, just as shocked as the little fairy.

"No, I haven't." You answered.

"You should totally spend tonight with us, I'll show you the most beautiful fireworks you'll ever see!" The blonde haired girl giggled, filled with excitement.

"I'll look forward to it."

"But before then, let's eat to our hearts content. The bill is on me." Yoimiya sat down on one of the stools.

"Ah okay." You sat down too, your mind was overfilling with how many option you had. There was just too much food and you didn't even know what you liked or not.

"Don't get overwhelmed by all of this food, just enjoy tonight, let all your worries go for now and have fun!" She somehow read your mind and comforted you without you even saying anything.

"Thank you, I will." You smiled, it felt weird putting on such a big smile, but nonetheless you felt welcomed, you felt wanted.


Author note :

Ummm, so I lied 😊😅 (If you saw the post saying I wasn't gonna update on time 💀)

I had literally half of today to work on this, normally it takes more than that but I pulled through 💪I hope this doesn't feel rushed because I for sure as hell rushed this 🤡

But hey! At least I got it out on time. Anyways im gonna sleep now, rip I have an english test tomorrow kms </3

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now