𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟷𝟽

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It was around the middle of the night when you heard quiet footsteps echo throughout the long hallway. This instantly alerted your senses as there was still and unconscious guard laying outside your cell, if they were found you would definitely be in a lot of trouble.

As the footsteps grew closer and louder, your anxiousness gradually increased along with it. You were seriously debating the idea of using the guard on the floor as a hostage, though in the end you decided against it.

Once you heard the sound of rattling keys, your mind lit up and the possibilities of you escaping this place started to pour through. Then you saw a light source that was brightening up the pitch black hallway approaching your cell.

Your emotions overwhelmed you as a highly concentrated ball of anemo energy formed at the tip of your finger right before a silhouette figure appeared before you. You let go of the ball in a panic, only then you caught a good look at the person's appearance.

Your eyes locked with those same indigo ones, it felt as if it had been too long since you've seen them.

Scaramouche tilted his head to the side rather quickly, dodging you attack by an inch. "Woah there damsel in distress, your knight in shinning armour has come to save you, at least be a little more grateful geez." He rolled his eyes.


The sound of an explosion cut you off along with the ground shaking slightly. Loose brick fell from the roof of the rundown prison cell landing beside you.

"Save it for later, we need to get out of here quick." The indigo haired boy slide the key he was holding into the lock, only to find out it wasn't the right one. "Why isn't this working?" He mumbled in frustration.

The last thing you heard was a dramatic groan before a powerful electro aura emitted from his body, slamming his foot onto the metal door. He broke it with a swift kick, making faces at the now broken door laying beneath him.

Your 'knight in shining armour' held his hand out to you which you grabbed without any hesitation, causing a slight grin to form on his features.

"I may or may not have gotten a little bit angry and planted a bomb in this lab, and it may or may not blow up in a few minutes so we need to leave."The indigo haired boy whistled.

You couldn't help but smile after hearing that, his words always seemed to comfort you even if they were a strange way of making you smile.

Your thoughts fooled you into believing you were alone, into believing you had no one to care for and no one to care for you, but they were all lies. Lies your mind created to protect itself from anymore betrayal, anymore hurt. The traveller's actions was the last trigger for your emotions to go completely out of control.

Scaramouche pulled your body towards him, that was when he noticed someone unconscious laying on the floor. He stared at them for a few seconds then decided not to question it.

The indigo haired boy led you through the lab, passing by a few knocked out guards every now and then. Soon the two of you arrived at the room you were put in for experimental research. The change of atmosphere was almost instant, the place gave you bad vibes and it was even worse since you knew what went on in there.

Scaramouche started looking around for something, opening all the drawers and cupboards he could find.

"What are you searching for?" You asked.

"This." He pulled out a familiar looking syringe, it was the same one those people used on you to make your body go numb.

You felt the world stop for a second as this new found fear clouded your thoughts. The ground began to shake again and you could hear the deafening sound of glass continuously colliding with each other, the screeching sound of tables scraping against the glossy-white marble tiles on the floor and the ceiling lights swaying back and forth as the lights flicker.

All of these components only contributed to your growing anxiety. You grew cautious of the syringe laying in the indigo haired boy's hand, taking a few short steps backwards. That was the only poison that ever worked on you, that's what made it so terrifying.

"I'm guessing you already know what this is." Scaramouche tucked it into a black box and put it away, completely unfazed by the shaking ground.

He saw your puzzled expression and began to elaborate. "This syringe was a prototype created by the second harbinger Dottore, it was made to gain full control over me, well that's what it was supposed to do at least. Instead it came out as a method to put me into paralysis for some time, it was never used on me again though I'm assuming it works on you too." He sighed. "And now I have no idea how this ended up here in the first place."

The two of you stood in silence as Scaramouche looked back on that terrible memory. "Come on, we don't have much time left." He spoke up, exiting the room.

The indigo haired boy led you around the building until you finally got to an exit. Once the door was opened you were impolitely greeted with a large battlefield with fatui agents fighting against some of Inazuma's forces. Swords and spears clashed against each other, as people fell defeat from all directions.

Your eyes grew wide as you glanced over to the man standing next to you. "Why are they here?"

"I brought them of course, all the soldiers I could find." He shrugged. "Though I doubt they could hold off the enemy for long, Kamisato Ayato will arrive at any moment, we need to leave, now." He ordered.

Expecting to take a different route, Scaramouche grabbed your hand and led you towards the battle.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled, your voice just barely audible over the loud sound of metals clashing against each other.

"This is the quickest route out of here idiot, we need to leave the area before that building blows up." The indigo haired boy retorted.

You were dragged back into the wilderness and the sound of battle faded out, just as you thought you could rest a loud explosion occurred in the distance. You watched the smoke from the bomb form into something resembling a gigantic mushroom.

"What about the fatui? Did that bomb just hit them?" You questioned, these people came to save you it wouldn't be fair if they weren't warned about the bomb.

"Relax I gave them all masks so they wouldn't inhale any of the smoke, there was also a sign signalling when it would go off, they should be evacuating right about now." Scaramouche reassured you.

You never knew he cared so much for his subordinates.

"Don't look at me like what." The indigo haired boy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"Like that! I'm only taking care of them because I would get in a lot of trouble if I killed them all again."

"Again?" You stared at him in shock.

"Nothing, never mind, we're heading back to camp." He stated, walking off without you.

You tailed behind him, glad you were returning to familiar grounds.


Author note :

Lmao ive been gone for a while 💀

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now