𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟿

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It was around dawn when the painfully disturbing scene of having to watch Paimon shove tons of different types of food in her mouth until she couldn't fit anymore, was finally over.

You were about to part ways before the traveller stopped you.

"I'm sorry." He looked into your eyes. "I invited you out to eat but all you did was watch us eat. Had I have know you didn't like the food served at that restaurant I would've taken you elsewhere."

"But you didn't know, I don't understand why you're apologising." You responded.

"Here take this," Aether handed you a small stick with a tiny purple coloured ball placed on top of it. "It's a lollipop, the owner of that restaurant gave it to me so I thought you might want it." The boy gave you a bright smile, insisting that you take it.

Having no other choice because you didn't want to seem distant to the person you were trying to befriend, you took it and thanked him.

"Where are you going now?" You questioned knowing damn well Scaramouche would kill you if you had no idea where he was.

"We still have a load of commission to finish tomorrow, we're gonna be stuck in Inazuma city for at least a week." the traveller frowned.

You had no idea how someone could be so willing to run everybody's errands all the time, no matter how small or big it was. The traveller's thought process was completely beyond you.

After you got your response, you nodded at him apologetically then made your way back to Scaramouche. During your journey, you decided to try the little treat Aether had given you.

Taking the purple lollipop from your pocket, you carefully removed the thin layer of paper wrapped around it.

After putting it in your mouth, you carried on with your journey. It felt nice receiving a gift from your very first friends, well at least that was what you hoped he was even if you were trying to kill him.

"What took you so long?" Scaramouche spoke in an irked voice, crossing his arms.

Right now you were stood at the entrance of the fatui camp you were staying, it was pitch black outside with candles scattered around the area.

"It took a while to find the traveller, he's gonna stuck in Inazuma city for a week." You left out the part where he took you to a restaurant.

"Is that all the information you have?" He raised his voice slightly.

"He has a good relationship with Okazaki Rikuto, the owner of Uyuu restaurant."

The indigo haired boy sighed before waving his hand, gesturing for you to follow him.  "We could always use him as a hostage if we really need to."

Once the two of you entered Scaramouche's tent, he set down the lantern he was holding, lighting up the entire room. When he turned around to check if you were still there, he noticed the lollipop in your mouth.

"Where did you get that?" he questioned.

"Aether." You responded, "why?"

Scaramouche marched over to you then ripped it out of your mouth.

"Give that back-"

"You should know taking things from our enemy is always dangerous." The indigo haired boy stared at the treat intensely. "It's poisoned anyway," he spoke, tossing it away.

"Poisoned?" You sweat. The traveller wasn't the sort of person to do that, even if he was why would he?

"I actually can't believe you took something from him." he scoffed. "You should be lucky poison doesn't affect you."

You stood there silence as Scaramouche lectured you, but you weren't listening to him, no you were too busy thinking about why Aether would give you that lollipop.

"Are you even listening to me?" The indigo haired boy crossed his arms.

"Yes... sorry."

"Whatever, I have something for you," he picked up a sword with a black scabbard and threw it in your direction.

You caught it with both hands then tilted your head at him. Scaramouche got the hint, you were confused.

"That sword, it's for you."

"Oh... thank you."

Taking out the sword from the scabbard, you were mesmerised by its beauty. Who knew swords could be so appealing to the eye, your old one was beautiful as well but the one you had right now felt like you owned it, not like it owned you. Because Ei had transferred her consciousness into her sword, it felt as if she was constantly judging you while you used her sword in battle. It was nerve wracking, and you hated it.
Since when did you know what hatred felt like?

"Thank you." you looked up at the guy to find out he was at his desk again, signing papers.

"You already said that." he groaned, then he saw your face. "What's that look for?" he asked looking surprised as a light shade of pink appeared on his face. "It's nothing special." the indigo haired boy mumbled

"What's on my face?" you quickly rested your features, having no idea what he might've seen.

Scaramouche stared at you for a moment before turning back to his work. "Never mind."

"Are you not going to sleep?" You questioned, laying on the first sleeping mat you saw with a blanket, finally.

"I will when I finish my work, besides, I don't need to sleep anyways."

"But it's nice and refreshing."

"Whatever." he spoke, before shifting his focus entirely on his work.

Soon after, you were engulfed into a deep slumber. Everything was peaceful, warm, quiet, soft, and the list goes on, you hadn't slept like that in a very long time, it was comforting.

However, your sleep did not last long at all. Only a while later you were violently shaken awake.

"Get the fuck out of my bed."

You opened your eyes to find Scaramouche, enraged, glaring down at you.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Move."

Not really having anything to argue with, you turned around and tried to go back to sleep, you were not in the mood to move.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go this the hard way."

You swear you heard him snicker.

Just a second later the guy picked you up bridal style and dropped you painfully onto the other sleeping mat. Your hand had bent backwards because of the way it was positioned before he let go of you.

"Ouch, you hurt my hand." You complained.

"You can only blame yourself." The indigo haired boy laughed as you turned around to face the opposite way from him. "No goodnight?"

"I don't like you."

"Good enough I guess." he mumbled.


Author note :

Kinda edited the anemo vision text of page 7, realised anemo vision r in fact not granted to ppl who lost someone 😬 no no but they r given to ppl with a desire for freedom 💀 my mistake everyone.

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