𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟸𝟶

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The air slowly grew hot and humid as you descended from the ship, carrying your bag of belongings behind you.

The land of wisdom was much more alive than your homeland, vibrant colours were scattered around the area with a lot of green. It all felt slightly overwhelming since this was your first time at any other nation rather than Inazuma.

"It's too hot." You groaned, Inazuma rained an awful lot and the summer days were no where near as warm as this. You noticed Scramouche's hat blocked the sun's light from heating him up too much. "Can I borrow your hat?" You asked, leaning towards the indigo haired man.

"After you treated it like trash and tossed it in the ocean? Of course not." He scoffed. "Bold of you to even ask."

"It was worth a try." You sighed.

Soon after, the two of you had arrived at a hotel. The second you stepped inside, you noticed there were only fatui members stationed around instead of actual staff members.

"Where are all the people?" You questioned, glancing around the area. "There's only us."

"That's because we own this hotel, we run it like any other business in Sumeru but when we need it, the place is off limits for the general public." The indigo haired boy informed you.

"Does that mean I get to sleep in an actual building with a real bed?"

"Sure." Scaramouche shrugged, making his way to the elevator.

Once you reached the third floor the doors opened and you were greeted with a hallway of rooms. Without a word, the indigo haired man began to stroll down the hallway and you followed after him.

"This is my room." He placed his hand on a door. "And that one is yours." He stated, pointing at the room opposing his. "Drop off your things, we're leaving."

"What now? We only just got here." You protested.

"I told you I was gonna be busy as long as we're in Sumeru, this is the only time I have to get the doctor to find out what's wrong with you idiot." Scaramouche crossed his arms.

"There's nothing wrong with me because I have blood." You scoffed, "maybe you're the one who's got something wrong with them."

"Maybe, but definitely not because of that."

As soon as you opened the door leading to your room, you were hit with a smell of cleanliness and fresh cleaning supplies. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head from how fancy the place looked, an extreme upgrade from a tent and the fact you didn't have to share with a man who was grumpy all times during the day.

When you sat your suitcase down, you followed Scaramouche outside the building. The two of you made your way towards a futuristic looking palace known as the Akadeymia.

"All this just for a school?" You questioned, not even bothered you might offend some Sumerian  (idek if thats what u call then) bystander.

"In short, the Akadeymia themselves govern Sumeru, their school is also their government. All of the Akadeymia's orders are absolute here are equivalent to the law in the land of wisdom." An Indigo haired boy explain, as you soon approached the school.

"Huh... they really took the saying 'knowledge is power' to heart didn't they?" You commented.

Scaramouche snickered at your words. "You're gonna offend someone if you keep this up. We don't have time for idle chitchat lets get moving." He ordered speeding up his pace.

"You want me to speed up in this heat?" You gasped in disbelief. "This guy is something else."

Finally, the two of you had arrived at the doctor's lab. Scaramouche knocked on the door and after hearing a faint "come in" he opened it, you were surprised he didn't just slam the door open without a care in the world.

The door creaked open revealing a dark room covered in wires and tubes, you could barely step on the floor without touching some useless gadget.

There was a blue haired man tweeking and editing some device, in all honesty he looked incredibly sleep deprived. Once he noticed Scaramouche didn't come alone he instantly picked up a mask and put it on.

"Balladeer! I see you brought a guest with you this time, I assume you're not here for what I've been preparing for you?" The doctor spoke.

"Correct, I need you to take a look at her and tell me what she is." The indigo haired boy replied.

"What is she meant to be?" Dottore questioned.

"A puppet."

The blue haired man's lips curved into a grin. "A puppet I see, well this ought to be interesting, I get another peculiar test subject-"

"Don't get any ideas, she's off limits." Scaramouche glared at him, crossing his arms.

"A shame, truly." He sighed. "Come now, let me take a look at you." The doctor turned his attention to you.

Cautiously, you stepped forward. Dottore began taking samples of your blood, your skin, heck even your hair before he came to a conclusion.

"The strange thing is, you're body is human. Though your cells, they're all dead." He spoke. "I've noticed some things about your body, for example, you have some bones humans evolved out of hundreds of years later. If I had to take a guess, you're a zombie. You've been one for quite a while now, hundreds of years to be exact."

"But that doesn't make any sense, from only up until a few months ago I've had the appearance of the electro archon, how can I suddenly be a zombie?" Your mind flooded with questions. If you were a zombie you were once human, you had lived a life.

Scaramouche was just as confused as you were. "You better not be lying Dottore."

"What on earth would I gain from that? I thought you were smarter than that." The blue haired man retaliated.

"I'm gonna sleep" You announced. "If you need anything, wake me up." And with that, you exited the building, making your way towards the hotel.

The second you got to your room you instantly flopped onto your bed, drowning yourself in the duvet covers. You're entire life was a lie, your real one was long lost and forgotten, left behind, you couldn't even remember it.


Author note:

I lost my love for writing for some time lmao so i took a break. im back now, im hoping to go back to weekly uploads, more if i feel like it. im also writing a xiao and childe fic so u could check those out too if ur interested.

its nice to be back

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now