𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟺

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The abyss mage closed in on you whilst you were still frozen to the ground. You struggled but no amount of brute force could break you free. In that moment of distress, you caught sight of a large stick just in your reach. You instantly grabbed the stick and smashed the ice to bits before barely evading an attack from the cryo abyss mage.

Now that you didn't have a vision, you had to use your surrounding to your advantage. You spotted a torch to your left and sprinted towards it just before the abyss mage could put it out. Anytime the creature came within arms length of you, you would melt away at its shield.

It was only a matter of time before the fire ran out so you had no other option than to fully break the cryo barrier preventing you from harming the mage before then. You picked up the stick from before and lit it on fire, holding it on one hand, and the torch in the other.

Quickly, you threw the torch towards the creature fully destroying its shield. After than you grabbed it by the neck and strangled it to death under the water. It kicked and screamed as you slowly drowned the abyss mage. In theory that would be a lot more painful if you chose to beat it to death with a wooden stick.

The consciousness of the cryo mage slowly faded away as it grew weak, soon it fell limp and decomposed into dust, withering away in the air.

You stood up sighing from relief that it was finally over, you started travelling towards the Grand Narukami Shrine.

After a few interruptions here and there, you finally made it to the famous shrine. You were silently praying that the traveller hadn't left yet or else you would've lost him for good.

You found Guuji Yae having a small chat with the young blonde. Instead of hiding behind a wall like a creep, you strode over to the fortune slip stand.

Pretending to think hard about what slip you were going to pick out, you listened to their conversation.

"It seems your book that we published a while ago started bowing up again, people seem to want more so could you ever so kindly meet up with my staff later on so that we could work on a new one?" Yae smiled.

"Erm..." The traveller scratched the back of his head. "I'm quite busy at the moment."

"And of course sixty percent of the profit will go to you, if you agree I'll also share a secret that might peek your interest." The fox smirked.

"Only sixty percent?!" The flying child yelled.

"Well, we are the ones writing and publishing your story, you should be thanking me for giving you more of than thirty percent."

"Fine fine, I'll accept your offer." Aether sighed.

"Oh and as for the secret." Yae paused. "If you look hard enough you'll find a million mora lying around." The fox winked.

"Eh?" Paimon questioned. "A million mora?!"

"Yes indeed" She answered.

Aether held a firm stare at the pink haired lady trying to figure out what she was saying, you felt as if a pair of eyes were glaring at your back. It was then you realised you yourself had a million mora bounty.

Once the traveller left the area, you were about to follow them but was rudely interrupted.

"Aren't you going to pick out a fortune slip?" Guuji Yae placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Yes... I am." You quickly picked one out and opened it.

Great misfortune.

The fox lady burst out laughing, holding onto for support. You furrow your eyebrows at her, trying to figure out what exactly was so funny.

"I'm leaving." You left the premises as the pink fox cackled at you.

Trekking through the area, you found Aether resting next to a tree. The second you were about to approach him, someone grabbed your wrist and held their hand up to your mouth.

Your yells came out as muffled, you kicked and shoved but they held a strong grip on you. In result of your resisting, the person dragged you away, somewhere far enough so that the traveller wouldn't be alerted.

You were thrown roughly onto the ground, the person walked over to you as you winced in pain.

"Get up." A harsh male voice ordered you.

"What the hell." You glanced up to find the electro archon's firstly abandoned puppet, Kunikuzushi. "What are you doing here?" You cautiously stood up.

"I'm here for two reasons." He crossed his arms. "My first reason is to tell you that I told you so."

You stared blankly at him, not bothered by his childish behaviour.

"You should've gone with me earlier, if you did you wouldn't have a large bounty on your head."

It was then you realised it was absolutely impossible for him to know who you were, after Ei discarded of you, you possessed a completely different appearance. "How do you know who I am?"

"I was watching when Ei threw you out, it was quite the sight." He chuckled. "I would kill to watch it happen again."

You instantly grew impatient, tapping your foot on the ground. "And the other reason?"

"Join me," the indigo haired boy was now serious. "Now that your one and only creator has abandoned you, don't you want to get revenge?"

"Revenge?" You questioned.

"Don't you want to get back at the people who hurt you? Ei surely, but what about the traveller or the Yashiro commissioner even?"

"I don't need your help to get what I want, and i certainly do not want to work with you. I know very well that you hate me because Ei preferred me over you. How do I know that you won't stab me in the back and get your revenge on me aswell?" You crossed your arms.

"You don't." He answered. "You're right, I absolutely despise you. I'm only using you to get back at other people."

You scoffed from how honest he was being. "I'm not working with you, I see no benefit."

"How about we strike a deal? You help me, and I won't kill you." The indigo haired man was no longer as calm and composed as he was a few moments ago.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now