𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 7

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"You get put into a cell and as soon as I find you, both of your roommates are dead?" Scaramouche crossed his arms.

"I didn't kill the child, only the man." You spoke.

"Whatever, why did you leave?" He questioned as the two of you wandered down the hallways of the prison.

The atmosphere there was melancholy. Everyone looked as if they had given up their will to live. Some of the women laying in their cells were pregnant, others were children so skinny they looked as if they've been starved, and then there were the grown men also forlorn.

"I went on a walk, it was too cold for me to sleep." You knew if you gave him the truth he would definitely kill you.

"Fine I'll give you a blanket, just don't wander off again."


Once the two of you got back to the fatui base camp, Scaramouche had to do some paperwork. Instead of letting you wander around like you insisted, he made you sit in the corner of his tent whilst he finished signing papers.

You were used to sitting around, just like you did when Ei had given up her pursuit for eternity. You wondered what the Electro Archon was getting up no nowadays, she seemed so much more happier when she left the plane of euthymia.

"Y/n." The indigo haired boy snapped you out of your thoughts. "We're starting the first phase of our plan to get rid of the traveller."

"Hm?" You noticed his pen was set aside, his mood completely changed, he was now more serious.

"The traveller already knows who I am, but now your appearance has completely changed he has no idea who you are."

"About that..." You scratched the back of your head. "I ran into him not so long ago, he freed me from the fatui."

"Seriously?" Scaramouche raised an eyebrow. "What's with you and getting captured by the fatui?"

"I don't know. After the traveller saved me I was following him but you dragged me away."

"He didn't notice you?"

"No" You responded.

"Good. The plan is for you to befriend the traveller. I don't care how you do it, all I want you to do is get on his good side. At best start travelling with him. That way we can know where he is at all times." The indigo haired boy rest his elbows on the table as his hands support his face.

"That's it?" You questioned.

"That's it, for now."

You noticed a little smirk for on his features.

Scaramouche stood up and pushed you out of his tent. 

"Don't come back until you've completed your mission." And with that, he closed the curtains leaving you outside.

You had no idea how you were supposed to find the traveller, he never stayed in one place. You decided to take a stroll around Inazuma city, you wanted to check out how much had changed since the vision hunt decree was abolished.

Everyone seemed so much happier. Little children ran across the streets, lovers sat beneath a cherry blossom tree enjoying a nice picnic, and friends celebrated their birthdays.

You watched as a group of people sang happy birthday to the person sat in between all of them. After they finished clapping, a giant cake was brought out onto the table. All of them looked so happy and at peace, you felt something churning inside of you.

You clutched your fists and went the other way, you had no idea what was happening to you but you didn't like it one bit.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

You turned around and noticed a patrol soldier shivering vividly with fear, barely holding up their spear to point in your direction.

"Yes?" You answered.

Only a few seconds later, you were surrounded by a group of guards. Then you remembered you had a million mora bounty on your head, you felt so stupid walking around in broad daylight. A big crowd formed, as people's joyfully bright smiles faded into worried and concerned faces.

In an instant, you barged past one of the patrol soldier causing them to fall over. You ran into the nearest forest, sprinting as fast as you could manage. Almost tripping over your own feet, you dodged the spears and arrows thrown after you. If one of those weapons hit you, it would be way more fatal than that time you ran away from a group of hilichurls.

If you kept running away you were going to get hit eventually. Quickly, you turned around and caught one of the spears thrown at you in mid air.

The weapon slightly bruised your hand as you caught it, you stumbled backwards before regaining your balance. In retaliation, you lunged forward and threw the spear right back at them with great strength.

The brute force of the throw built up a strong wind current carrying the spear along with it, knocking all of the patrol soldiers to the ground.

Unfortunately, the weapon didn't hit anyone. Instead it stabbed right into a tree, locked in a horizontal position.

The group of unconscious guards lay on the ground. You wondered how that throw had been so powerful, after all you had lost a great number of your strength.

You looked down then noticed an anemo vision resting in your hand.

You were confused. Anemo visions were only granted by the gods if you had a desire for freedom, but you already found your freedom. You were finally away from Ei, as much as you didn't want to admit it she was basically the embodiment of a prison, your prison.

However, now there was an anemo vision resting in your hands wouldn't that mean you still weren't free?

Hesitantly, you strapped your anemo vision to your waist, making sure to fasten it tight before carrying on with your journey.


Aether and Paimon visited Katheryne to collect their daily commission rewards.

"Thank you for completing today's commissions. Here is your reward." She spoke in a monotonous voice as usual, and handed the duo their payment.

"Thank you Katheryne!" Paimon cheered.

"Wait, I have one more commission that needs taken care of very quickly. The Yashiro commissioner himself personally asked me to assign you this mission." Katheryne's voice grew very serious as the atmosphere tensed up.

The rest of the details were given to Aether.

"I'll do it." The traveller agreed, wandering off to fulfil the Yashiro commissioner's request.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now