𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟷𝟷

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"Aren't you supposed to be using a catalyst?" You raised an eyebrows at the indigo haired man.

"Well I figured that would be too easy... for me of course." He chuckled. "Using a sword makes your attacks way more predictable, which is exactly why I am going to be wielding one for this duel."

"Are you calling me weak?"

"No I'm just calling myself stronger than you."

You had no idea whether he was being sarcastic or not. "Do you even know how to use a sword?"

"Obviously I don't, but how hard could it be? All you do is swing it around, aiming to hit your opponents, simple." The indigo haired boy played around with the weapon in his hand.

"You're basically mocking me at this point." You couldn't believe how confident he was.

"I'm just joking, of course I know how to wield a sword I've been alive way longer than you have. I know how to use almost every weapon there is."

"Even a claymore?" You nearly laughed at the end of your sentence, you could never imagine the balladeer using a claymore out of all things.

"What are you laughing at?" Scaramouche got irritated by your tiny smile, though that was the first time he had ever seen you smile, even if it was only little. "I said almost idiot."

"Does that mean you don't know how to wield a claymore?" You questioned, slightly disappointed.

"Shut up, lets just get this duel over with so I can be done with you." He readied his weapon.

"Alright..." You grew nervous as the both of you took different fighting stances.

The two of you slowly approached each other as the tension became unbearable. You dashed towards him though in the blink of an eye, he vanished. Turning around you caught nothing but blossom petals sailing along with the calm winds.

Those petals where enough to distract you long enough for Scaramouche to gain the upper hand. He appeared behind you, catching you off guard as he swung his sword towards you.

On instinct, you body turned around and weakly blocked the attack stumbling backwards. After you regained your balance, the indigo haired boy was already aiming for your throat as he quickly swung his weapon once again.

This time you infused anemo energy into your sword as you parried his attack, Unfortunately, Scaramouche infused his sword with electro energy, though you quickly noticed this elemental power was not controlled by a vision.

The clash of the two elemental infused swords caused a swirl reaction, sending the the both of you flying into the air. Before you could even land, electro bolts violently zapped you, disrupting you focus. You couldn't even land on your feet, instead you crashed onto the ground signalling your defeat.

"Looks like I win." Scaramouche approached you.

You could practically see the devil horns on his head as he gave you the cockiest grin, mocking you without even saying a word. "Did you just zap me?" You groaned, rolling over on the floor.

"So what if I did?" He smirked. "It wasn't against the rules."

"But it wasn't fair." You sat up. "I can't control my vision like you can."

"That's exactly why I'm going to teach you how to use it."

"Do you even have a vision? The elemental energy you gave off didn't seem normal."

"I use an electro delusion, a way of harnessing elemental power without a blessing from the gods. Though it does rapidly drain the wielder's life." He answered.

"It's possible to use elemental power without visions?"

"Yeah it is, I was gonna give you a delusion but you've already acquired a vision so now there's no need."

"Oh." For some reason you felt a bit disappointed that he wasn't going to give you a delusion, mainly because you wanted a gift from him.

"Now get up." He lent out a hand for you. "We're starting your training."

"Yeah okay." You grumbled.

"Also, you now owe me a favour." He added.

"What do you want?" You took his hand.

"I'm still thinking, I gotta say it does feel nice to have you owe me." The indigo haired boy pulled you up using a bit more strength than he intended, you ended up right in front of his face, only an inch away.

He caught you before you crashed into him, though in order to do that he had to place his hands on your waist, completely instinct.

There was a short silence between the two of you. You didn't know what was going on, Scaramouche seemed nervous and you just stood there awkwardly. You shuffled a bit alerting his attention, then he pushed you away facing the other direction from you.

"Are you okay?" You spotted the lightest shade of pink on his cheek, just barely visible.

"I change my mind, we're starting your training tomorrow. I feel like taking a break from work today, including that hefty amount of paperwork." He ran his hand through his hair.

"But what about our tent? It's still a mess." You pointed out.

"I'll get some soldiers to clean it up. I'm heading out" He waved at you before wandering off into the forest.

It had been a few hours since Scaramouche took off and you were bored out of your mind. You weren't used to being alone for such a long time, maybe he had grown on you.

Though what happened between the two of your still lingered in your mind. You felt something. That was new. Scaramouche made you feel something. You didn't know what it was but you wanted more of that feeling, the feeling only he gave you.

To acquire that, you had to find him first.

You travelled aimlessly through the forest, hoping to spot this guy somewhere.

It had rained in the night so the forest was wet and damp. You carelessly took a step forward and slipped, sliding down a slightly steep hill. It wasn't very tall so you didn't fall that far but your clothes were now covered in mud.

Almost instantly you gave up trying to look for Scaramouche and decided to go back to the camp, it was only then you realised you had no idea where you were. You never left Inazuma city much when you were with Ei, nor did you leave the fatui camp often because you didn't feel the need.

You were lost.


Author note :

In case you don't know I update every week, mostly on sundays but today I just finished this earlier than usual.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now