𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟷𝟻

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Your eyes widened as they locked onto the head of the Kamisato Clan. Backing away from the door, the blue haired man stepped into the run-down shed.

"Good work traveller, I'll leave your payment with Katherine." He glanced at you with an unamused facial expression then back to Aether with a smile.

The blonde haired boy nodded, completely unfazed.

If crying was even possible for a puppet, you would be crying right now. "Aether..." You whispered slight, clutching your fists. "I thought we were friends." You knew it was your job to pretend to befriend him but after all of that time you spent together, you grew to like him.

"We were never friends, you coming to me only made my job easier." The traveller responded.

"But what about Paimon, didn't you say you were glad we were friends?!" You felt your voice raise.

"That was only so I could get you to trust me more."

"That lollipop." You recall Scaramouche saying it was poisoned. "You tried to kill m-"

"That's enough chat don't you think so? I have work to do." Ayato cut you off, it's as if he was worried about what you were gonna say, but his face didn't show any sign of that.

There was a silence. You harshly stared at the traveller but he didn't make eye contact with you. all you wanted was for him to look at you, he wouldn't. He was your first friend and this is what he does.

"Before you leave Ayato, I have a question." The blonde haired boy stepped forward. "What do you plan to do with Y/n?"

"To throw her in jail of course."

"If that was the case then why go through all the trouble of having me deliver her to you personally?" Aether knew something was wrong, but he wasn't concerned about you at all, just curious.

"I'll answer your question, but we can't do that in front of my prisoner can we?" The blue haired man grabbed you harshy.

"Let go of me!" You yelled trying to pry out of his grip, though you were weak at the moment with your injury and it was too late, you felt your vision go blurry once he hit you as you struggled to comprehend what they were saying. You could only make out one word: experiment.

You gained some sort of consciousness when you were currently being dragged by your collar painfully down a hallways made of just stone. If you weren't a puppet, you probably would've chocked to death. With your vision still blurry, you still couldn't see much.

The person who was dragging you came to a halt as you heard the screeching noise of a metal door being opened. Once it stopped, they threw you into a room and your back slammed into the wall causing you to fully wake up.

You saw the Yashiro commissioner tightly shut the door and lock it with a key. Your eyes followed him as he walked away, you could only see him through the metal bars-

You were in a prison.

Not the official jail in Inazuma, not the official jail for dangerous people either. This place wasn't registered on the list, you would know this because you used to be the raiden shogun.

Ayato's footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as they slowly faded away. You were worried about your wound for a second because he had thrown you so hard, when you lifted up your shirt to check if you were bleeding, you noticed there was no blood at all. Not even the smallest stain on the pure white bandages.

You peeled off a bit of the bandage to find your stomach completely healed, you were no longer held back by your injury. This wasn't the first time you healed so quickly this was normal for you since you weren't human. But when you held the appearance of Ei, the healing was almost instant. Once you got that injury and it didn't close up, you were concerned whether or not you were gonna heal at all.

A long time passed. That was all you knew. You didn't know how long or how short, only a long time had definitely passed. Just to make sure you started counting and got up to twenty five thousand, four hundred and sixty two seconds before you lost what number you were at.

You got bored and went to sleep, you weren't tried at all, you just wanted to pass time. When you woke up again, you were placed on top of a white table as your arms and legs were strapped tightly to it.

You didn't realise someone had moved you in your sleep, or how you didn't wake up either.

There was a bright lamp placed above your head as many people with masks on gathered around you, whispering among themselves.

All of them were poking at you, touching your what you would call your skin, plucking what you would call your hair, and taking samples of what you would call your blood.

As soon as one of them realised your eyes were open, they quickly injected your body with a syringe. Soon you felt your body go extremely numb, you couldn't move a single muscle.

All of them sighed from relief as if they didn't know whether it was gonna work or not, then continued with what they were doing. Not a single one was concerned about your well-being.

It was like you were trapped in an immobile body, and that terrified you in some way. Not being able to move, talk, or even look around. From what you learned from Scaramouche, mortal poisons didn't affect you. Unless, it wasn't mortal.

Your mind started to go fuzzy, all freedom handed to you by the traveller was stripped away just as quickly.

You realised were never free. Always under the control of one person or the other. Even Scaramouche.

Now that you think of it, he's probably wondering where you are. But would he even come to save you? The words he first said to you when you started working with him were "I absolutely despise you. I'm only using you to get back at other people."

That sentence clouded your thoughts whenever you felt yourself warming up to him, it was like a mental barrier preventing you from getting too close.

Whenever you saw Paimon and the traveller together, you felt some sort of jealousy, and you finally knew why. Unlike them, you were alone.


Author note :

im actually so late 🤦‍♀️

I had exams to revise for mb. pretty sure i failed my english one 💀

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now