❤ Chapter three: I've Never Been In Love Before. ❤

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"I've never been in love before. Now all at once it's you, It's you forevermore.."

After thrifting, Peggy felt.. Different. She didn't know how to feel. She was excited, anxious, happy, a bit scared, everything. She looked down at the ground while walking. She bumped into a pebble on the ground. Almost tripping over, until she felt a hand grab her quickly, it felt... Warm, she was inches away from the ground before looking back, seeing a few freckles on the arm, she started blushing, as she looked up, seeing John Laurens. Her best friend, partner and crime, and crush. She stayed quiet for a while before John let out a small chuckle.

"Are you okay, clumsy?"

The male teased. As he reached a hand down to cup her cheek, once his hand got there, he started rubbing it slowly with his thumb. Peggy didn't know what to do. She was so.. Shocked! Is this really happening? She spaced out, staring into John's eyes before blinking. Chuckling nervously as she looked at him. He was now holding her, Peggy had nodded. "Yeah! I'm okay. Just.. Didn't notice the pebble there." She said and Eliza looked back, seeing her sister in John's arms. Letting out a small "Aw." As she tapped Angelica's shoulder and Angelica looked over. Seeing the 2 before feeling.. Enraged. What did this Freckle-face think he was doing holding his sister like that?? Was he trying to flirt with her? Eliza had seen her sisters reaction, tapping her shoulder lightly and saying:

"Don't be like that, Angie.. Let her have this moment. She likes him a lot."

Angelica sighed, keeping her composure and looking at Eliza. Nodding while she was definitely gonna have a talk with John. And also Peggy, they needed to.. Set some rules and boundaries straight. She didn't like this "flirting" One bit, she didn't even know Peggy liked him, she never told her about this! Meanwhile, Peggy had been out of John's arms, they were now chatting. Talking about what would be going on later, their bookstore date. Talking about all types of books, novels, and everything of that nature. Peggy stared at John for a bit, having a slight blush on her face. She decided to ask him a question.

"Hey.. Do you like anyone? In a.. Romantic way?"

John stopped in his words. Standing there, as a light blush crossed his cheeks. He looked at Peggy in the eyes and didn't know what to say, he liked her, he wanted to be with her, he LOVED her. He took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah! I do. She's.. A good girl! She cute, personality is great.. She has the curliest hair.. Always keeps it tied back- loves yellow.." He said and chuckled a bit, Peggy had nodded at this. Smiling while rubbing the back of her neck. "I like somebody too." She said and looked at him, John tilted his head. "Who?" He asked, Peggy looked back and realized Eliza and Angelica were gone, they probably had went into the nearby café to grab a bite to eat, and to cool off Angelica. Besides from that, Peggy looked at her phone, a text from Eliza saying, "Went to the café!! Let me know if you're going with John or not when you can." Peggy nodded at her phone before looking at John and chuckling nervously. "Sorry, sorry!! Eliza texted me." She said and sighed a bit, John nodded. "It's okay! Now tell me who you like, cutie!" He said and a bit of blush scattered across Peggy's cheeks. She nodded and took a deep breath. "Well, he has a ton of freckles.. I could count them all!! His hair is fluffy, fun to play with! I've known him for two years.." Peggy said and chuckled a little while rubbing the back of her neck. John nodded, his face getting a bit red as he realized she were talking about him. He nodded and chuckled nervously. "Nice! He sounds like a- great guy." He said and smiled while blushing a ton more. "Will we still be going to the bookstore? Would you like to change?" He asked while Peggy nodded. "Yeah, I can change quickly! I have something planned out already." She said and shook her head yes. John nodded, grabbing her hand and kissing it. "Alright! See you in a bit, beautiful." He said and ruffled her hair, walking away as Peggy nodded, heading to find Angelica and Eliza.

She finally had gotten to the café downtown, not so far from where they are. Looking at the time, the time for their toll was running out soon. They only had 15 minutes or so, as Peggy went into the café and saw the 2 gathering their things. Peggy waved, she looked very red. Angelica rushed over. "Are you okay, Pegs??" She asked quickly, wondering if her sister was developing a cold. Peggy nodded no while rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah! I'm okay. Just- John, that's all." She said and laughed a little while Angelica nodded. "Okay." She said sternly, as Eliza nodded. "Awh, so cute!!" She said with a bit of a squeal. "Tell me how everything went after we dropped off Angie!!" She said and nodded, they all walked back to the car. Dropping Angelica off and waving their goodbyes. Eliza turned to Peggy and then started driving. "So, Pegs!! How did it go?" She asked and tilted her head. While Peggy just had a huge grin on her face. "Good.. He kissed my hand." She said and smiled while looking away, still grinning hard as ever. Eliza gasped, smiling a lot more while driving. "Really?? That's amazing, now we need to get you ready for your little date in a little while." She said and they got onto campus ground.

"Okay!! I'm so excited about this!! What if he asks me out?" Peggy asked, smiling a bit and looking at Eliza, while Eliza nodded.

"I'm praying he does. It's obvious he likes you!!" She said and walked in with her. As they made their way to the dormitory.

Valentine - A Jeggy story. (John Laurens X Peggy Schuyler. || College AU)Where stories live. Discover now