Chapter 5:

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I stuff the piece of paper Jala had given me into my bag and open the front door. Mom's in the kitchen, i can tell from the aroma. "Hey mom."
"Riley! How was school?" I gaze at her and see that she's worried, "you okay?"
"Ofcoarse...just a lil nervous about meeting your father. That's all." She strolls to the dining table placing a few decorations. "I'm going to my room...see you at dinner."

I watch Jala enter her house...she's 2minutes earlier today and she looks a bit tired. I wonder what I'll ever say to her at the party....that's if i man up and go talk to her. Last time i heard that her parents are strict and haven't gotten her a personal phone yet so texting her or ringing her is a tough one. It's almost dinner so i better look impressive and well learned to get my father's attention, appareantly fathers love well mannered and learned sons.

By the time i am done Jala's in her room. I can tell by the turned on lights but i can't really figure out what she might be doing. "Do i look great?" Mom asks standing infront of me after i reach downstairs. "I'm sure we don't have to be that fanc..." The door bell rings. Mother brushes her hair with her fingers and goes up to unlock the door. A buff figure and a figure of a woman stand infront of her as She greets politely and let's them inside. Before i make any eye contact with them i rush into the kitchen. What if dad brought his fianceè or girlfriend? I mean it's just a friendly dinner so he could bring whoever he wants but what if it's really someone that important? I know for sure that would break mother's heart and i don't want it to happen to her. She may be...a different type of mom but she's MOM, my birthmother.

I hear young voices and a mature voice scold them, asking them to show some respect. "Hey....go join them at the table" mom states pushing me towards the dining room. Dad's eyes stay right on mine when i enter the room. He has dark hair with few locks of white, hazel eyes full of love and a smile I know and treasured since long ago. I sit on the chair furthest from him and watch two girls and a boy take their seats excitedly.

"Dave this is Riley...."
"I can see that, he looks exactly like me when i was younger." He roars out in laughter while the lady he had come with giggles along. "I'm Maria and I'm soon gonna be you're stepmom." Dad kisses her forehead and softly rubs her baby bump. I feel so uncomfortable yet mother seems a bit too relaxed, all she does is make converstaion and smile with the couple infront of me. The next thing she's entertaining the little kids.
"Dad...." i stumble, " i mean Dave. Are all these kids yours?" -There are two simliar looking 10year old girls and one 7year old boy. Dad smiles and nods his head, "consider this you're new family!" New family????

We've been sitting for a while now.
'No way...i can't do this anymore'. I push my chair back and storm out of the room, go upstairs. They are probably coming after me but there's no way i am listening to any explanantion. All these years...10 years! He was building his second family? And i was here dreaming of the day he'd come back and I'd adress him as father again.What about me? And what about mom?i know she's made tons of mistakes and they are divorced but still doesn't she matter to him anymore?

"Riley? Riley open the door...please!" Mom begs but i stay put against the door with no intentions of coming out soon and facing them. "Riley....we could talk about...whatever it is that's bothering you..." Dave says.
"Go away just go away! I don't wanna see your face and i DEFINETLY do not want to see your family and your wife...JUST GO AWAY."

I think they are gone now but i can hear someone on the other side of the door while dad is entertaining his family.
" Mom?"
" i can' dad move on. Does he not care about us?" She sniffs and lets out a snort, " You're father and i are divorced...i can't expect him not to move on and i think you should accept that." She continues, " he loves you and he wants the best for you. He came here thinking he could bond with you, you know...stuff like that." She sniffs again, "Give him a chance."
"I don't want him here and i don't want to talk about him either. I'm not ready for all this."
"Riley...try to understand.."
"Sorry mind's made up and i don't think it's the right time for us to discuss him." Finally, I hear her slipers wosh away as i go into my bathroom.

I'm pushing the chest of drawer in my room towards the door to block anyone from coming in, I'm too tired to meet anyone right now. I'm rubbing my eyes wishing on something to be happy about as i hear mom and dad quarrel over my actions. I really am fed up.

I move the chest of drawer further away from the door and head downstairs to witness the fight Maria was trying to control. " Can you all please shut the fuck up! God. You're giving me a fucking headache. I don't want to hear a single word or curse when i leave this place, y'all got that?"
I glare at Dave's hazel eyes and then to the kids beside Maria. Fucking cunts.

Sooner than i know it I'm in my room rested on the bed. This day was not as good as i imagined it would be....the second family is what kills me the most. I feel broken, lost, i want air but i can't find a place anywhere, i need to think a bit...'calm down' i say to myself trying to catch my breathe.

Thought I'd add a bit of drama and make it a lil bit longer...what y'all think?:)

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