Chapter 23:

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Summer for me isn't simmering at all.

We are driving back home...i mean mom's house -home, in Tony's car tonight because Pete has been really busy being a lawyer lately so he couldn't take us back himself.
We also had to leave because Maria had just lost her second newly born twin and things were getting a bit tense since Dave was now back, not for long though. So we now had to move back to where we belong -out of their lives.

"Thanks for giving us a ride." Mom cheerfully says waving at Tony as he goes back into his car after helping us with our light luggage. "Bye mom...bye douche bag!" He chuckles, bringing a great smirk on my face as i pull out my middle finger at him while mom's not looking.
He makes an oh-my-God-i'm-so-scared face and drives away. That'll probably be the last time i see him since he's soon going back to college and won't be back in like a while.

Apperently he can't take the chaos Maria's causing already ever since she lost that other darn twin so he thought staying completely out of all the drama would do him good. Wish i could do that.

"I'm gonna head upstairs for a while and come back down, ok?" I reassure as i take the little lart of luggage that was mine and head for my room. Mom nods and goes around the whole house as if checking if Santa had come by and left some's not even close to being christmas yet but it looks like she's determined to make sure they aren't any new things around her house.

My room is dark and a mess, the way i left it so I'm pretty much convinced there are no gifts from Santa or anyone who'd wondered around.
When i walk over to the window and look out for Jala's house, i notice it's darkness as if no one's occupying it...but I'm also quiet sure I'm just overthinking this. Maybe they are all asleep?

Well whatever, i plan to meet up with Jala...i mean it's been about like 5 days since we've seen or talked to each other  so surely it must be safe to go over her house without barging into any problems. I simply just miss her.

I have been trying to study the bible because i really...really want to impress her. Also because i want to work on my relationship with God.

I take out the book where I've been writing all I've learnt about the bible so far -I'm at the 10th chapter of John by the way. Plus, reading the bible kind of gives me peace even though there's so much drama going on around here.

I write todays date and begin studying the tenth chapter of the book. It usually takes about 10-20 minutes for me so i don't think mom will be quiet affected by my sudden dissapearance...for now.
Just as i read the second verse of the chapter i hear mom curse out loud, all the way from her study.

Once i reach her study, i notice of how big of a mess it was and quickly ask what's happened but she just keeps cursing under her breathe, checking every drawer and every little cupboard in the room.
"Mom, what the hell is wrong with you? What the..."
"Someone stole that copy...the document...the thing Riley..."
"What thing mo-"
"The thing with Dave' know what, that document Dave gaves us." I look around after finally realising what she was describing all this while as she leans against the wall, convinced her searching was a 100% acurate.

"Maria did this." She spits as she searches for her phone through her hand bag, "what? How'd you know?"
"It's a fucking wild guess. Why do you think she's started hating you so much?" She ties her hair back prepared to dial Maria's dials "It's because you're basically taking what she thinks deserves you stupid-" she pauses and takes in one big breathe before she says, "Sorry. It's just that...i know she did it." She whispers brushing my hair backwards with the fingers on her left hand as she walks past.

"Well that's fucking great!" She cries out as she throws her phone against a wall and heads for the kitchen to get a glass of water.

She is frustrated.

Maybe Maria didn't answer the phone? Or maybe she changed her dials as soon as she got the document?

I carefully excuse myself and go back to my room.  If mom was going to have another fight with Maria, i didn't want to be a part of it at all because first of all it's just unnecessary and second of all I'm tired of being the reason everyone's fighting.

But then again Maybe i am just not being  so considerate of other's  emotions, feelings and thoughts.

I am really tired of all the nonsense.

I should've never wished for Dave to ever come back into my life.

Maria's POV

"..and all this while i didn't know Dave had other plans..." I curse him as i watch him play a bit with my children while i fold the laundry in the other room.
So he really thought if he didn't tell me he was only thinking of his stupid son, i wouldn't know?


I will make him pay. For all this.

And best of all, he won't see it coming.

I deserve all his riches, i deserve all his love and i deserve everything in his name not some stupid kid and his mom.

And that mom of his...if i could kill her, I'd stab her a million times, to her death, considering all the pain I've gone through due to her.
I was totally fine when Dave said Joey wouldn't be much of a problem but seems like he was wrong...or he was just protecting her.

Who knows? Maybe he won't be here long enough to protect her till she decides to die.

Well whatever the reason may be, i will get my money, and all that i deserve.
Especially his love.

He promised me the world and if it means altering his will or killing him or getting rid of anyone on the way...i will definetly go to any extent to get the WORLD.
And i promise him, nothing is stopping this badass.

He won't see it coming.

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