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Maria's POV

When i wake, appearently it's the next day and Dave's there discussing me with the doctor taking care of me. When i tilt my head to the other side i can see Joey's handbag, which means she could be around here somewhere.

The doctor leaves, allowing Joey into the room i was in. She's concerned, busy asking questions about my health and the twin's health. "Joey. Could you give Dave and i some space?" Iask of her. Her eyes go big as if she's about to refuse doing so but she simply nods and exits the room. I turn to Dave, "Why didn't you tell me you have cancer?"

Dave looks straight up at me as if I've just offended him and looks back down. "Why?"
"Not now, not now Maria..."
"When...when will we discuss this? You can't leave me alone said you'd stay..."
"Till death does us apart." He snaps and walks towards the door. "Dave...don't go! You promised, you fucking promised....Dave!"

Tears begin rolling down my cheeks as i hear him stop Joey from entering the room. "You promised," i whisper to myself, "you can't leave me like everybody else did, Dave yo-u..." i shut my mouth as memories replay in my head.

From the age of 5, life was difficult for me. My mother died and left me with her second husband Steve who only used me for his own satisfaction. He did it for two years and atleast about 5 times throughout those two years. I'd stay in the basement, crossing my fingers and praying he doesn't come down here and remind me of the pain I've already suffered enough.
When i would tell his sister and my aunts...they'd laugh and tell me to quit telling crazy stories. I remember one time he sold me to one of his friends for a night. After that night, for some reason he never touched me ever again instead, he forced me to apply for a job. The trauma still remained though, until my late 20's when i met Dave. He got me help in an assylum for two years and i was free from the pain and trauma.

But now he also wants to leave me behind, like mom did, like my aunts did and everybody else. I'm fighting my pain from deep within when the doctor enters the room once again and asks the nurses to move me to another room. "Dave..." i call out his name as i observe him from a distance.

'Now he's also going...forget him.'

Riley's POV

It's been a while since mom's left Pete's  house (which is where i am right now). Pete's at work so i am just here alone, looking around the house. There's a photo album in a cupboard right next to his flat screen tv, in the living room.

I open it up. The first picture is him in his early years with his...parents? I really can't tell so i flip to the next page. It's another lady...slim and fair so i take out the photo to see who's name is written behind. 'Adelaide.'
She looks young and has a baby bump so she must've been either his sister or...maybe just a friend he wanted to keep in his family album. Maybe she's even dead....or alive,maybe just living far away or so.

The next few photo's are family...i can tell by the similar smile. When i flip to the very last picture, my heart skips a beat. It's a wedding picture with Adelaide  in it as the bride and Pete as the groom. It's a pretty picture but where's Adelaide now? I put back the photo album and look for a room that looks most likely to be Pete's.
There's one at the very end of the passage upstairs that looks like what i want so i begin searching for any clues to where Adelaide dissapeared to. Asking Pete would completely ruin the start of our relationship and since I've already dug up sonething, i might aswell continue digging.

There's a chest on a table in the room but it's locked so now i have to look for keys. I can't find any keys so i give up and rest for a while in the living room. 'Maybe if Jala was here, she'd help.' The voice in my head quips as i sit up straight. Wait...

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