Chapter 1- Back to school

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Harry's POV:

"Come on Harry, it's going to be okay," Ginny says from beside me. She squeezes my hand and flashes me a loving smile.
I can't quite manage to smile back. Our relationship seems to be coming to a natural end and I feel like we might both be clinging on a bit in order to make the family happy and not be alone again too I guess.
"Thanks Gin, let's go and find Ron and Hermione," I say and she nods. I am not looking forward to coming back to Hogwarts. It used to be my safe space, but since the war I don't think it's going to be the same. I couldn't even go back to help with the building like the others did. I didn't want to return, I was quite happy to sit at home with George. We definitely helped each other over the summer.
We make it on to the packed train, despite the additional students the Hogwarts express hasn't increased in size. I was quite looking forward to a quiet carriage with just the four of us but that doesn't look like it's going to be the case.
Ginny drags me down the train after Ron and Hermione. Ron is waving and greeting people rather boastfully, I guess being the youngest boy means he rather likes the attention. His girlfriend smiles bashfully from beside him not enjoying it as much.
I watch the students especially the younger ones press their faces to the windows of their full carriages, and I can't help but cringe, I knew I shouldn't have returned. I could have taken that auror job that Kingsley offered but no, Hermione said I had to finish my education or I'd be a laughing stock to the other aurors. Like that would have ever been the case, I think bitterly, I did their fucking job for them.
"People seem to want us to sit with them but there's no room for all four of us at the rate this is going we will have to split up," Ginny says from beside me. I barely register the comment. I wouldn't mind splitting up as long as I got a quiet compartment.
"No no I don't want to do that, we've always sat together on the train, we have to," Hermione says dramatically and her boyfriend nods in agreement. Of course he does, can he not have a single thought of his own I think bitterly, that was a little harsh I guess.
"Umm this one has room," Hermione says awkwardly as we reach the last carriage.
"Ugh no way Hermione, can't we just make some younger years shift it," Ron groans.
"No Ronald, it's not right to use your influence that way," Hermione snaps.
We reach the carriage and Ginny groans loudly.
I peer in to see Draco Malfoy stretched out across the seat his head in Pansy Parkinson's lap and his legs draped over Blaise Zabini. The seat opposite is loaded with expensive trunks and the place for them above is empty. Obviously a deterrent for other people wanting to sit down. Smart, but that's Malfoy I guess.
"It's fine guys, they were all cleared of all charges and they paid a fine to help with the restoration of the school," Hermione says in a tone that makes me think she doesn't quite believe what's she's saying.
"Yeah a fine that didn't even scratch the surface of their wealth, especially Malfoy," Ron hisses back, "and his parents got off, away sunning themselves in their houses in France I heard."

No one knows I gave evidence to help exonerate the Malfoy's, not even them. I suppose I only told the truth of how they helped me, bending it a little for Lucius but that is just because he's not a threat now that Voldemort is dead and I couldn't have taken the inevitable constant appeals meaning I'd be called up for evidence again and again.

"This carriage is taken," Blaise says in his deep voice as Hermione pushes her way in.
"There's still some room guys," she says politely, levitating their trunks to the shelf above their heads and putting ours up there too.
She sits opposite Parkinson and smiles, Parkinson gives her a confused look before turning back to Malfoy.
"Come on guys I suppose it is the only carriage with room for all four of us," Ron grumbles sitting next to his girlfriend. Ginny takes a seat flattening her robes and I sit next to her opposite Zabini.
"Did you guys have a good summer?" Hermione says awkwardly.
Zabini and Parkinson glare at her before giving a slight worried look towards Malfoy who makes no comment and doesn't move.
"Could have been better," Zabini laughs darkly.
"We did get engaged though," Parkinson says, only a hint of a smile making its way onto her face.
"I didn't think ferret face wanted you," Ron chuckles getting a glare from them both, why is Malfoy not reacting, what is he up too.
"Don't call him that," Pansy snaps, "and no Blaise and I got engaged." Zabini smiles at her lovely and she smiles back, it seems genuine like Ron and Hermione not like Ginny and myself.
"Ah you know who I meant though," Ron sniggers getting a whack on the arm from Hermione.
"Be civil," she hisses not as quietly as she thinks she did.
I watch Malfoy carefully, his stoney expression hasn't changed but he has a bit.
It's hard to tell when he's laying down but he looks more muscular, perhaps he threw himself into training like I did. I suppose the muscular build I've gained is a bonus on top of the fact it meant I had time alone.
His blonde hair is longer now but it still looks as neat and as soft as ever. His skin is so smooth and pale, for someone who owns so much property abroad he still looks like a porcelain doll.
He wears an expensive looking black suit with a white shirt. He is using his folded jacket as a cushion on Pansys lap and his shirt sleeves are rolled up to show the dark mark. It has faded but it still stands out as the only mark on his otherwise perfect skin.
I watch Parkinson stroke his hairline gently, surely that makes her fiancé jealous. I turn to Zabini who smiles at his partner and takes Draco's hand in his own squeezing it gently.
I can't help but feel uncomfortable, what is this strange scene. It's like they both worship Malfoy or something.
"Sorry what was that Ginny?" I say as I realise she's been talking to me but I've been too busy staring.
Malfoy snorts to himself at my question, the first acknowledgment of our presence.
"I said how are you feel now about returning? Like going home?" Ginny says and I shrug.
"Grimmauld place is my home," I say curtly getting a frown from my girlfriend.
I watch Malfoy's eyebrow raise in interest, perhaps at the mention of the Black residence.
"We are all going to be in one dorm," Hermione says somewhat to the room, "there's an 8th year common room and dorm as there are fewer of us."
"Oh I do wish I could be with you guys," Ginny says woefully. I know it's terrible of me but I think I could use the distance.
"I think we will be together Parkinson," Hermione says politely, "i overheard Dean say the it's the Gryffindor and Slytherins together and the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws together."
Ron groans loudly at this news but I don't react, even though it is unnerving to have Malfoy so quiet, if he stays like this I don't think there will be too many issues.
"I will be with Blaise, now that we are engaged we can room together at Hogwarts, some silly ancient rule." She says smiling at her partner again.
"But you will have Draco with you.....:and Theodore. They are the only other Slytherins."
Hermione smiles at her nodding politely at the information. I can see those two somewhat getting on. They both seem quite matter of fact.
The cabin door slides open and Nott swaggers in. He lifts Malfoy's legs taking a seat between Parkinson and Zabini with Malfoy still draped over them.
He makes no acknowledgement of us focusing on Malfoy completely.
He takes his hand and kisses it. I turn to Hermione and Ron who look equally confused, Ron also looks slightly faint.
"You know I only came back for you Draco, you could at least forgive me," he says making Malfoy huff loudly and glare at him. He sits up folding his arms across his chest and glaring at the boy.
"I do not forgive you," he sulks, the first time I've heard him speak the whole time that we have awkwardly been sitting in the carriage together.
"But you refused her Drakey. And I know you were never going to change your mind about that, if you aren't going to marry her why shouldn't I," he says making Malfoy glare at him further.
"You know full well why I refused her Nott," he snaps
"Astorias a nice girl Draco, I do really like her. Be realistic, you know how much I want a wife, I want a family," he pleads making Malfoy scowl at him his lip curling in a very Malfoy like way.
"And what? I don't want a family?" he snaps turning away from Nott angrily.
"Draco let's not do this here, okay, we can talk later, in private," He pleads getting another furious look from Draco.
"Oh I do apologise," Malfoy snaps sarcastically, "I didn't realise you were so conscious of Privacy all of sudden. It's not like you didn't get pissed and tell my whole family."
"Drakey, I am sorry, I apologised for that, but it was all okay in the end right?" he says sadly.
"You do not get to call me that," he says in a tone scarily like his father.
I look at my friends awkwardly. Hermione and Ginny are looking at books trying very hard to pretend that nothing is happening but Ron is staring open mouthed at the situation.
"Boys not now," Parkinson says putting her hand on Malfoy's shoulder. He glares at her to shaking her off.
"No no, why not now? Because these four bloody idiots are here?" He snaps gesturing to us. Getting an offended look from Ron.
"Do you think I care what they think? Do you think I care what anyone thinks anymore?"
Parkinson pinches her nose and sighs, seeming entirely over Malfoy's dramatics.

"Nott here thinks that it's perfectly okay for him to fuck someone and then not tell them that he is getting engaged to some money grabbing bimbo, in some desperate attempt to get his end away again," Malfoy snaps glaring at Nott who looks ashamed.
"You tried to sleep with someone else while you are engaged, by not telling them that you were engaged?" Ron asks Nott dumbly.
"Yes Weasley, he did exactly that," Malfoy snaps.
Ginny and Hermione look up from their books giving Nott a disapproving stare.
"Who did you try to sleep with?" I say to Nott feeling very confused at why Malfoy cares so much, I doubt it was Parkinson given how in love she seems to be with Zabini
Nott looks at the floor frowning.
"Not feeling very talkative there Theodore? The chosen one asked you a question," Malfoy snaps glaring at me snarkily.
"It was Draco," he says looking embarrassed, Malfoy huffs angrily.
"I do not sleep with married men, Theodore! And not engaged ones either!" He snaps glaring at the boy and turning to face Parkinson.
I look between Nott and Malfoy, they did seem somewhat close at school but I would have never have guessed. Malfoy is gay? And Theodore is what? Gay? Bisexual? Just a slut who wants everyone?

"Well it's good to know you aren't completely immoral Malfoy," I snap not quite knowing where that came from but feeling the first glimmer of excitement that I've felt in a while when Malfoy glares at me angrily.
"I have higher standards than you wonder boy!" He snaps eyeing up Hermione and the Weasley's.
"Ha that's hilarious, which one of us joined a cult again?!" I say. I didn't think it was possible to make Malfoy look more furious but it was and it's exhilarating. The first time I've felt like this in months.
"I didn't choose to join anything Potter," he spits angrily, "But I suppose when everyone loves you and everything is handed to you, then you don't learn to think for yourself?"
"Malfoy shut..." Ron begins but I wave my hand dismissively to stop him, I'd much rather speak for myself.
"Ha that's rich coming from you Malfoy, were you born with that silver spoon in your mouth or up your arse, perhaps both?" I tease making him glare at me.
Ginny puts her hand on my shoulder to stop me but I shrug her off.
He stands up pulling out his wand angrily and I do the same.
"How dare you speak to me like that Potter," he hisses pushing his wand to my chest. The feeling of raising my wand in conflict once again is one I didn't realise I missed.
"I'll speak to you however I like Malfoy! Going to curse me are you?" I say cockily eyeing up his wand.
He looks as though he might back down and I decide I can't have that.
"Perhaps we should ask Nott if he felt anything up there," I tease raising my eyebrows at him. I hear Hermione and Pansy gasp and Ron snigger.
Malfoy's silver eyes are wide with fury as he sends a stinging jinx at me. I dodge the first one but get struck with the second feeling the painful tingle ripple through my body. I almost whimper at the feeling, it isn't a bad feeling, it's thrilling.
"Like that do you?" Malfoy teases clearly picking up on the reaction I tried to hide. "I suppose given your Martyr like qualities I should have realised you were a masochist," he laughs cruelly.
"Maybe your stinging jinxes are just shit," I laugh, "barely a tickle."
He huffs in annoyance, trying to send another one my way which I cockily deflect with ease.
"At least I'm out of Draco's firing line now, thanks Potter," Nott sniggers.
"Shut up Nott," I snap at the same time as Draco shouts, "Stay out of it Nott."
"I'll show you pain," Malfoy glares at me raising his wand.
"You wish, Malfoy," I laugh deflecting his jinxes and smirking at his little sneer.
He glares at me angrily his eyes lit with fury as he storms out of the carriage dramatically.
I can't help but smirk to myself taking a seat finally feeling satiated.
"Harry must you pick a fight every single time," Hermione sighs frowning at me.
I shrug ignoring the glares from the Slytherins.
"I don't always start it," I quip twirling my wand in my hand, "you watch he'll start it next time."
"Well Draco should also learn to behave himself," Parkinson snaps getting a nod of agreement from Hermione.
"Trust me, that boy isn't capable of behaving himself," Nott says cockily, winking at us.
I can't help but feel furious at the comment. Draco wouldn't want to be spoke about like that.
"Shut your fucking mouth Nott," I snap ignoring my girlfriends protests and I leave the carriage compartment.

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