Chapter 27- Unforgivable

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Harry's POV:
I wait for our drinks by the counter of a small coffee shop in Diagon Alley the smell of coffee and what looks to be a batch of fresh pumpkin pasties filling my nose. It's quite a small place, poor lighting, at least that's what Draco would say. But it isn't to busy, which is what our little group needs the most.
I glance over to the table.
Its nice to see George too, I think Draco has taken to him best, Ron does still annoy him sometimes.
Draco rolls his eyes as Ron knocks over a pot of sugar on the table but Hermione simply smiles and cleans it up with a wave of her wand, I think she is used to tidying up the destruction that seems to follow in our wake.
"I have your drinks Mr. Potter," the young witch says nervously as her friend giggles poking her head around a door labelled Staff only.
"Thank you," I say politely as the girls glance to each other continuing to giggle. I summon the drinks dropping them off at our table.
"What are they giggling about?" Draco sneers and I just shake my head sitting next to him and putting my hand on his thigh.
"Who knows, probably just curious," I shrug as he glares at them.
Ron rolls his eyes at Draco but I can't help but smile at his quiet rage over something so small.
He shoves the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows exposing the dark mark but that only seems to make them giggle further. Not the effect he was hoping for I assume.
"No you go, I'm not going," the girls argue pushing each other between giggles.
One girl finally gives in, pushing her hair back and pulling her shirt down slightly before heading over to our table.
"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but my friend was wondering if you were single," she say's awkwardly her friend now peeping out from behind the door.
"Umm no I'm not," I say awkwardly and her eyes widen.
"Umm no sorry Mr. Potter. Not you. Mr Malfoy."
I smirk knowingly at Draco who looks overwhelmingly smug.
"I am also in a relationship," he says smirking.
"Yeah we are," I say protectively taking his hand.
Her eyes widen and she squeals.
"How cute, my friend will be devastated but you guys are so sweet," she coos. "I'm sorry to have bothered you." She rushes back to her friend who gasps before smiling at me and breaking out into whispers.
"Ha that's a shock, Malfoy not Harry," Ron laughs getting a scowl from Draco, who definitely also thought they were looking at me at first.
"It is not a shock, Weasley," he scolds, "I am the best looking man in Europe."
Ron sniggers and George also smirks to himself.
"Only Europe love, not the world," I tease.
"Yes obviously also the world but I wouldn't want to come across too arrogant," he sneers folding his arms across his chest defensively.
"Oh I do love you Malfoy," I coo wrapping my arm around his waist and kissing his cheek.

"So this is awkward and honestly feel free to say no," Ron says swirling his tea in his mug, "but mum has invited you guys to our house for New Year.......including your parents Malfoy."
Draco stares at him for once at a loss for words as his mouth opens and closes again.
"I know you probably do not want to come to our house so soon, or possibly ever again but we are family and we don't want to lose you," George says sadly making me feel rather guilty, "mum says Ginny will be on her best behaviour and if she so much as looks at either of you funny she will be sent out to the Lovegoods in a flash."
I suppose it would be awful to lose them all just because of Ginny.
"You want my father in your house," Draco finally says, "I don't even want my father in my house most of the time."
I chuckle taking his hand.
"Well it's not like they don't know each other.
They just don't like each other," I say with a shrug making the Weasleys grimace
"Might be kind of interesting," I say and Draco frowns at me.
"Have you gone mental Potter, my father in their house, how is that going to be anything but a disaster," he says dramatically.
"I think Dads already owled invites," George says awkwardly and my boyfriend puts his head in his hands.
"Well mother is definitely going to say yes, she is going to say it would be rude not to and she would also want to be nosey."
He groans loudly and I shift my chair closer to his.
"It's okay Draco. I'm sure it will be fine. They love you and the Weasleys love me. They will want what makes us both happy. And that is each other."
He puts his head up smiling warmly at me and resting his head on my shoulder.
"What about you Harry, do you feel comfortable going back?" He says taking my hand gently.
I sigh as Ron and George try to not look so enthusiastic for me to answer.
"Not really to be honest but I will have lots of people there and you guys are right, I'm not losing you all because of Ginny's actions."
Maybe I'm mad for agreeing, I think Draco definitely thinks I'm mad for even considering ever seeing her again. I know it is going to be very difficult for him to control his anger. But the Weasleys have always been my family and I can't lose them all.
"It'll go fine," Hermione says, clearly not quite believing it herself as Draco nods awkwardly.

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