Chapter 6 - I could be gay if i wanted Malfoy!

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Another two week time skip - so about a month into school. So end of September.
Draco's POV:
The work load is increasing now, not that I'm not up to date. If you keep on top of your homework then it is never overwhelming.
Halloween is just around the corner and I do love Halloween. Pansy and I secretly went into muggle London dressed up when we were 15, we managed to use a few potions to get into bars. I would have loved to have also gone out in the wizarding world but mother and father wouldn't have approved especially as we were underage.
"What are you thinking about Dray ," Pansy says from her spot on the floor by the fire.
I put down my potions book and smile.
"That time when we snuck into muggle London to go to the gay bars on Halloween," I laugh making her smile.
"You did what?" Blaise asks frowning at his fiancé who blushes.
"You two purebloods went out in muggle London?" Weasley laughs shaking his head. Does he not know that it's rude to involve himself in other people's conversations.
"Yes," I shrug getting an amused look from Potter....Harry.
"We dressed as an angel and a devil, do you remember Dray?" Pansy laughs and I smile.
"We were only 15, Merlin of our parents had seen us in those revealing outfits, they would have cut us out of the inheritance," I chuckle making her laugh.

"Oh I wonder who the devil was?" Harry says snarkily giving me a knowing look.
"Oh I do love Halloween," Pansy says longingly.
"Let's go to a wizarding bar this year Dray. Blaise can come too this time."
"That sounds like a great idea," I say making her grin, "we can whip out the old costumes again."
"I think we need new costumes. You've grown a foot since then, you'll be lucky if it even covers your arse," she laughs and I roll my eyes.
"Ooo you should come too Hermione," Pansy says enthusiastically, making Hermione smile. "And I suppose you two as well," she adds glancing at Harry and Weasley.
"Glad to know you want us there," Harry say sarcastically.
"We all need to dress up though," Pansy says bossily making me regret actually bringing it up.

Week before Halloween

Draco's POV:

It's Halloween next week and I still haven't got a costume. Pansy is now doing a costume with Blaise so I've lost my angel. I tried on a full length, black, leather cat suit for a cat costume but it was a little uncomfortable. I debated asking Hermione if she'd want to be the angel but I don't want it to be awkward, she might be doing something with Weasley.
Perhaps a dragon, yes a dragon could be very fitting, I think to myself as I head to Hagrid's hut by myself for care of magical creatures. I do feel sorry for the man sometimes, but they doesn't mean he should get to teach this class. He has no regard for student safety.
"Not like you to be late," Hermione says as I arrive at the clearing.
"Ah well I didn't want to come," I shrug getting a glare from Harry.
If this class didn't tie in with potions, I would not be taking it. The only creature I've ever really been able to bond with is the thestrals.
"Right," the large man says clapping his hands together, "today we will be looking at fire crabs. Now it is breeding season so they might be a little snappy."
"Fucking brilliant," I grumble, "I always go to class with the hope that I lose a finger. Why can't we do  bloody Pygmy puffs or something."
"Shut up Malfoy, don't be rude to Hagrid," Potter snaps and I roll my eyes, arse kiss.
"I wasn't being rude, I was being truthful. This class breaks the very few health and safety rules at this shitty school," I snap.
"Well if it's such a bad class at a shitty school, why did you come back?" Harry snaps.
"We can't all be handed everything on a gold platter Potter," I spit. "Some of us actually need qualifications for a job." Merlin he is so annoying.

"Oh yeah, because you need a job, with your millions of gallons and your hundreds of houses," he scoffs.
"Yes I do. I'm not going to sit at home all day and I will have more jobs than you, it takes time and effort to maintain all of that, it's a full time job in itself."
"Ah such a shame you'll never have yourself a little housewife to do it all for you then," he snaps.
"Ha I'm glad I won't," I laugh. "Can you say the same? I don't know what woman other than She-Weasley would want to be with you. And of course you messed that one up," I sneer making him glare at me.
"Who says it would have to be a woman?" he half whispers, half shouts, getting a glare from Granger for disturbing the lesson.
"Yeah because you're gay," I hiss rolling my eyes at him, "no chance, you look like shit for a gay guy. You are wearing odd socks, and a mangled T-shirt."
"You are so fucking shallow Malfoy. How can you even be so judgmental? Not everyone will fit into your stupid little boxes, I could be gay if I wanted, Malfoy." I glare at him. How dare he call me shallow, and what does he think you just wake up one morning and decide you fancy a bit of cock. Honestly, every time I start to think he might not be quite so stupid and useless he surprises me all over again.
"I am not shallow Potter. I don't even know why you are arguing with me about this. You are ridiculous, it's ridiculous and what the hell would you know about it."
"I know a hell of a lot more about things than you Malfoy," he hisses back.
"Oh yeah, well you should tell that to your grades," I snigger, "because they are a shining example of you knowing exactly nothing."
"Slimy, know it all ferret," he snaps pushing me slightly as the class moves over to the large barrels containing the fire crabs.
"How long did it take you to come up with that one? Stupid, narrow minded troll."
He pushes me again knocking over a barrel and sending two fire crabs scuttling amongst the class.
"Idiot! look what you've done now," I snap as Hagrid rushes to catch them telling the class to calm down.
"Me?! How is it my fault, it's your fault you shallow bastard."
"My fault? How have you worked that one out you absolute wanker?" I yell, jumping to avoid a fire crab.
"You started it," he yells lunging at me.
"I am not an idiot! And I could definitely be gay, how would you know?" He yells
I laugh at him and he pushes me to the ground.
I prop myself up on my arms, rummaging in my pocket for my wand when I feel a burning sensation on my leg.
"Fuck," I exclaim kicking the fire crab across the grass. "Look what you've done now Potter," I shout looking at my singed trouser leg, the fabric now some-what stuck to my skin and jumping to my feet and pressing my wand to his neck.
I grit my teeth in anger sending a stinging jinx rippling through his body. He hisses in pain still smirking up at me as I hit him again. He inhales deeply, licking his lips.
"You are a sick fuck, Potter," I spit, but he just narrows his eyes and smirks at me.
"And yet you still curse me every chance you get," he leers.
"Boys," Hagrid booms grabbing our shoulders and forcing us apart.
I fight against his grip rather unsuccessfully.
"Honestly Harry, this is getting ridiculous, why would you even pick a fight over something like that. It's not like it's even true so why argue," Hermione snaps angrily.
"And you," she hisses turning to me.
"Harry could stop your Jinxes without even trying, so if he's letting you do it to him now then you seriously need to stop. The war is over! All this fighting is not healthy! For either of you!"
I scowl at the red faced Granger.
"Now! Harry, you will take young Malfoy up to the infirmary to let Madame Pomfrey take a look at his leg. And no fighting," the half giant shouts pointing his stubby finger at my chest.
Why am I always the one who gets singled out, Perfect bloody Potter started it, no one ever sees that.
"I can go alone," I snap ignoring the pain in my leg and trying to make sure I don't limp as I head back to the castle.
"Stop being so proud, you twat. You never felt the need to be a hero before," he snaps, taking my arm and putting it around my shoulder. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him holding most of my weight and ignoring my protests.

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