Chapter 12 - Ron

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——-One week skip——
Harry's POV:
Draco and I haven't really had any conversations just between us since the night on the sofa. I miss it. It was nice to talk to someone about something so private and feel completely comfortable and not judged at all. It's hard because I keep thinking about and analysing every little touch, every joke. I wonder if he finds me attractive. I find him attractive and I've really had to think about what that might mean. I want to explore a proper relationship, I don't want to be involved in something that's just physical, it isn't me. I have no idea what Draco would want and with his family, I'm definitely not going to be worthy of him. A half blood, his family won't have it, and I can't ask him to choose. And my family too, well the Weasley's and Hermione, how will they be with not only a man but a Malfoy.
I don't want to break either of our hearts and I don't want to mess him around. I just wish I could know what he wanted, how he felt.
Then I could go for it, if I ever found the balls.
We've gone a whole week without arguing, we have bickered here and there about silly things but it's nothing serious. Perhaps it's because all of our negative attention has been focused on Nott.
Pansy and Blaise completely ignore him and pretend he isn't there. Hermione has told him off a few times this week and Ron just rolls his eyes every time he opens his mouth. I haven't seen Ginny, thankfully. She's been so bitter, I still can't understand why, Hermione said she's been hanging out with Dean again. Ron tries not to mention because he thinks it will upset me, no matter how many times I tell him I am happy for her. I don't know how he would take it if he knew how I felt.

"Hey mate, you alright?" Ron says plopping down on the log beside me.
I nod not taking my eyes away from the lake.
"Somethings on your mind mate. I know you to well," he presses and I sigh.
"It's not something you'll want to know about," I shrug and he frowns shifting closer to me on the log.
"I do mate. I want to help."
"You won't understand."
"Let me try then," he says and I put my head in my hands trying my best not to cry.
"It's Malfoy Huh?" Ron says putting a hand on my shoulder and I can't hold back the tears.
"He likes you too mate. Go for it," he says putting an arm around me.
"And what makes you think I like him," I sniff and Ron laughs.
"Honestly sometimes I wonder how someone so clever can be so thick. It's obvious Harry! You watch him constantly. You smile when he's not looking, you only tease him to get some more intense one on one interaction."
"It's not as easy as you think Ron," I sigh wiping my eyes on my sleeve. "I want a relationship, someone to build I life with. His family won't accept me even if he does like me, and your family, especially Ginny and George. How are they going to feel finding out that not only am I a poof but, with an ex-deatheater?"
I put my head in my hands again but Ron pulls me close.
"I don't care, Hermione doesn't care nor Blaise and Pansy. If anyone else does then fuck them. Look personally I don't know what you see in the stuck up, slimy, pointy faced tosser but, if that's what you like and your happy then I am happy too."
"He is a gorgeous, intelligent and funny stuck up, slimy, pointy faced tosser though," I sniff sadly smiling at Ron, "he's pretty perfect."
Ron rolls his eyes chucking, "whatever you say mate, whatever you say."
"Thanks for being supportive Ron," I say giving him a watery smile.
He nods pulling me in for a tight hug. "I love you mate."
"I love you too Ron."
"And my lot will come around, Ginny will once she's happy with someone. And if his family doesn't then you just show him that you are there for him. But you never know they might surprise you."
"Thanks Ron, that's really good advice," I laugh and he smiles.
"Been speaking to Hermione. We both know what's been going on, we just wanted to be there for you. Now come on, let's go in for dinner, we can talk about how you are going to make your move on the way."
I smile feeling much better after talking to Ron, I'm impressed by his support and fairly good advice.


Harry's POV:
I wake up the next day with Ron's words still running through my head. I don't know why he thinks it's so easy to ask someone out, especially Draco Malfoy.
I check the clock seeing I'm late for potions. I sigh sadly opening my curtains to an empty dorm, I remember Draco telling me to get up but I must have fell back asleep. I was having a nice dream that we were swimming in the lake on a hot day.
I dress quickly, wash my face and brush my teeth and sling my rucksack over my shoulder before rushing down to the dungeons.
I slink into the classroom and to the seat beside Draco.
"You are late. I tried to wake you three times," he hisses quietly still jotting down notes.
"Sorry Draco, I was having a good dream for once," I say back getting my books out.
"You are not going to know what we are doing, I'm going to have to do it all now," he hisses and I sigh, I've pissed him off so quickly. He is known to be be a bit dramatic though.
"You always do it by yourself, I can do all the chopping and stuff," I shrug and he huffs heading to get ingredients.
"I'm sorry Draco, I didn't mean to be late. I have a lot on my mind right now," I say as we leave the classroom after double potions, lagging behind the rest of the class.
"Oh and I don't. You are boy wonder, try having a lot going on and people shouting slurs at you in the streets and corridors," he snaps.
"I'm sorry Draco, but it really isn't a big deal, your potion was the best again," I say getting frustrated.

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