Chapter 2 - Breakfast

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Draco's POV:
Fucking Potter! I hate him! How can he always irritate me so much. I storm up the path towards Hogwarts, avoiding my friends and stupid Nott.
I decide not to attend the feast as I am too agitated and as I know where the 8th year dorm is it's probably best to check it out first.
It's only when I finally reach the entrance that I realise I don't know the password. I huff in annoyance glaring at the portrait who seems amused by my frustration.
"Why are you skulking around out here Malfoy?" I hear Potters voice from behind me and I clench my fists.
"Why aren't you at the feast Potter?" I spit, "tired of signing all those autographs, perhaps you can't take any more of the catcalling."
He raises an eyebrow at me.
"You don't know the password do you?" He laughs heading towards the portrait, he says something under his breath and the door swings open.
"Now why should I let you in?" He teases standing in the door frame.
I sneer at him, stupid Potter thinks he's so clever.
"Honestly Potter, those relatives of yours should have taught you how to respect your superiors" I snap pushing past him harshly.
"Oh and I suppose you consider yourself my superior?" He laughs.
"I fail to see what is funny. I am superior to you in every way," I sneer, "not just financially and intellectually."
I storm up the stairs and push through the dorm room with my name on the door. The door leads to a short hallway with a few doors, I pass the one with Longbottoms, Thomas' and Finnigans names on it to the one with unfortunately, mine, Potters, Weasley's and Notts.
Stupid school officials I think bitterly, as I claim the largest bed closest to the window and with the overall best position in the room.
I unload my trunk into the cabinet beside the bed ignoring the door opening and closing.
"Of course you'd take the biggest bed without thinking about anyone else," Potter sneers, much too my dislike putting his trunk on the bed next to me.
"Well if you were any shorter you'd disappear from existence," I laugh, "it's not like you need the bigger bed. Although with all these witches throwing themselves at you perhaps you'd like to enjoy some time without the She-Weasley."
He chuckles darkly frowning at me.
"You think so little of me? And it's coming from a man that likes them engaged," he laughs winking at me.
"You'll do well to shut your whore mouth about that Potter!" I spit drawing my wand and making him laugh again, not the reaction he usually gives.
"I don't think I will."
"You are the most irritating, uncouth wanker that has ever lived," I say glaring at him.
"And your a spoiled, stuck up brat," he sneers as I hit him with a knock back jinx, he flies backwards planting his feet firmly on the floor and stopping himself from hitting the wall.
He grins at me pulling his wand from his pocket.
"Oh please," I laugh deflecting his spells with ease.
The door opens and Weasley and Nott walk in.
"Oh for fucks sake, I know he's a wanker Harry but you are going to have to stop this shit if we all live together," Weasley groans making Nott laugh and head to the bed on the other side of me.
"No, you are not going there Nott, no way," I say turning my attention to Theodore.
"You are going over there, further away from me!" I tell him making him sigh and move next to Potter.
"And what if I wanted to go next to Harry," Weasley says defiantly.
"I'm sure this is better than the hovel you are used to Weasley," I spit as I head to the bathroom, "you'll make do."

Once I enter the bathroom I claim the largest cabinet filling it with my products and setting about my evening routine. I shower, wash my hair and pull on some red silk full length pyjamas. I run some product through my now long hair so it doesn't curl in the night and I put on my moisturiser.
I head out of the bathroom after locking my cabinet and towards the bed.
"Ooo sexy pyjamas Malfoy," Potter sniggers and I glare at him. "Notts left to get some food though."
I roll my eyes at him getting into my bed.
"It's not the outfit, I'm just sexy," I snap making him smile. I find myself getting increasingly irritated with Potter. He doesn't look angry like he used to. It's more like arguing amuses him.
I yank my curtains shut, locking them and casting a silencing charm for privacy, deciding it's best to sleep.

Harry's POV:
I feel something hit my face and I wake with a start to see a fully dressed Draco Malfoy standing above me. I pull the clothes he dropped on me off of throwing them to the washing basket under the bed.
"Ahh you can put your clothes into the washing basket! You could have fooled me," Draco sneers.
"Yeah well it's not exactly hard to fool you now, Blondie is it," I tease wondering what effect the nickname will have on him.
He narrows his eyes at me and I wink at him. He flushes slightly before sneering at me.
Perfect I think to myself.
"Honestly Potter, if Weasley managed it I'm sure you can!" He snaps
I laugh standing up out of the bed and stepping closer to him.
He quickly glances down to my bare chest and flushes again. Prude.
"And why should I? If you're just going to clean up after me," I laugh. Malfoy runs a hand through his long hair in frustration.
"Because if you don't, I'll make you regret it," he threatens storming out of the room.
I laugh to myself as I watch him storm off.
"Honestly mate, you two need to chill. I hate the slimy bastard just as much as you but it's going to do everyone's head in now that all the 8th years are together," Ron says from his bed.
"I don't hate him," I find myself saying before I realise who I'm saying it too.
I head into the bathroom before Ron can comment chuckling to myself at the parchment on the mirror.

'To presumably Potter and Weasley!
Put down the toilet seat and lid after use! And clean up all the toothpaste in the sink! You are disgusting - sincerely Malfoy'

Oh he is just brilliant, everything at Hogwarts might have changed but the one constant is bloody Malfoy.
This year isn't going to be as awful as I thought if he keeps getting this annoyed at such small things.
I wonder if I can get him to pull his wand out again before the first lesson I muse as I get ready for the day.
I head down to breakfast ignoring the stares and whispers as well as some giggling and sit next to Hermione and Parkinson at the 8th year table. They stop their conversation as i flop down next to them, grinning evilly at Malfoy who's opposite.
"I liked your little note blondie," I tease making him glare at me for calling him that.
Hermione looks at me quizzically but I wave it off.
"Is that seriously all you are going to eat," I laugh at his small square of toast.
"You didn't eat dinner last night, no wonder you look like you might snap," I tease putting some scrambled egg and tomato's onto his plate.
I reach for the sausages and he stops me.
"I'm a vegetarian," he says and I frown at him.
"Since when?" I ask realising our conversation is slowly becoming more civil.
"Since 6th year, now I think, maybe 5th," he says eating the eggs with his toast. Good he looks a bit thin.
"Well perhaps you need to go back to eating meat, then you might put on some weight," I laugh and he glares at me.
"I am perfectly fine the way I am. I am not going to ever eat meat," he says firmly and I shrug.
"That's not what you said about my meat," Nott teases looking to me as if for approval of his insult, as he sits down next to Malfoy who glares at him and shifts away. Before he reacts and before I even register my actions fully I have hit Nott with a full body bind curse making him fall off of the chair.
"Don't say shit like that! Especially when I'm eating," I sneer at him making Malfoy smirk seeming quite happy.
I hide my smile as I start to eat my breakfast, ignoring Hermione's protests.

"Come on boys," Hermione says to Ron and I as we head to our first class with Slughorn, "don't want to be late."
We head inside to find our names set out on the desks. Much to my pleasure my name is sitting on the desk next to an agitated looking Malfoy.
"Potter!" He spits, "I don't know why you are in this class. Potion making is for intelligent people."
"Oh and yet you do it everyday Malfoy," I tease making him sneer at me. He keeps the stoney expression as he reads through the potion instructions.
"It says slice not chop, you troll brained fool," Malfoy snaps taking the knife from my hand.
"You said chop!" I argue making him roll his eyes.
"I did not say chop and even if I had you are supposed to be reading the instructions for yourself also," he snaps shoving the book at me:
"Ah so you admit you may have said chop?"
"I did no such thing, you ingrate."
"Controlling wanker," I mutter.
"Work-shy idiot," he snaps.
"Perhaps you two should stop arguing and fuck, get it out of your systems," Nott says from his desk next to us, making Parkinson snigger and Ron look disgusted.
"I'll curse you again, you twat," I snap.
"Don't talk to me Nott," Malfoy says glaring at him before turning back to his potion and keeping quiet for the rest of the lesson.


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