Chapter 4 - The breakup

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Draco's POV:

I awake the next morning to see stupid Potters bed empty, I wonder where he could be at this time. As I head to the bathroom I notice that his broom is gone. Ah trust that stupid git to go flying alone, probably putting on a show for his fans.
I open the window in the bathroom and sure enough I see a broom on the quidditch pitch whipping around with a few people in the stands. Idiot. I'm not looking forward to potions this morning with him.
I take my time getting ready ignoring Weasley banging on the door. I ignore his comments as I head down to breakfast taking a seat next to Pansy who is talking to Granger again.
They have become strangely close. I mean I don't mind Hermione so much. She's intelligent and somewhat interesting for a muggle born. She reminds me of Pansy a bit so I can see why they are more friendly nowadays.
"Good morning ladies," I say politely and they smile at me.
"Morning Draco," Hermione says, "you look very nice today." Ah yes this girl is definitely growing on me a bit.
"Thank you Granger," I say as I put a croissant on my plate.

I hear whispers brake out in the hall and I turn to see a stormy faced Harry charging in.
He's still in his quidditch clothes and he looks slightly damp and covered with grass stains. His hair is messier than usual and he's wearing a scowl that is usually reserved for me.
He slumps down beside me stabbing a sausage rather violently and putting it into his mouth in one go.
"That's not enough food again Malfoy," he grunts still chewing, disgusting. "You don't even eat lunch sometimes. You are going to waste away, no wonder you are so weak." He puts some fruit onto my plate and a slice off toast.
"We don't all need mountains of food Potter," I grumble as he stabs his second sausage even more violently.
Hermione frowns at him and Pansy rolls her eyes.
I hear sniffles coming from the Gryffindor table and I follow it to see She-Weasley crying surrounded by a small group of girls. Ah so they've had some sort of argument.
"Did you guys break up then?" Hermione says politely and Potter just grunts in response.
"She said I was reckless and violent and my fuse has only gotten shorter. Apparently I'm not the same person anymore, bloody Ginny," he snaps putting another slice of melon onto my plate as I've eaten the first one.
"I'm not one to defend you and your oafish ways Potter. But surely it is understandable, if anyone had been through what you've been through they'd have a short fuse too," I shrug making him hold his arms up defensively.
"Exactly, what is she even going on about? You know it's rubbish if even Malfoy agrees with me," he snaps
"Eat your toast," he grunts at me and I sigh taking a few bites.
"I don't agree with you completely Potter, you are reckless and violent but it's not new, you've always been that person," I laugh as Hermione throws me a warning look as he's already in a foul mood.
"Shut up Malfoy," he snaps, "or I'll punch you back next time."
I laugh taking another bite of toast. "Oh how I love it when you prove my point Potter."
He looks like he's going to snap back but unnervingly he actually breaks into a grin.
"Fair point Malfoy, fair point," he laughs nudging me lightly.
Pansy and Hermione exchange a confused look before turning back to their breakfasts.

"I wonder where our partners are?" Hermione muses as we walk to potions.
I cringe looking over at Potter to see if he's okay. Poor timing Granger.
"Blaise is unwell. He's staying in bed today," Pansy says, "man flu if you ask me."
I roll my eyes at her and Potter doesn't make a comment still seeming annoyed.
We take a seat at the desk in the classroom and start our potions. I decide to give all the ingredients that need crushing and chopping to Potter. Hopefully that lets him get his frustration out.
"Alright class, we are halfway through the lesson. The potion needs five minutes to brew. Take a short break outside, get away from the fumes and use the bathroom if need be," says Professor Slughorn and Potter is the first to stomp outside.
I sigh at his poor behaviour following the girls outside.
"Ah there you are Ronald," Hermione says as Weasley turns the corner.
"Sorry I've been comforting my sister, she's been rather upset," he says glaring at Potter.
I roll my eyes, here we go. With how often I've heard Weasley agree with Potter when he's complained about his sister, surely he would understand that their relationship wasn't good for either of them. Anyone could see it.
"She left me Ron," Potter snaps, "so you can't blame me for anything."
"She said you didn't even try mate," Weasley says frowning.
"Try how? Ron. I wasn't happy with her. She wasn't happy with me. We are better off friends."
"Surely you can work it out," Weasley snaps.
"There is nothing to work out, it's over," Potter shrugs.
"She said she asked you to stay away from Malfoy and you completely refused, if that would have helped why didn't you listen," Weasley snaps glaring at me. How the fuck is it my fault, stupid She-Weasley.
"Yeah of course I did. She's not going to tell me who I can and can't be friends with, she wouldn't like that if I did it to her," Potter snaps angrily.
"But you aren't friends with him," Weasley snaps jabbing his finger at me, "all you do is fight. You hate the slimy git." I glare at him and scoff.
"Leave Draco alone Ron. It has nothing to do with him," Potter says rolling his eyes at his friend.
"Oh so it's Draco now is it?" Weasley says glaring at me.
"And what? I'll call him whatever I like. Hermione is friends with Parkinson and Zabini now and you don't care about that," Potter snaps.
That is a very fair point Potter, it is very strange for me to be agreeing with Potter so much.
"Harry is right Ron," Hermione says calmly placing her hand on her boyfriends arm, "this hasn't got anything to do with Malfoy it's just an excuse. Harry and Ginny were both unhappy in that relationship and deep down you know that."
Weasley huffs in annoyance glaring at me and storming off.
"Why's everything always my fault?" I snap crossing my arms.
"It isn't Draco," Potter says smiling sadly at me, "for once, it actually isn't."
I smile back rolling my eyes at him, "oh how nice of you, cheers Harry," I say sarcastically but using his first name. He chuckles to himself as we all head back into the classroom.

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