Chapter 25- The Black Sisters

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WARNING: Sexual assault

Dracos POV:

"This sounds like an awful game," I huff as George explains that we have to either tell the truth about something or do something that the others dared us to do. If not we have to drink, possibly the only good part of this game.
"No it's fun," George insists slipping some weak veritersirum into our drinks. "For example, Hermione who was your first crush?" George asks. She flushes pink, "David Bowie, he's a Muggle singer," she says quietly making Ron narrow his eyes. "Oi mine was you," he chuckles making her grin widely, "not Madame Rosmerta," she teases.
"Dean next," Hermione says pointing in an anti clockwise motion.
"Hmmmm, George muses as Ron smirks.
"Who do you think the most attractive girl at hogwarts is?" He asks and he smiles. "Ginny," he says confidently making her smile. I know he has to be telling the truth because of the potion but that doesn't mean that he has good eyesight. George grins widely at him seeming satisfied.
"Ginny is what's the biggest lie you've told?" Hermione says shifting to get comfortable in the chair.
She rolls her eyes thinking, "I don't know maybe when I used to tell the boys that mum asked them to do chores that she asked me to do," she laughs making Ron gasp in horror. "I always wondered why you had to do less," he says sulkily
"Ooo what to ask Draco Malfoy," George teases and I scoff. I am an open book. Obviously
"What is the best and worst date you've ever been on?"
"Best is easy, my first date with Harry. Then again they just get better each time," harry smiles smugly kissing my lips quickly,
"Worst, there's been a few bad ones. Most probably when this stupid Dutch royal threw a ball to meet me. It was so boring and uncomfortable," I laugh as the others stare on in shock. Harry just grins at me smugly wiggling his eyebrows about being the best.
"Yeah why have a Dutch royal when you can have the chosen one?" He says cockily getting a scoff from Ron.
"Harry similar question, best and worst kiss," Hermione says giggling to Ron.
"Worst is easy," Harry chuckles, "the one when Cho was crying."
"I'd cry if I had to kiss you too mate," George laughs and Harry tuts rolling his eyes.
"Best kiss is harder. It's definitely Draco. Probably the first time we kissed."
"Really?" Hermione giggles, "the one where you picked him up and pushed him against the wall out of nowhere."
"Oi I told you and Pansy that in confidence Granger," I say rolling my eyes.
Harry raises his eyebrow but doesn't comment further.
"Why?" I ask him and he smirks, "that sounds like a different question you'll have to wait."
I huff ignoring the other questions till it gets back to Harry and me.
"Sooo Draco what's the worst thing you've ever done?" Dean asks getting a glare from Harry.
"Tried to crucio Harry, I guess," I say casually making Harry chuckle.
"I was being a dick so I don't blame you princess," he laughs kissing my cheek.
"Why was that your best kiss?" I ask Harry before someone else can ask him something.
He grins at me, "because you kissed me back. I was nervous you didn't like me and then you kissed me back. Also I had the shocking realisation that I probably should have been dating men my whole life," he jokes making me smile.
"What made you realise?" Hermione asks curiously,
He doesn't tell her it's another question he just smiles.
"The feel of Draco I guess, taller and strong. His stubble rubbing on my face, wide shoulders, flat chest. The more obvious things pressing into me," he says cheekily wiggling his eyebrows and making me scoff.
Ron groans loudly, "I don't want to hear about your bloody knobs."
His brother and Dean laugh but she Weasley glares at me like it's my fault she doesn't have Harry anymore.
"Is there any weird competition, like about who's bigger?" George asks looking genuinely curious. I suppose they haven't met gay people before and it's nicer for them to be interested then rude about it but it is still uncomfortable.
"No! who would complain about their partner having a big dick," Harry laughs, "most people want that."
I roll my eyes at Ron's disgusted face but George looks thoughtful like he is interested to find out more.
"So who does all the work? The smaller guy?" Dean asks getting a hard slap on his arm from his girlfriend.
"No, well I mean I don't know, everyone is different. Most people like variety. Whatever you are in the mood for at the time," Harry says with a shrug looking slightly disturbed at their interest.
I laugh rolling my eyes.
"And most of the time you are in the mood for being a pillow princess," I tease making him smirk. I would never talk like this around my family but the Weasleys seem much more relaxed, especially George.
"Like your complaining," he flirts and I grin. I definitely don't mind either way but it is nice to take care and of Harry sometimes.
"Ughhh Horrible Harry," Ron grumbles and he laughs shrugging.
"Hey you guys asked."
"Sorry we don't mean to be rude. We are just curious," George says and I smile.
"It's fine," I say as he grins back at me.
"How do you know you are gay Draco? If you've only ever been with men," Ron asks and I roll my eyes.
"You've only been with women Ron. How do you know you are straight maybe you need to try a little bit of cock first," I tease and he frowns.
"Okay fair point," he laughs.
"Do you think you are gay Harry or bisexual?" Dean asks and Harry smiles. This has become just ask Harry and Draco questions while under the influence.
"I'm gay, I just needed to realise it. I can't imagine myself with a woman ever again. But then again I can only picture myself with Draco. No offence to Ginny and Cho but I never really imagined a future but I can't really imagine a future without Draco."
I smirk smugly at him and he rolls his eyes.
"That's so beautiful," Hermione sniffs making Ron laugh.
Ginny scoffs but George coos at us.
"You guys really are sweet together," Hermione says taking my hand and squeezing it.
She-Weasley rolls her eyes glaring at the floor and refusing to look at me.
"Hello dears," Mrs Weasley says enthusiastically rushing in still in muddy walking boots, her husband waved his wand to clean up the mess following closely after.
"How were the Lovegood's mum?" Ron asks and she smiles.
"Just wonderful, here have a dirigible plum, Xenophilius said they are lovely at winter," she says pulling a basket out from under her coat.
I eye them wearily as I would anything from the lovegood household as Mrs Weasley places them on the table. The others take one biting into it happily.
"You'll like it Dray," Harry says and I roll my eyes as he pushes it towards me.
"I'm sitting in Ronald Weasleys house with Granger and my boyfriend Harry Potter, I think my ability to except the extraordinary is strong enough," I sass him making them laugh.
"I think we are all surprised mate," Ron laughs reaching for another plum.
"But grateful that this is the way forwards," George adds and I grin at him. He is the one person I thought would never accept me but he was one of the first. It's very helpful.
"I'm just surprised that I finally realised I was attracted to you," Harry laughs.
"Ah well you were so young at the time I forgive you for not being aware," I laugh and Mrs Weasley eyes us curiously.
"How young Harry dear?" She asks and he shrugs.
"13 ish- third year, but i was attracted much more by forth year, especially at the World Cup."
I smirk at him knowing he loves me in a suit.
"Oh you mean when he insulted Hermione and sneered at us all," she Weasley snaps.
"Actually warned Hermione of danger," I shrug "and I always sneered at Harry, he pushed me to it."
"Because that's what I liked," he says grinning at me.
"Perhaps your snarky ways have always turned me on," he whispers to me and I feel my face heat up.
"It is interesting to look back on and see how you were both so obviously flirting. I mean don't get me wrong in the absolute worst possible way," Ron laughs as She-Weasley storms out of the room.
Harry just shrugs at me kissing my temple.
Harry dear, would you mind getting some drinks from the outhouse. Ron could you set the table and George help with the food," Mrs Weasley asks clearly not willing to give Hermione, Dean and me a job as we aren't considered her children.
"Of course," Harry says as Ron and George groan.
Harry kisses my head when he stands up and Hermione shifts closer to me pulling out a potion book to show me.

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