Chapter 20- Train Ride

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"Harry's POV:
"Oooo walk of shame," Ron laughs as Draco and I come into the common room around lunch.
"Hardly, staying in a hotel with my boyfriend and then going for a nice breakfast," I say rolling my eyes at him and sitting next to Draco on the sofa.
Draco stretches out, his head in my lap and his nose in a potion book.
I watch closely as his long slender fingers turn the pages delicately and I can't help but think about how those fingers were touching every part of me only a few hours ago.
He really is mesmerising. I'm glad we waited a few weeks before being together properly. It was definitely worth the wait. He is completely amazing.
I stare at his dark eyelashes, fanned out across his cheeks as his eyes flicker reading his book.
"Staring loudly again Potter," he teases kicking off his boots and flexing his feet.
"How can I not?" I say running my fingers through his silky hair.
I cast a warming charm over his feet, knowing that they will be cold as usual, not that I minded his cold feet wrapped up with mine all night long.
"Thank you," he says looking up at me.
I bend down into my lap kissing his forehead and then his sharp cheekbones.
"You read your book, handsome," I say still with one hand in his hair.
I slip the other hand into the top of his shirt resting it on his toned chest. His body looks very toned but his pale skin is soft and smooth to the touch.
I didn't think a person could be paler but seeing the parts of him that don't normally get exposed to the sun I realised it was possible. Especially his surprisingly pert arse and strong thighs.
"I don't think you need to be a legilimens, to know what Harry's thinking about with that vacant, wide eyed expression on his face," Ron says teasingly and Hermione laughs putting down her book.
"Not that I'm asking for details boys, but did you enjoy your first night alone together?" She asks and I nod.
"You wouldn't be getting any details even if you asked," Draco laughs flicking the page over.
"All I'm going to say is I'm definitely gay," I say making Ron laugh rolling his eyes.
"Congrats mate, you are officially the last person to realise that," he says sniggering.
"Seriously, I thought I had had sex before but I don't think I have. Draco is just eye opening, mind blowing," I whisper making Ron groan loudly and Hermione giggle.
"Hmm that's sounding a little too close to details Mr Potter," Draco says teasingly putting is book on the chair and sitting up beside me, a pink blush on his face.
"Sorry Draco," I say and he smiles patting my thigh.
"Not that I don't appreciate a complement," he says putting his feet on the coffee table.
"How was it with Ginny after we left?" I ask and Draco rolls his eyes crossing his arms across his chest.
"Mum had a moan at her, said she shouldn't voice her opinions if they are hurtful. I'm sorry if it's made you uncomfortable mate."
I sigh wrapping my arm around my sulking boyfriend.
"I thought we were getting on now she's with Dean," I sigh making Ron shrug. "I just think I need to stay at mine for Christmas. I don't feel comfortable being around Gin without Draco to calm me down."
"Ahh mate really, but it's Christmas, you can't be alone," Ron says and Hermione nods in agreement.
"Well I can still come to you guys for Christmas Day but I don't think I should stay for the whole 2 weeks.
And Draco can come and stay with me before he going to France."
"If I go to France, things have cooled down with father and the ministry. He may come to the manor." Draco shrugs.
"Ah well Christmas alone is better than Christmas with Lucius Malfoy," Ron laughs and Draco glares at him.
"You can meet them if you like," Draco says and I smile.
"Mother seems eager to speak to you."
"Bet Lucius is absolutely fuming. Maybe I should meet them the first day you see them incase he is annoyed," I suggest and Draco nods.
"Well I think they may be arriving 2 days into the holiday so stay with me till then," he says and I nod.
"Ooo he has got you whipped," Ron laughs.
"You say that like you aren't in the exact same situation with Hermione," Draco drawls not looking up from his book.

————Going home for Christmas ———

Harry's POV:
"Come on Draco," I shout up the stairs from the common room.
"Merlin he is worse then a girl," Ron groans, "I thought shacking up with a man would have some benefits. At this rate we will miss the train."
"Oh it has many benefits," I smirk winking at Ron and making him groan in annoyance.
"Merlin I told you all that I would be 5 minutes," Draco says coming down the stairs wrapped in a thick cloak his cases floating behind him.
"That was 35 minutes ago though," Hermione quips pulling on her gloves.
"Well I had to find the right cloak for these boots," he huffs and I roll my eyes.
"Of course he did," Pansy quips and her fiancé sniggers.
"You look amazing. Now let's go and get on the train." I say taking his hand and following the others down to the train.
We reach the train on time despite having to trudge through snow.
"There is only space in a compartment with Ginny, Dean and Neville in," Hermione says and I sigh giving Draco an apologetic look. They pile in filling up the cabin leaving only one seat free.
"Looks like there isn't enough room," Ginny says glaring at Draco.
"I don't think so," I say as politely as I can sitting down and pulling Draco onto my lap.
He shifts to get comfortable sitting sideways in my lap and leaning back on the wall of the cabin.
I wrap my arms around his waist as he pulls a book out for his jacket starting to read.
"Merlin, you are worse than Hermione, always got your nose in a book," Ron laughs and Hermione glares at him.
"Just because Draco and I like to expand our knowledge. You and Harry should probably start doing the same," she snaps.
"Oi what did I do. I read a lot of Draco's books actually," I say and Draco laughs.
"You mean you read them over my shoulder before getting fed up with not having my full attention and taking them out of my hands," Draco quips not looking up.
"Cheeky git," I say kissing his cheek, "I'm sorry but what is more interesting 'how and where to source the ingredients for lesion causing garrotting gas,' or your boyfriend?" I say reading from the page in his book.
"Hmm i suppose it depends on my mood," he says teasingly making Pansy laugh.
"Do you ever read about something nice?" Ron says and Blaise shakes his head.
"Nice is boring," Draco drawls and I roll my eyes.
"Harry is nice," Hermione says defensively and Draco looks at her from over his book his eyebrow raised.
"Is he now, I got a rather different impression," he says winking at her suggestively.
"Ha you just know that they jinx each other in bed," Blaise says making Dean and Neville laugh, Ron covers his ears glaring at us.
"I didn't say it," Draco says cheekily closing his book and smirking up at me.
I roll my eyes at his smug expression running my hand though his hair.
"You look so gorgeous when you look smug," I say and he scoffs.
"He always looks smug," Ginny snaps and I roll my eyes.
"Exactly," I say tenderly making him blush.
"Disgusting," Ron huffs.
"Oi it's not disgusting. I wish Blaise was as obsessed with me as Harry is with Draco," Pansy says and Blaise looks offended.
"Oh but Harry has always been obsessed. 'I wonder what Malfoy is up to? I need to check my map to find Malfoy," Ron says in a tone mocking me.
"I can't think about quidditch right now, I'm too busy trying to find Malfoy," Hermione teases dramatically.
"Yeah yeah, shut it you two," I say as Draco smirks looking more smug than ever.
"Oh the hold I have over you," he smirks putting his head on my shoulder.
"Oh you can talk Draco," Blaise laughs.
"All you could talk about what 'perfect Potter, stupid Potter and his stupid scar and his perfect green eyes' it was sickening," Blaise laughs.
"Don't forget about 'boy wonder and his quidditch swept hair. The stupid golden boy and his seekers body," Pansy says and I laugh.
"Oh really," I say teasingly eyeing Draco.
"Oh be quiet Potter," he snaps burying his face into my neck.
"If you two had got over yourselves sooner you would have been together since like third year," Dean laughs and I smile nodding in agreement.
"So you going to be staying at the manor?" Pansy asks me and I nod.
"Just until Draco's parents get there, so I can meet them."
"Ooo and they are going to know that you've been sleeping alone in the house with their darling boy," Pansy teases.
"Are they going to be annoyed at that?" I ask and Draco laughs.
"They aren't from the dark ages, and I seriously doubt they are going to be concerned about me getting you pregnant before marriage," Draco scoffs and I roll my eyes.
"More chance of Harry getting you pregnant," Blaise sniggers and Draco glares at him still clinging onto my neck.
"Are you comfortable there Draco? And Harry not crushed. I can sit on Blaise for a bit if you'd like," Pansy says.
"That's sweet Pansy, but I'm perfectly comfortable, Draco is very light," I say and Draco smiles.
"This is more comfortable than the chair," Draco says leaning into my arms.
"Great because Pansy weighs a tonne," Blaise says and his fiancé smacks his arm.

The train ride passes fast as I watch Draco dosing peacefully in my arms. I wake him just before we reach King's Cross and we apparate together to his house after hugging the others goodbye.

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