Chapter 22 - Posh boy Malfoy

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Just a warning- this chapter contains some sexual content, inappropriate for some readers. It's not that bad though.

Harry's POV:
I wake up to the sun shining in through the opening in the dark green velvet curtains in Draco's bedroom.
It has been okay staying with him these past few days. Narcissa is very friendly and she seems to be making an effort to get to know me. Lucius however is rather unwelcoming, I think he looks at me like he wants to kill me more than ever. Narcissa insists it's only because he is protective of Draco but I seriously doubt it's just that. It's not like he's done a good job of protecting Draco in the past. But now I am here I know that I am going to always protect him even if I haven't always been the best at that either.
I grab my glasses from the bedside table and rub my eyes before putting them on and sitting up in Draco's king size bed. The sunlight hitting his pale skin and fair hair makes him appear to be glowing. His house is much warmer than the castle. Exactly how he likes it. He is laying on his side the silky sheets cover one leg and the bottom of his torso. One of his long pale legs rests outside of the sheets. His toned leg and bare bum dusted in faint blonde hair. I am always amazed at how long those legs are and how pale and smooth his skin is.
I run my hand down his back and he shifts closer into my touch. He is so beautiful. He turns in his sleep to face me, the sheets falling off of him completely. If someone had told me a year ago that I would be waking up next to a naked Draco Malfoy, in the Malfoy manor, only 5 doors away from his parents room I would have thought they had been hit in the head by a bludger. But now it really is one of the best parts of my day.
I pull the sheet over him up to his chest and wrap my arms around him pulling him to me.
He groans in his sleep before nestling his head on my bare chest and tangling his legs with mine. I kiss his forehead as he wraps his arm around me and squeezes my shoulder.
"Morning," he says, his voice slightly deeper in the morning.
"Good morning sexy," I say running my hand up and down his spine before cupping his little arse.
"You don't think mother and father heard us last night?" He giggles kissing my chest and I roll my eyes.
"You questioning the strength of my silencing charms?" I say teasingly and he just laughs.
"Or maybe you are just mocking how loud I was?"
"Well it wasn't just you Mr Potter," he says cheekily sitting up more and kissing my cheek.
"Who cares if they hear," I joke, "perhaps it will give Lucius some comfort to know that I obviously know how to look after his son." I wink at Draco and he just rolls his eyes.
"Oh yes I'm sure it won't traumatise him at all," he giggles.
"It's nice to see them, but I do wish they had come later. Then we could have stayed snuggled up naked in bed all day."
"Ha, you'd he be itching to get out of bed and do something after a few hours," I say and he shrugs.
"Or do something in bed," he says winking at me and swinging his leg over to straddle me.
"Perhaps mother is right. Perhaps we should put a bed in the dungeon," he teases, sitting up and running a hand through his long blonde hair, the sun hitting his face and chest.
"Ooo but keep the shackles?" I tease back and he smirks nodding.
"Of course, maybe get some new, more comfortable ones though," he says thoughtfully.
"Oh no, it sounds like you are seriously considering this. Who knew that posh boy Draco Malfoy was kinky?" I tease and he rolls his eyes.
"Says the man who gets a boner every time I jinx him," he teases.
"Of course. I've always liked you feisty," I admit wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him on top of me. I kiss him passionately not caring that neither of us have brushed our teeth yet, he doesn't seem to mind either.
I grab his thighs pulling his legs up higher to my waist and lifting my hips up to create friction between us. He gasps his hand traveling down my chest, lower and lower his lips not leaving mine.
His other hand reaches for my hands, and despite being much stronger than him, I let him pin them above my head.
"Draco darling? Harry are you boys still sleeping?" Narcissa's voice comes from behind the door followed by a loud knock.
Draco jumps up looking panicked and I have to bite my hand to stop myself from laughing.
"We are awake mother," he calls as the door handle rattles. He squeaks jumping into bed next to me and pulling the sheets over us both. I can't help but snigger at the tents created in the duvet by us both and he glares at me shifting the sheets to cover us properly.
"Mother that doesn't mean come in," he snaps angrily shifting closer to me.
"Really boys still in bed at this hour. I am sorry Draco, but I assumed you would both be dressed, as you both promised to come to Diagon ally with me today," she tuts.
She goes over to Draco's wardrobe pulling out a pair of pants, socks, trousers and a shirt.
"Honestly, men. So easily distracted from plans. You really do only think about one thing," she laughs teasingly.
"Mother, you come barging in here and now you are criticising us?" He snaps.
"I'm not criticising darling, we were all young and in love once. Go on get ready then, both of you," she laughs.
"I will when you leave," he huffs angrily.
She looks at his bare torso giving him a knowing look and giggles to herself, "it's a good job your father didn't come in then isn't it Draco?" she teases.
I can't help but snigger and Draco kicks me under the covers.
"Well I'm glad you get my sense of humour Harry, you can hurry Draco along. He takes forever to get ready," she says smiling warmly at me before leaving the room.
"She wasn't annoyed Draco," I say kissing his temple.
"She doesn't get annoyed at me," he shrugs. "It makes it much more difficult for me to be annoyed at her, even when she embarrasses me by coming in here when I'm naked. Naked in bed with another man."
"It's not like she expects you to be wearing a chastity belt," I laugh, moving to be on top of him this time, "maybe your father does though."
I wave my hand creating a large bolt on the door.
"Much better," I say kissing his neck and making him roll his eyes.
"How quickly do you think you can get ready?" I say flirtatiously getting a raised eyebrow.
"My my Mr Potter. You really do only think about one thing," he teases, wrapping his arms around my neck and crashing our lips together.


I wait on the end of the bed wearing blue jeans and a hoodie while Draco stands in front of the mirror in his on-suite running product through his hair with his fingers.
"Come on Dray, you look sexy, now let's go," I huff falling back onto his bed. I don't see it but I can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
"You always think I look sexy so that hardly counts," he says sassily.
"Oh yeah? And who else are you trying to look sexy for then?" I say sitting up and narrowing my eyes at him.
"The rest of the world, dear," he says heading out of the bathroom as he puts several rings on his long fingers. I huff again making him smirk.
"What, don't like the thought that other people want me?" He teases batting his long eyelashes.
"No," I snap crossing my arms across my chest.
"Shame because I'm extremely desirable," he teases wrapping his cloak around his shoulders.
"Well they can desire all they want, but if anyone so much as lays a finger on you, I'll fucking cut it off," I say angrily getting a satisfied smirk from Draco.
"Oh I do hope that doesn't apply to me dear," Narcissa says poking her head around the door.
"Mother I deserve some privacy in my own bloody house," he says through grit teeth, "you can't just barge in, what if I had been naked?"
"It's not anything I haven't seen before dragon," he laughs getting a glare.
"Well Harry is in here too, it could have been him," he snaps.
"Well I knew it would be you that wouldn't be ready dragon," she laughs holding out a hand to me.
I take it and she links her arm with mine pulling me out of the room and down the stairs, leaving Draco to catch up behind us.
"Thank you for agreeing to come to Diagon Alley with Draco and I," she says and I smile at her.
"Of course Mrs Malfoy, it's a pleasure. What are we shopping for?"
"Call me Narcissa. Just a present for my husband, perhaps some potion ingredients for Draco. What are you getting him for Christmas?"
I frown, this has been something I have been struggling with.
"I'm not to sure, I know what books he likes and clothes but that doesn't seem that special. I also know what type of jewellery he likes but I don't want it to come across as too forward."
"Nonsense dear, I think he would love that," she says smiling at me.
"I also think I'm going to get him some vegetarian cookbooks so we can cook together. He hasn't done much cooking but he's good at potions."
"How sweet," she coos as we enter a drawing room, Lucius sitting in the far corner with a French newspaper.
I greet him politely but he barely looks up.
"I'm surprised you haven't got yourself and my son splashed across the papers yet. You'd love that attention," he says rather rudely.
"Ah well there's always today," I say snarkily.
"You'd go public?" His mother says looking surprised.
"Well it's not my goal but I don't want to hide the person I'm going out with just because of some sad little reporter with a camera. As long as Draco doesn't mind, I don't."
"What don't I mind?" He says floating into the room his hair now tied back with a few silver clips.
"Being seen with me in public. I want to go out with you looking like you," I say firmly and he smirks.
"Brilliant, let them print what they like, it doesn't change a thing between us," he snaps.
"My thoughts exactly Princess," I say kissing his hand and getting another scoff from his father.

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