Chapter 26- Apology

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Dracos POV:

I wake up before Harry deciding to leave him to sleep. We had a hot shower together last night and then I cast warming charms on the bed while we lay together just chatting. I know Harry has had a very hard life and contrary to what I believed as a child he doesn't want the fame. Being with Harry these past few months have definitely shown me how hard it is for him. I get ready thinking about how nice it was for my mum and aunt to reconnect. Especially as it will mean Teddy can visit a lot more now, even if father isn't Andromeda's biggest fan.
I cast a tempus seeing that it's already 10am but, Harry was up late last night.
I decide to make him some breakfast myself, he would appreciate that gesture. Mother and father are out today visiting mothers friends in France, something I am grateful for as Ron, George and Hermione said they would visit today at 11.
I head to one of the smaller kitchen knowing the elves would be busy preparing tea and cakes for guests later and start to cook breakfast. Harry normally like's savoury breakfasts and I like sweet. I wave my wand to start chopping mushrooms and tomatoes as well as make a bread dough and make it rise quickly.
I fry some sausage's and bacon even though I don't eat it, I know he does.
I bake the bread with a flick of my wand and slice it,
before poaching some eggs.
"Hello??? Draco???" Grangers voice calls and i sigh, calling to let them know where I am.
"Sorry we are early Draco, we were worried about Harry," Hermione says followed by the gingers.
"Ooooo breakfast," Ron says reaching for a sausage and I slap his hand away and he goes to sit at the table with his brother and girlfriend.
"Harry's breakfast," I say and he sighs sadly.
"He's still asleep I think, I was going to wake him soon."
I heat up some beans and make him some tea before plating up his food.
"Drakey??," Harry's voice calls and I smile to myself.
"Why on earth are you in the kitchen?" He laughs presumably following the smell.
"I'm making you breakfast," I say proudly as he appears in the doorway in just his pants.
"Aww thank you sexy, that's so sweet," he coos heading over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, clearly not noticing the others.
"Meat as well, my little vegetarian," he teases and I roll my eyes.
"Just because I don't like bacon and sausages doesn't mean you don't," I laugh and he leans his hand on the counter smirking up at me.
"You like my sausage though," he flirts and I roll my eyes as Ron groans loudly.
"Oh Hi. you guys are here early. Or did I sleep in?" Harry says and I summon one of my bathrobes wrapping it around his body.
"You slept in lazy," I tease, putting his breakfast on a plate in front of him and rubbing his shoulders as he tucks in happily.
I summon an apple from the fruit bowl and take a bite.
"That's not exactly breakfast, is it Draco?" Harry scolds and I roll my eyes.
"I'm not hungry," I say honestly making Ron tut.
"I have never experienced that feeling," he laughs and I nod. It definitely seems that way, especially at dinner times. George nods in agreement, "he would have your hand off if you tried to reach for the last pork chop," Harry laughs nodding in agreement.
"We are sorry about what happened to you Harry," Hermione says sadly changing the tone of the conversation.
I clench my apple tighter and Harry waves a hand dismissively.
"You three do not need to apologise. You aren't to blame. Ginny will face the consequences," harry says.
"Not that she actually will. The ministry never do enough to punish the women that do this to you. And it is because you are man and these women think they can get away with it." I snap cleaning the dishes with a wave of my wand. The water splashing slightly at my frustration.
"What is the punishment?" Hermione asks.
"Small fine, community service, possibly put on a list," Harry says and Ron frowns. George look's conflicted perhaps at the mention of money, I know they have struggled in the past. It must be hard for them. She is their sister but that doesn't make her any less wrong.
"They should all get the kiss?" I snap angrily getting a glare from both George and Ron.
Harry sighs reaching up to take my hand placing it on his shoulder.
"It's over now, just try to forget, Draco. I know I'd be on a mission to Avada Kadavra everyone if it was the other way around so I'm a hypocrite but there's no point in letting anything get us down."
I nod in agreement as he stands up. He leans up to kiss me.
"Im going to get some clothes on," he laughs and I nod hoping he doesn't leave me with the others for too long.
"Look I know you are angry. We are angry too but she is our sister," Ron says quietly and I glare at him.
"And that makes it worse. Not better," I hiss trying to be quiet incase Harry is still in earshot.
"Maybe Harry expects some seedy old witch in the Leakey Cauldron to grab his arse against his will but not his own family." They both look pale and don't respond. I know I can sometimes be intimidating despite my weight. I am still very tall, magically powerful and adorned with a dark mark. Hermione nods in agreement with me and I am grateful, she normally helps they others see sense.
"Poor Harry, I can't imagine what it's like for him. Sure we all have some fame now but he's always had to put up with it. And the criticism and invasion of privacy that comes with it," Hermione says sadly.
I nod curtly in agreement still glaring at them as I direct us through to a drawing room.
We take a seat and I call an elf to get them drinks.
"I hope you didn't argue without me," Harry says now reentering the room in jeans and one of my shirts.
"Me? Draco Malfoy? Argue with Granger and the Weasleys. Never!" I say pretending to gasp and making Harry grin despite his eye roll.
"Don't you dare get cake on that shirt," I scold and he scoffs reaching for a cream slice.
"So you reported Ginny then?" George says awkwardly and Harry frowns nodding.
"Yes. I have to. I will not accept it even if she is family. Although if I'm honest with you it's starting to feel less and less like that," Harry sighs.
"I hope Dean is okay too," Hermione says with a sigh changing the topic. I'm grateful as George and Ron look annoyed.
"I always assumed that Thomas was with Finnigan," I say matter of factly making them all laugh.
"Well you aren't the first to say that," George says.
"I think Finnigan is disappointed it's not true to be honest," Hermione says sadly.
"They'd be good together," I say honestly, "perhaps I should speak to Finnigan."
"Oh no, I know that devious smirk. You shouldn't meddle in other people's businesses, Dray," Harry scolds but I just roll my eyes. There is nothing wrong with a bit of interference.
"I don't meddle, I orchestrate," I snap summoning my tea from the table.
"Well do not orchestrate other people's relationships."
I roll my eyes deciding it would make me very happy if another of Ginny Weasley's ex-boyfriends got into a relationship with a man.
"Merlin do you think he realises that he smirks quite so evilly," Ron groans, glaring at my face.
I narrow my eyes at him. I'm not even trying, I think bitterly.
"That is his plotting face, I remember it well from school," George laughs getting a glare.
"I don't know what you are all talking about. I don't plot," I snap, making extensive plans and gently encouraging them to play out is hardly plotting.
"Half sneer, half smirk, scrunched nose, chin up, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed, definitely you're plotting face Draco, you had that same expression for the entirety of 6th year," Hermione giggles.
"No wonder I couldn't figure out what you were up to. 100% of my energy was spent on making sure my dick didn't get hard when I saw that face," Harry teases vulgarly, winking at me. I know he does actually mean that somewhat.
"Euuugg disgusting, I thought you were just shit at spying," Ron groans making his brother laugh.
"Oh he was, loud shuffling footsteps even under the cloak and not to mention the heavy breathing," I laugh making Harry glare.
"What so the elaborate hair flicking, running your hands through it. Swooshing your robe and bending in tight trousers were all for me?" Harry laughs looking genuinely curious. I shrug.
"But you didn't know that I was attracted to you," Harry says frowning.
"Ah well I thought it might make you uncomfortable. And I am aware I'm confusing. Straight men often find themselves transfixed, must be my alluring, androgynous nature," I tease getting an eyebrow raise from my boyfriend.
"I wouldn't go that far mate," Ron laughs, "cocky and obnoxious nature more like."
I scoff but Hermione smiles widely at me. "I think you always look lovely Draco." Granger really isn't that bad. I wink at her and she flushes pink.
"You do look kind of like a girl in some outfits, a pointy girl but still," George teases.
"You should see the shoes I got him for Christmas," Harry says smirking at me as I wave my wand to summon them.
I show Hermione the black chunky heeled boot. Much higher than the ones I already owned and more shiny almost a dark green in some lights.
"WoW beautiful," she says taking the boot in her hand as I pull out the black, strappy, stiletto boot. They are much more feminine than anything I have worn before. Father nearly choked on his tongue when he saw them. He glared at Harry for hours. The heel is also thinner, something I'm not sure if I have clothes to go with or if they would be appropriate unless it was an extravagant event.
"You'll break your neck," George says his eyes widening and his brother nods in agreement.
"I have comfort charms put on them and balancing so that's very unlikely," harry says matter of factly making me smile. I do really like how they look on me despite being different to what I would normally choose, but the look on Harry's face when I put them on means they might be my new favourite item of clothing. He practically drooled all over himself even with my parents in the room. I have yet to wear them  when we are alone. I want to pair it with a good outfit. But I know even if I wear them with nothing Harry is going to be overjoyed, I think that was probably his plan. He is strangely obsessed with my legs, always kissing or touching them in some way, especially in bed. He gently squeezes the back of my leg and my bum as he passes me to sit at the table, as if he can read my mind.
"Do you have any plans for the rest of the holidays?" Hermione asks politely and Harry just shrugs.
"I said I would take him Wizard skiing in France but he refused," I say.
"I didn't even know there was a wizarding type," Harry shrugs, "Dudley went with his school once but I don't think he was any good."
"Well you will be good, you can fly well. It is similar to the Muggle sport and flying," I say honestly. He might take a while to get used to it and he will not be as good as I am given how I have grown up being shipped off away from my parents to learn. But he has the potential to be good."
"Can you do it?" Harry asks the Weasleys.
George laughs, "it's a richer pureblood sport to be honest mate. I'm used to de-gnoming for exercise."
"Well it can't hurt to try even just once," I say giving Harry a knowing look. I think he would enjoy it.
"You better not leave me stuck up a sodding mountain," Harry groans and I smile kissing his head. "As if I would," I laugh, smirking at him.
"Master Draco, a letter has arrived," a house elf says popping in and bowing deeply.
I frown at Harry's name on the front. Who even knows he is here.
I hand it to him and he rips it open, frowning as he reads.
"Ginny?" Weasley asks and he sighs handing me the letter.
It could be seen as an attempt at an apology but it's mostly a plea to revoke the report Harry made.
"If any letters with this magical signature arrive again, put them straight into the fire," I snap perhaps a little too harshly at Mod, the house elf nods and I thank him as he leaves.
"You should at least let her apologise," Weasley says taking the letter off of the table, "she really is sorry and she feels so guilty. She wanted to come today to apologise in person."
"Good, I hope she feels guilty and if she even steps one foot onto my property she won't be leaving it breathing," I snap feeling myself bubble over with anger. My neck feels hot and I can feel my nails of my clenched fist pressing into my hands.
Weasley looks like he might say something but he glances at my face and decides to keep quiet. Wise choice.
"Look let's just all forget about it," Harry says dismissively. "Why don't we go to Diagon ally, the pubs and coffee shops will be open over the holidays."
George seems to shrug in agreement and Hermione smiles. Ron agrees somewhat reluctantly.
I do think I'd like Harry to have restful day in but if it's what he wants.
We decide to aparate but only after I have summoned my cloak.

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