Maybe I Should Start From the End

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It's day time as Hope and Aaron awaken in a field, along with Alaric and Landon. There was also something burning in the field. "There's something I need to tell you. I just don't know how." Hope's voice over said. Aaron looked around confused. "So, to make you understand, maybe I should start from the end." Hope's voice over said. Aaron, Hope, Landon and Alaric get up from the ground then look around. "What happened?" Landon asked. "I don't know. But I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Alaric said. Hope and Aaron turn to them with a confused look on their faces. 'Where the hell are we and what happened?' Aaron thought.

Three Days ago ~ Salvatore Boarding School

It's late at night at the Salvatore School. "On second thought, I'll just start at the beginning." Hope's voice over said. Hope and Aaron prepare to leave following a distress call from Landon. "Aaron knew Landon needed us, and at the time, that's all we needed to know." Hope's voice over said. They sneak into Alaric's office and grab his car keys. But as they reached the front door, they get stopped by Alaric. "Going somewhere?" Alaric asked. Hope gasped and Aaron jumped. "Better questions, where the hell do you think you two are going with my keys and without telling me?" Alaric asked. "Um, you know, I just said some really harsh things to you yesterday, and so I just wanted to get you an oil change as a peace offering." Hope said.

"At 3:00 a.m.? Neither of you have a driver's
license. You both were gonna commit grand theft
auto, which is a felony. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin, and Hope... you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more. So tell me, why shouldn't I suspend the two of you this very second?" Alaric said. "Because my dad is one of the major donors for the school." Aaron said. Alaric sighed knowing he was right. "And then there's this." Aaron added on. He then holds up his bracelet of the distress signal that's making it glow. "And what is that?" Alaric asked.

"It's basically a supernatural compass." Aaron said. "Well, I hope it's pointing you to your room 'cause that's where the two of you are going." Alaric said. "We're going after Landon. If this thing is glowing, that means that he's in trouble." Aaron said. "Your not gonna talk him out of this. He's gonna go no matter what." Hope said. Aaron nodded. "Then we're going, and I'm driving." Alaric said. "Fine. But get changed first." Aaron said. Alaric raised his eyebrow. "What? You're not going dressed like that." Aaron said, gesturing to his clothing. "So either get changed or we're leaving without you." Aaron said. Alaric sighed. "Fine. Wait here." Alaric said. Aaron nodded and watched Alaric leave.

"How did you do that?" Hope asked. Aaron smiled and looked over at her. "It's a trick I made. If you annoy someone so much and embarrass them, they'll do anything you want just to make you shut up." Aaron said. Hope smiled and Aaron walked over to her. "Nice work." Hope said. "Why thank you." Aaron said. The two laughed quietly before looking into each other's eyes. It was then they realised how close they were standing to each other. Aaron's eyes unconsciously moved from her eyes to her lips and Hope's eyes did the same. They started to lean in and before they knew it, their was the smallest gap between them. They then heard footsteps and backed away from each other.

They both looked over and saw Alaric walking into the room. "Ready?" Alaric asked. "Yeah." Aaron and Hope both said. The three made it to Alaric's SUV and climbed in. Alaric started to car and drove away from the school.

Later ~ On The Road

The three had just entered Indiana. "Indiana. Crossroads of America. What's the capital?" Alaric asked. "We learned that in, like, eighth grade." Hope said. "Oh, good, then you should know it." Alaric said. "We didn't say we absorbed the information." Aaron said. "Yeah, well, you're not saying much of anything. Look, if you can't handle grade school geography... you're gonna flunk all your exams." Alaric said. "Guess I'm screwed then. Geography isn't my thing." Aaron said.

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