After the ceremony, Arthur told everyone to leave the room and only both of us are there, he smiled at me and I said, "What is it?" "It's nothing, I just love to see you here with me, and we can just be together." I smiled at him and sit in the bed, then, he sits beside me and said, "Is there something wrong?" I look at him and I said, "Arthur, have I ever told you that I have a child?" "A child? But, you said, you cannot get pregnant?" "Yes, I said that but things got complicated and I just recently found out about her. At first, I don't believe in it, but even the impossible can be possible, and like Eve and Adam, I have recently known about a man like me, he is also immortal and I never knew it before."
He looked at me still thinking about what I said, then he said, "Well, at least you knew about her now, right? Did you ever bond with her?" he asked, "I haven't." "Well, you should. How about me? Did you tell her about us?" I sighed and looked at him, "Not... yet, but they already know that I have lover." "Well, if that is the case, tell her. We can postpone our honeymoon for today so go tell your family first." "Are you sure?" I touched his face and he smiled, "Of course, I need to do some business work for my next project, as well." I smiled at him and hugged him, "Thank you and I love you." I left the room but outside I stop and just look at the door for a moment until I sigh.
While riding in the elevator, I saw Anton. "Hey, Anton." He smiled at me and said, "Hi Athena, what are you doing here? Are you checking in?" I smiled at him and said, "No, I just visit a friend?" "You mean, Mr. King?" I laugh at him, "Right, Mr. King, Arthur." Then, I stop talking and he notice that something is wrong so he asked me, "Is there something wrong, Athena?" I shake my head and said, "No, it's nothing, it's just a question that comes into my mind." "Maybe I can help? I can give you some good advice." I smiled at his words, "Advice? Really?" "Yes, why you don't believe me?" He said, I smirked at him and hug him.
He was surprised and I said, "Thank you for your kindness towards me. It's been a while since; I find some people like you. So, I decided to give you this." I give him an envelope and I continue, "Here, take this, I already, paid your debt to the bank and you can have your house back. I also, ask the Queen if your sister can be a scholar, she can study at whatever school she wants. To study here in England or outside the country, and lastly, I want you to be my daughter's personal assistant if that is alright with you?"
After giving him so much his face was totally in shock, he just looks at me and hugs me, "I... you, you don't need to do that Athena. I haven't really done something for you to give it to me." "But you deserve it, your loyalty to me means everything to me and I want you to take it." He smiled at me and shake my hand, "It would be my honor, your Highness." "Wait, you did?" "Why? You don't want me to?" I laugh at him, "No, you take it, you deserve it." I said, goodbye to him and left the elevator. Down the lobby, I saw the manager talking to a hotel clerk.
"George!" I called his name and he looked around. He smiled and excused himself to the hotel clerk, "Ms. Clark, what can I do for you?" I pull out the car key from my pocket. "Here, it's yours, I will give this to you as a gift and reward for being someone I can work with." He catches the key and sniffs as he was about to cry, "Don't cry, it doesn't suit you." I smiled at him and he wipe his tears, "Forgive me for being unprofessional but I am just so happy, and you can always count on me, Ms. Clark." "Well, that would be great. Anyways, I already need to go. Take care, George, and treat your guest, with respect at all times." I walk away and raise my hand waving it at him, I know he is looking and he smiled when the receptionist called him and I heard him scream. "Yes!"
In the parking lot, Theodore is waiting for me, "Your Highness, you are back, and congratulations on your marriage. But why are you here now? Shouldn't you spend your time with Mr. King?" I smiled at him and said, "Thank you Theodore, but Arthur, let me go for a while. He insisted that I spend time with my daughter, so is it alright, if you give me a ride?" He smiled and said, "It will be my pleasure, your Highness."
Inside the car, I look outside and roll down the window, "Is it alright, if I open it?" "It's fine your highness, but you shouldn't do it for a long time, you and your child might get sick." I smiled at him and I said, "Thank you so much Theodore for everything, but about my child... " I sadly said and bowed my head. Theodore, stop the car in the corner of the street and touch my hands, "Your Highness, don't think about it, for now, even if you survive or not, fight for your life, your happiness, your dream. You wanted to be normal again, and that is what you need to think about. Think for all the people you love, for your children, and for Mr. King." Theodore's words enlighten me, "Thank you, Theodore, for the kind words, you are right, now that I have a reason to live, I will make sure that I am alive." I close the window and Theodore starts the engine again.

Ficción GeneralAs the world move forward and life and death continues. I am one of the few people who lived by different names and places. I can be your friend, enemy, fugitive, protector, a daughter, or even a lover. But the thing is I don't grow old, I am living...